Tetlapaloliztli everybody!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Itzlco, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Itzlco
    Jungle Swarm

    Itzlco New Member

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    Niltze (Nahautl for "Hello") to you all!

    Coming all the way from Kent, England, I've been looking around this forum for the past few months or so and I've finally decided to join up amongst the ranks.

    My history with Warhammer Fantasy is one best described as hit and miss despite the fact that I've been in the GW hobby for 17+ years now. The company of players I usually find myself with is pretty much 40k Space Marines oriented so I rarely get any fantasy games under my belt, but hey each his/her own I suppose.
    I like to describe myself as an eclectic player/hobbyist, as I usually find myself being lured into new collection of miniatures at the drop of a hat. But I have decided to set my roots firmly with the Lizardmen and begin anew. (Key reason being that I seriously got into the hobby when they were first introduced into the game as a playable army, my that was so many moons ago now!)

    Anyway I'll spare you from further ramblings and I hope to slap shoulders with you all during my time here.

    Until next time, toittazqueh everyone! :D
  2. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    Nice introduction. It will be handy seeing the advice of a veteran player of 17 years.

    I generally have the same problem of finding opponents, as yet again everyone has a mind for 40k here. I like fantasy tenfold more on the grounds of it being a richer game, as well as requiring some tactical wit and cunning particularily when there are things your opponent won't know like what your lord might have on it.

    Anyhow, thansk for the decent intro, hopefully we will all benefit from one another.
  3. Itzlco
    Jungle Swarm

    Itzlco New Member

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    Thank you for the warm welcome ryan88!

    I cannot agree with you more on the points you mentioned about the diversity of Warhammer Fantasy to 40k. I enjoy the fact that different unit types manouvre very differently from one another, say in comparison to a block and file unit of Saurus Warriors to an ambush team of Skink Skirmishers, giving players a greater scope of gameplay tactics.

    Despite my years of experince in the hobby I confess I'm still wet behind the ears on some matters when it comes to playing. Still I'll be more than happy to throw in my oppinions on many topics, especially when it comes to modelling and painting! ;)

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