This is a tentative list. C&C welcome. Slann Mage-Priest (BSB w/ +1 LD) -Lore of Life, Becalming Cogitation, Mystery, Rumination, Cupped Hands, Bane Head 20 x Temple Guard - Banner of Eternal Flame, Musician Scar-Vet - goes in unit of HW/S Saurus - Piranha Blade, Enchanted Shield, Light Armor Scar-Vet (General) - goes in unit of HW/S Saurus - Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield, Light Armor 20 x Saurus Warriors - HW/S, Standard, Musician 20 x Saurus Warriors - HW/S, Standard, Musician 24 x Saurus Warriors - Spears, Standard, Musician 24 x Saurus Warriors - Spears, Standard, Musician 12 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes 12 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes 12 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes 13 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes 2 x Salamander Hunting Pack 2 x Salamander Hunting Pack 7 x Chameleon Skinks 7 x Chameleon Skinks Should be 3000 on the nose. If I'm forgetting anything let me know.
The only problem I can see is that your Slann has to be your general, your Scar-Vet can't be. Unless the rules on generalship has changed since 7th....
If he's the BSB, he can't be the General. The +1 LD banner doesn't allow that unit to use my General's inspiring presence either. Basically, it just makes the unit of TG even more stubborn on LD 10, Cold Blooded with rerolls.
Slann Mage-Priest is the exception to the rule (Page 93 of the Lizardmen Army Book). It can be the Army's Battle Standard Bearer and it's general with Magic Items. The Banner of Discipline also allows other units to use Inspiring Presence (Even before they FAQ'd it).
I just played a Ard Boyz practice game on Sunday against Daemons of Chaos with a similar list, not exactly the same but pretty close and I got schooled. Here is my next list: Lord Kroak Tetto'eko Oxyotl Scar Vet BSB Saurus Warriors x25 Saurus Warriors x25 Saurus Warriors x25 Chameleon x8 Chameleon x8 Temple Guard x22 Salamander x1 Ancient Stegadon x1 This is a peliminary list and I am still working out magic items, banners, equipment and so forth so any advise would help. I just know that everything I have heard is if you are planning on playing in an Ard' Boyz tournament you need to "Bring the Pain!"
What this guy said. Kroak is like, 600 points of nothingness, and I don't really view Oxyotl as much better. Don't know about Tetto eko, but I don't like him either, has a pretty large pricetag for a T2 hero (Yes, Teclis is worse, but he can also bring massive pain )
Kroak own Undead but that's about it. Oxytol might get lucky and kill and character but nothing much more.
Having never played with any special characters before I thought it might be fun to try. Also I am not really worried about much else other than undead and daemons, that was really the only reason for bringing him. On a side note I also continually grenade all my Temple Guard with when Slann miscasts 2 and 3 times a game (so even with cupped hands it is not always safe). I thought it would be nice to not miscast (with my Slann) for once, and Kroak also makes the TG unbreakable so might go with a 30-35 rather than my normal 22. The reasons for the other special characters are: Tetto'eko – Heavens Lore Master, at the beginning of the game can redeploys 1d3 units, and he gets a round of casting where all spells are with irresistible force on any successful cast in which he rolls a double! That is not bad for 250 points. Oxyotl - he just adds some extra punch to a unit of chameleons. They are just there for wizard and war machine hunting. BS5, S4 and posion on 5+ is nothing to sneeze at. I will be play testing this list this weekend against a friends Ard' Boys Daemon list and will see how it goes. If Kroak sucks I will just replace him with dual Slanns using Lore of Shadow and Lore of Life. It is really no big deal, I don’t feel I have to win every game I play to have a good time.
I've never played with a special character before either, but since I think I'm going to surprise people with my unfinished Lizardmen Army for 'Ard Boyz, I was considering using Tetto'Eko in my army. Being able to redeploy a couple units can come in pretty handy in a cutthroat game, and re-rolling for Comet can be a huge advantage if you need it to go off or would rather it wait another round and build power. His cost is a bit high, but since I can't fit a second Slann in my list and keep the General (a Slann) equipped like I want, it's tempting. I may just give in and redesign my General though, since a second basic Slann with just Focused Rumination in a small TG unit can work so well. As for the Slann characters, it's hard for me to see Kroak or Mazdamundi performing better than a well-equipped normal Slann that costs 75-125 points less. Daemons remain a huge concern in an uncomped tournament, but I haven't seen many great VC or TK (or WE with their Forest Spirits) lists lately (that may change with the new TK book). I personally feel like I'm playing for a draw with my VC against top-tier opponents, especially lists like Lizardmen, HE, Empire and Dwarfs that can shut down my magic phase regularly. That's something I can't say about my Lizardmen, HE, WoC, DoC, Skaven and Empire lists, which while not unbeatable, do very well against those same opponents. VC just aren't anywhere near what they were in 7th, though they also aren't as bad off as some armies. One thing to remember is Kroak also has an extra point in T and 1 more wound in addition to his enhanced ward and -1 to hit modifier over other Slann (including Mazdamundi). Not that this justifies his single spell and point cost, but it's something to keep in mind. Oxyotl looks fun, but for his points, there's just too much other stuff you can take. That includes two good-sized units of Chameleons. Lizardmen have about the best anti-Teclis item out there already (the Blood Statuette of Spite... even better combined with Bane Head and Cupped Hands on another character... just make sure to draw out their anti-magic items including Teclis' nonsense scroll before using it), so I'm not sure his potential ability to assassinate earns him a spot in most lists (now if the Stalkers had the ability to gain the sniper rule too, that might be a different story).
