got a rock making kit from scene a rama is used to make mountain dioramas but thought I could use the molds to make plaster cliff rocks to have things like my coldones stand on. I thiiink they might have misprinted the instructions. 6 tablespoons of plaster to 2 table spoons of water. yeeeaaa.....I made cookie dough..... the mold is cool though wonder if there is anything else I can get to use fill it with. in fact here is the specific thing I got on a whim you can see the mold if you zoom in on the pic. the long ones fit decently on cav bases and most of the rocks fit well on 40mm. I could not think of a better way to get the kind of rocks I wanted lol. any other suggestions? maybe a company that makes resin cliff sides for basing? hah
Sooo waht was wring with the mixture, It sounds like it was rather think, Which is what they wanted you to do. I hope you poured/put it into the mold.
by the end of the mixing I ended up using like 4 tablespoons of plaster and like 7 table spoons of water to make it thin enough to pour into the mold. however this was the result.
yea but instead of 6 tablespoons plaster to 2 table spoons water my recipe was like 4 plaster to 7 water lol wonder if pushing green stuff into this would work