8th Ed. New ideas for Liz rules

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Raiderbas, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Posted this in the other thread...which really should be combined with this one, but until such time...

    Here's what I'd like to see and what would probably be considered reasonable:

    ALL Lizardman units get +1 to initiative when they charge.

    Temple Guard will have 2 handed weapons, strike last.

    Krox should be Toughness 5, or go back to the days when you couldn't hit them back in HtH when they are in the 2nd rank.

    Saurus and/or Temple Guard could get an armor upgrade option. Personally, I'd love that. (But see below for what I think they will lose in exchange)

    Allow Skink Priests to use Lore of Life in addition to Heavens. Heck, let them chose any Lore. Or give them their own Lore of Sotek...just please DO SOMETHING with them!

    Lower the points for Cold One Cavalry; perhaps introduce Skink light cav (like the skink raiders we had in Dogs of War).

    Skink will get their weapons at 1/2 price (like Skaven and Goblins)

    Bring back short bow Skinks, or allow Skink cohorts with javelins to volley fire.

    Improve the rules for the Razordon so it's worth taking (Roll artillery dice for hits perhaps).

    Throw in a skink Lord, just for color.

    Perhaps come up with a good reason to take a Scar Oldblood as General over a Slann?

    You can bet we will see a new HUGE model of some sort (I'd love it if it looked like Godzilla...), just because that seems to be the direction that GW is going in. A Brachiosaur with 3, or even 4D6 Thunderstomp would be perfectly fitting for our army.

    Some buff to Lizard swarms so that they are actually taken...perhaps giving them jungle poisons?

    Now the BAD NEWS, some things I think we are likely to lose or see change to our detriment, if and when we get a new edition:

    Blood Statuette of Spite - gone or costing 50 points, Slaamanders/Razordon no longer moving and shooting in the same turn (or costing more), Slann Ruminations will be nerfed, Terradon rock dropping nerfed (possibly), Saurus are unlikely to continue to have 2 attacks on their profile (sorry!)...but perhaps we will see Saurus with Halberds if the Temple Guard get 2 handed weapons to distinguish them?

    Also, likely some limitation on the number of units of skink skirmishers that you can take - most likely by moving these guys from Core to Special.

    This is my 2 cents, based on my having played Warhammer heavily since 1994 and known a few guys in the studio over the years...
  2. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    I like the idea of young saurus - makes perfect sense actually, and we need something around 8 points a model...M5, WS3, S4, T3, I3, A1, Ld7, scaly skin 6+, armed with Hand weapon or spears and shield. This goes along with my plan to give the regular Saurus halberds and the Temple Guard 2 handed weapons.

    As for skinks - don't jungle poisons already work on their hand weapons? Under the BRB that should be the case. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would be satisfied if we could just be +1 init when charging. Makes a heap of sense too.
  3. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    The rule "Poisoned Attacks" in the BRB applies to both close combat and shooting, but that's not what skinks have. They have the "Jungle Poisons" rule from the Lizardman Army Book which specifically only applies to shooting.
  4. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    That's annoying if true...I'm going to have to read that carefully when I get home today and have my rulebook on hand. Didn't realize there was a shortage of poison dart frogs in the jungle. Must be due to global climate change...
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Page 41 in the Lizardmen rulebook.
  6. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Yeah man, not doubting, just bumming. But hey, that's why we have this list, so little things like this can be idiot checked, right?

    So back to new rules that we need...I was thinking about this while sculpting my Chameleon conversions and looking at photos of actual chameleons and how their eyes can look in all directions and two different direction simultaneously, and it hit me - our chameleon skirmishers should still get the 360 degree line of sight rules! So shooting in all directions and no flanks or rear. Come on, let's start lobbying the studio today! :D
  7. Raiderbas

    Raiderbas New Member

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    Well, The idea of two handed weapons to TG doesn't suit me that well... They'll lose their nice look with halberd and shield. What about giving cavalry saurus fight with two weapons, cuz they'll keep balance with their claws as described somewhere in a story. Like the savage Orcs are having. I was also thinking about à sort of spiked turtle to be rushed into battle nu skinks just as fanatics and assassins.
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Lol, spiked turtle......rushed.......

    It would be cool to have something like that, but I do not know if a turtle would be appropriate. Some kind of serpent would work, or even better, hide a swarm within a unit of skinks (and skirmishers). That would make our opponents think twice about charging into a unit of cohorts or skirmishers.

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