This list is for a practice game on Sunday and the main reason I am taking all the special characters is to get a feel for how each one works and try to weight out the advantages and disadvantages of each. As for VC there are a couple players who are running VC lists with 3 and 4 casters all using Lore of Light and Speed of Light/Time Warp out huge horde units of Grave Guard backed up by the Corpse Cart , and a Black Coach. Not unbeatable but very tough.
TK book does not drop until May 7th, so we have at least another month of play before the WarSphinx with its T8, W5, 4xS5 attacks and its Thunder Crush attack takes the field. Have to figure out how to deal with that eventually.
After starting a High Elf army and reading their special characters I'm pretty pissed at how crappy ours are. Anyways thats another thread. To compete with the ridiculous blocks of chaos warriors that are going to be around I think the solution is salamanders and tons of them. I mean like cut off the legs on cold ones and bring 6+. Then you'll be bringing the pain. Dual Slann is a great idea as well, As it more scar vets. They are a fantastic value with the str and toughness. 2 per saruas unit even if it means dropping some saurus units. They block without heroes just don't stand up to elite units
Yeah, we really got stooged character wise. I love the idea for making sallies though, I mean, just saying, that is brilliant. Plus, we all wanted to violently butcher those models as soon as we saw them
If i wasn't busy this weekend, this is the list I'd be bringing probably: Lords:750 pts Slann(General)-BSB, Dispel, Rumination, Focus (Heavens), Becalming Slann- Rumination, Focus (Heavens) Heros:660 pts Tetto EoTG-Lvl 2, Plaque Core:750 pts 50 Saurus-Spears, Command 24 Skinks Special:240 pts 10 Chameleons 10 Chameleons Rare:600 pts 2 Sallies 2 Sallies 2 Sallies 2 Sallies Pretty decent list. Gives me a shot at 4 comets, plenty of sallies to thin small or big blocks of dudesmen, some chams to take out warmachines (you could split them to 4 5-men squads, personal preference) steggie to guard a flank and big block to hold the middle. using tettos ability, you can also reposition some sallies or the big block to give yourself a better match up. plus 2 slann, 1 thats nullifying their lvl 4
I've decided to use a different army for 'Ard Boyz this year (I just can't quite bring myself to take an unfinished one to a tournament, even if it is 'Ard Boyz), but here's the Lizardmen list I tested: Slann (General)- BSB (Std of Discipline), Focus (Light), Rumination, Becalming Cogitation, Cupped Hands, Bane Head Slann- Rumination, Lore of Life 30x Saurus- Mus, Std 30x Saurus- Mus, Std 30x Skinks- Mus, Std, 3x Krox 26x Temple Guard- FC, Blood Statuette of Spite (on RG), Flaming Banner 16x Temple Guard- Mus, Std 6x Chameleons 6x Chameleons 2x Salamander- +2 Handlers 2x Salamander- +1 Handler The list did very well against the Teclis lists I played for practice, but seems to be very dependent on its magic phases and suffered when I didn't roll well late game a couple turns in a row. Scenario 1 seemed to suit the Lizardmen very well, Scenario 2 was OK but made me wish I had a bigger block of Saurus against some of the hordes I saw fielded, and Scenario 3 was just too random (the lightning strike roll is devastating).
Anyone thought to run a slann , an Engine, and 2 or 3 stegadons along with 2 blocks of descent size saurus and a good size block of temple guard? Run the engine in front of or in back of the stegadon heard. With the slann and the 2 other blocks moving up behind the stegadons suppoerting the beasts with life and heavens. With flesh to stone and throne of vines up. You can get your engine toughness 10, or even giving the engine or stegadon regen 4+. While the Engine can also give you that burning alignment and buffing units with rerolls. It could be ugly if played right.