8th Ed. 2400 Lizardmen vs Dwarfs

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Puhnupetteri, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Puhnupetteri

    Puhnupetteri New Member

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    Hello there! This is my first battle report post.

    Yesterday had a pitched battle with my brother for 2400 pts Dwarf againts Lizardmen

    My armylist looked like this
    455 SMP (Rumination, Mystery, Cogitation) Earthning Rod, BSB /w War Banner Lore of LIFE
    130 SV Light armor, enchanted shield, HW
    390 SP , EOTG lvl 2 mage (Signature spell + Chain lightning)
    360 SW (HW, Shield, FCG)
    330 SW (Spear, Shield FCG)
    60 Skink's
    84 Chameleont skinks
    72 Chameleont skinks
    355 TG, FCG
    80 SHP
    80 SHP

    My brother played with 2 Block of 30 GW longbeard dwarfs another team had runelord, 30 Ironbreaker with BSB, 1 Cannon, 2 Organgun, 1 Grudge thrower, And 20 Scout rangers with GW, and he had Dragon Slayer protecting Warmachines

    Grudgethrower -- Slayer
    Cannon, organgun, GW30/wGeneral, Ironbreaker,GW30, Organgun ------- < CS

    Sally, 30SW,TG,Stegadon, 24 Spear, Sally, 11 Sink, ---- < Dwarf Scouts

    So my brother gets to start first turn of combat
    #1 dwarf ownage
    Organgun's destroyed both CS teams, Grudgethrower killed salamander and 4 handler at leftside, and cannon shot down the stegadon to 1 wound left and all crew died.
    At this point battle seemed lost :p

    #1 lizardmen
    30SW team, march forward with TG, Spear unit moves to face Scouts coming from right side. Ill move my 11 skink forward towards the organgun. Salamander pivot's to face dwarf scouts and when it was about to shoot. It decided to eat 3 skinks lefting 1 alive. With lore of life i healed 3 wound from stegadon. Taking wounds up to 4. but crew is still dead. Ill get 4+ toughness to SW team with 30 SW. and Throne of vines and that 4+ regeneration for TG and slann.

    Dwarf continued to shoot at stegadon with GT . Luckily the shot missed. Cannon and 2 organ gun tried to blast 30 SW unit. Combined might of 3 Warmachine brought my SW team to miserable 14 SW + SV, Dwarf scout failed to charge on salamander (Luckily
    14SW and TG unit moved forward to closer IB and two GW team. Spear SW unit charged on Longbeard GW scouts... Killing 4. They suffered 3 loss. and the battle was draw with both sides holding on. Stegadon, skinks and salamander moved forward towards the enemy. Slann managed to make 1 spell. Dweller on the left side GW reducing 15 GW from 30 man team :)
    #3 Dwarf started turn hitting Stegadon again. It left 1 wound again. Lizard SW spear team defeated Scout team and paniced em and cathed em.14 GW team attacked to 14 SW team. 2 SW lost 6 GW lost. GW:s holded still
    #3 Stegadon attacked dragonslayer. Killed it easily :) Lot of TG died
    #4 Stegadon died by organ gun fight between SW and GW still continued. TG:s chaised GW that was on to em and killed em and run in to IB team.
    #4 Skink attacked organgun. Killed 1 crew member.SPear SW still marched forward back to fight. TG suffered heavy losses. Slann failed to get more than 3 PD. He didint manage to cast anything
    #5 GW team that was againts 8 man SW team finally losed. Their general got killed. TG suffered heavy losses. SW team killed lot of GW dwarf. Spear SW still marched towards fight
    #5 TG suffered again heavy losses Salamander charged alone to Grudge thrower, it killed 1 crew member Spear SW still marched towards fight. Skink killed 1 crew member . Slann failed to get more than 4 DP. He failed to cast anything. GW and SW team killed literally each others.. My SV and his general was only ones left.
    #6 Final TG was killed and slann paniced Throwing 12 inches away from unit. Dwarf followed 9. Skink finally killed organgun crew, last salamander died. Scarveteran killed enemy general.
    #6 I rallied slann. Spearmens failed to charge. Skinks charged on ironbreaker flank. 2 IB casualty 0 skink. :). ScarVet attacked orgungun and managed to kill 1 crew
    RESULT: DRAW ;)! I had left : 1 Slann, Scar vet, Spear unit. Unit of skinks. Enemy had Cannon, GT, Organgun, and IB team... Clear DRAW and tight one PHEW i tought i was going to lose it because of bad start, bad magic, bad luck with hitting, bad luck with stegadon.

