So I am looking at the idea of runnig 8 krox (4x2) with an ancient and then adding the coldone/vet. the idea is the vet will have crown of command and ward plus great weapon. I feel like on paper this isa good unit and can really beat down units. does anyone have any experience with this unit or a similar one?
sounds like a nice hammer, just be wary of mass shooting or big hordes. id most likely use that unit to crush a flank and sweep around. in theory thats where it would excel (most flanking units are geared towards harrasing or hitting flanks to try and disrupt ranks). let me know how it works out.
if you can spare the points and/or lord %, probably better taking an oldblood to maximize his ward save. would definetley be pretty sick unit with some buffs from life/light running! oh, probably a minor worry really, but remember by adding the cold one, your unit will be stupid.
Cool concept and decent idea. I'd use it as a flanker and keep it from running head on. Your unit is ASL so you don't want to deal with massed ranks of attacks before you strike.
The Biggest problem is that the Scarvet don´t get lookout sir and therefor can be sniped with cannonballs, spells, templates or almost any ranged weapon in game.
How about Cold One Cav? You can bring a standard bearer with the Gleaming Pennant to mitigate stupidity and the character gets a Look Out, Sir! roll. 8 Kroxigor (sans Ancient) and 11 Cav with full command and the Gleaming Pennant cost exactly the same.
now that is an idea I like, and I think the krox are a little better with that nice armor save and all. I did not end up running the unit as stated, actually dropped the krox all together for 2 stegs.