Hi folks! I have used a really old citadel color called "beaten copper" for both my lizardmen and TKs. It hasnt been available for years and its almost gone now. Does any one know of a color like it? it has a very reddish dark bronze color that i really like. Maybe some other company has a similar shade of bronze, and maybe some one knows about it It was fiendishly difficult to get a decent pic of what the color actually looks like, but these two gives a decent idea. http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y246/stormoffe/Saurusbeatencopper.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y246/stormoffe/TKbeatencopper.jpg ps. bah, stupid rules not allowing me to put pictures in posts
I found this site just a few days ago. The color you are looking for is further down on the list. Good luck http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Paint_Range_Compatibility_Chart