    What i learned. Ancient stegadon is damn expensive to take on battlefield. Avoid taking it. If you lose its its 300-400 points to enemy. >.< Also CS could be deploed away from organguns
  2. Josh Ichimaru
    Cold One

    Josh Ichimaru Member

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    you have to many points under lods/hero's this list is not legal.
    -you should take a stegadon its just unluky that it got owned by a cannon. (did you randomize shots for the stegadon?)
    -Wehn your slamander dies the pack dies with him (imagine he explodes engulfing into his flames burning the crew)
  3. Puhnupetteri

    Puhnupetteri New Member

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    According to battlescribe i have it is legal. And as i posted my army on armylist side and calculated myself it is legal. SMP 455, Scarvet 130, Skink Priest 380. You must have mixed this up from some old rules?

    As total legal of hero choises you can have 600 pts in 2400 army. So 380 SP + SV 130 = 510 Pts.
    Slann 455 in Lord choise where is 600 limit too. = Legal

    From now on i will take stegadon without any character. Either babysteg or Ancient stegadon. The added amount of character + stegadon is just too much to be lost. And as u shoot with cannon to stegadon whole model gets hit. Priest on top gets LOS but other than that you roll them all straight does it wound (1 being not wounded so there is only 1/6 change not to die.. no armor saves allowed againts str 10) After that player who owns cannon roll's how many wounds come.. D6 ...

    Rules clearly state that when shooting with cannon to unit like stegadon the whole model is hit (Ridden Monster). So everyone aboard takes hit and after that it takes S/T throw (1 fails to wound) And after that Ward save and if that is failed u roll how many wounds u get by D6

    So short:
    Cannon hit on stegadon is template hit. Template hit = Hit everyone in unit

    Yes. It did
  4. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    Dont post points value.
  5. Puhnupetteri

    Puhnupetteri New Member

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    Rammramm these forums have rule that you are not allowed to post INVIDUAL Point values. It means that you dont post like "1 saurus warrior 69 points with spear + 5 points + banner 666 points)... it states you are allowed to post TOTAL points from unit (360 SW) Like i did.

    The point of rule is to keep posts simply and clear. Every poster in these forum should be equipped with common sense. IF you state you have 60 point of skink every poster are cabable to conclude how big the team is.

    Ofc you can inform in battle report that what kind of armys are up againts each other posting with no information from either of teams make no sense.

  6. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    No he dosen't, its 25% Lords and 25% Heroes, not 25% Lords & Heroes.
  7. Josh Ichimaru
    Cold One

    Josh Ichimaru Member

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    I havent actually read the list building rules but im guessing, my hoby store make it 25% total to advoid poeple making broken lists. my bad sorry
  8. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    No need to be sorry it is a very common mistake.
    You might want to bring this to the attention of your group at the store, they might just not know too.
    Also anyone spending 50% on characters isn't cheesing, he's putting to many eggs in too few baskets.
  9. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Aside from the rules which I'll let others sort out.

    Nice battle. I just played an empire game and yeah the losses from the first volleys of cannons can be devasting. All us poor saurus can do is march forward at 8 every round and hope we have troops left to get there.

    With terrible magic and inital losses just goes to show Lizardman rock pretty well.

    As for the character on a steg I agree, makes it way to juicy of a target. Hiding the skink priest is generally pretty easy and getting him line of sight isn't to bad.
  10. Puhnupetteri

    Puhnupetteri New Member

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    Hmn i was thinking should i draw a battle report. Like ones you see on White dwarf magazines. It would maybe cshow better how the game went trought.

    As you people read this battle report do you think it's messy story how battle went or can u picture it in you minds =) ? Maybe i could do better than this if you think my report was not so clear... or is it clear?

    So i need feedback. Should i in future make picture turn by turn how battle went or is this clear enough to just write it how it went?

    I think this was great battle even thou i had bad luck all the time SW and TG still kicked dwarf arse and i would like to share this one with ppl :)

  11. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    An actually picture each round would be amazing
    But even an ascii couple lines showing relative picture or a sketch would work too.

    A decent sketch of how the armies started out would do wonders on its own to get a clear reference to the reader to start mentally moving your troops as battle goes on.
  12. Idura

    Idura New Member

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    You can never rally a slann that is bsb. He dies where he stands if he breaks from combat. You lost.
  13. DeadSlann
    Jungle Swarm

    DeadSlann New Member

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    Just a quick question...... why did you give your slann cognition against dwarves? They cant cast spells and the cognition rule is not for dispelling rolls.

    Just checking to see if theres some amazing mad logic in there :)

  14. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Well I usually build all around lists, I dont want to build effective list vs 1 race and then get buttraped by other races
  15. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    And as for the ballte report drawing thing, you can always use Vassal. It's a program for miniature battles, and the screanshoots look just like the ones in WD:)
  16. Conjoy
    Jungle Swarm

    Conjoy New Member

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    Looks like your Slann breaks from combat in your turn 6 and as such auto-dies as BSB meaning it was actually win to your brother, sorry.

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