Hey guys. I am completely new to this (good looking!) forum. So for starters! Hello! I'm 21 years old an I am from the Netherlands. I have been playing warhammer since I was 13. A friend of mine is quitting his (as good as new) LM army. I can take it over for a very, VERY generous price. So I am thinking of starting LM. Tho, as I am creating a FOREST Goblin (jungle themed) army, I want to do this army very quickly by using The Army Painter Dip (Strong Tone) and one of their Primers. Do you guys have any ideas for some (fast) and easy, but GOOD looking schemes for dipping? Have been googling for a while but hey, let's see if you guys can help me out a bit. Tips, ideas and pictures are much appreciated! Thanks, Gnarkill (p.s. will keep a blog ;-) )
I have used the mid tone. I tried actually dipping, but that put way too much 'dip' on the model. I started brushing on the dip so that there is less on there. I brushed it on over white primer with a drybrush of white. On some of my other models I did a two tone approach to the priming (white on their backs while black on the front of the models).
I have found that dipping the entire model WILL mean you have to pull a bit off afterwards. Nothing big, just use some old brush to get the excess off. It is a lot FASTER than if you painted the dip on to the model. Here's my product on my plog: