So i was wondering if anyone has done red lizardmen? My thoughts for painting a saurus warrior are as follows: 1.Mechrite red entire model basecoat. Devlun mud wash 2. Layer skin with a 1:1 mix mechrite red/ blood red 3. Final layer of pure blood red Not sure what to do with the scales to make them contrast.. so far i have just left them mechrite red witht he devlun mud wash.... Also what color do you think the shields should be? Here is my effort so far.... I painted the AoW lizardmen hero sorta the way you describe it. Here's the link to the thread with the almost finished product in it. Skin was highlighted the way you describe but i went up to a combination of blood read and blazing orange. Hope this helps a bit.
Wow!!! very impressive Infyra!! If you dont mind me asking what colors did you use to paint the scales?
So far i am sticking with the red/ dark red color scheme. Still unsure of the color for the shield... maybe brown? @n810: i like that color scheme
Think the scales were something like this An equal mix of orkhide shade and hawks turquoise washed with badab black and then a 40/40/20 mix of orkhide shade, hawks turquoise, and rotting flesh.
If you check out my "Old Schooler New to Lizzies" army blog you can see my Saurus are red as well. They have sort of tan underbellies and dark red/brown shields. Plan it to eventually give them all black tiger stripes as well.
very nice indeed! if you are still in the experimenting stage i suggest testing out a green shade for the shield as an alternative. green is after all the "contrast color" to red. (see the link below) Maybe a bit more contrast between the skin and the scales would be nice too. perhaps a slightly brighter (more orange) shade on the skin and a darker (more brown) shade for the scales. These are very minor adjustments though. keep up the good work /T
I'm a fan of simplicity. It makes for quicker model completion and therefore I can get more done in the small amount of time I have. The models can always use something else but eventually you'll have to hunker down to something that suits your taste. I personally enjoy the model colors and the shields. I almost wished I had gone for this color scheme over the blue I have now! Great job and lets see a few more done.
Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone While i completely agree with your suggestions to change the contrast between the skin and the scales, i just dont currently have the colors to do so. That being said what suggestions would you have to changing the colors of the scales (i am currently pleased with the color of the skin... too much more white or elf flesh and it will turn pink... also dont have fiery orange...) Also dont have the colors to make the shield the green colors that i would like to. (Dark angels + snot green...) All suggestions welcome!!!