not being made for saurus....just grrrrr.... and for that matter could they have made them any harder to line up?!!!! I just went through ever saurus I have and none of them can sit next to my musician. is there a rule stating he has to be in the middle. because I have a couple saurus that cant be next to anyone
Your Musician, Standard Bearer and Champion, as well as any characters you put in the unit, have to go in the front rank. Nothing specifies where in the front rank they must be placed. You can put your musician to the side if you want. Where you place your musician doesn't have any game effect, anyhow. Personally, I've had no difficulty with lining up my Saurus. The tail fits pretty well between the next guy's legs.
ignore teh first part of the rant....while trying to get a better grip while sawing...I uh...flipped it over and saw teh 25mm lol
That's awesome. Don't worry about it though. We all make simple mistakes like that. I... more than most. --DF2K
Wait, was this before or after 0000? I personally find my funniest happenings after 0000! Glad you worked it out though.