Getting Started in Mini's: What to Buy.

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Mitch311, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. Mitch311

    Mitch311 New Member

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    I am getting into mini gaming and am going for LM. I own nothing to do with the hobby except some models. lol.
    I have picked up 32 saurus (16 spear, 16 Hw/S) + 1 Skink Priest (2nd hand) but not painted or anything.

    I am planning on getting an order from Maelstrom in the next week or two (I'm in Brisbane Australia) because everything is half price or better compared to buying in Aus. And of course maelstrom ship for free.

    So I plan on buying:

    1 LM Battalion
    1 Skink Regiment (Convert some to chams)
    1 TG Regiment (Will convert some to Scar-vets/old bloods somehow i think)
    1 LM Rulebook
    (These 4 is bout $150 ~ the cost of 1 battalion here in Aus)
    1 Set of templates
    1 Citadel Starter Kit (Is there cheaper options than this, might just go to a local hardware store)
    1 Set of 1.6x1.6mm magnets (might get bigger).
    1 Green Stuff.

    I have no idea what paints I should get and if there is anything else I am missing. I am going to try and get a mini rulebook off ebay for a reasonable price. I have my eye set on 2 sally packs and 3 terradon 2nd hand. Need a slann and I have an army.

    So recommendations for a person getting into the hobby? (I have been enthusiastic for years and broke for years as well lol).

    Mostly what paint/tools do you guys recommend?

    I am thinking a very very pale blue army (pretty much white) with bright strong accent colors, eg red, purple, yellow, strong blue.

    Sorry for my ramble hope it made some kind of sense.

    Thanks for your help.
  2. Little Wolf

    Little Wolf New Member

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    For playing, you need a measuring tool and lots of dice.

    As for paints, I found that I first decided on a colour scheme, then bought the paints going with that. Every unit I started after that I got at least one new kind of paint, so my paint collection is gradually building. Don't forget a can of primer paint, using that makes everything easier/better. There are cheaper alternatives then Citadel but I use Citadel so I don't really know.

    As for tools, something like a stanley knife and a vile (is that an english word?) to remove moldlines. A safety pin for green stuffing.

    If you plan on assembling all that soon, you will want a case. Don't buy a GW army case, there are much better/cheaper alternatives (try kr army cases).

    When you got some models done, you will want to base them, and you're gonna need stuff for that too :). Decide on a scheme first though ;).

    Good luck!
  3. jfoster

    jfoster New Member

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    Sounds pretty good.
    In terms of paint I use mostly Vellejo as theyre cheaper than GW paints, however the GW foundation paints and washes are excellent. I dont think theres one brand of paint that stands out, it just comes down to personal preference. I would definitely look at the Island of Blood starter set, the rulebook seems to go for about £15 sterling on ebay then youve postage on top of that whereas you can pick up the IoB boxed set for about £45 or so and you get some great High Elf and Skaven minis too.
    Hope this helps
  4. Mitch311

    Mitch311 New Member

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    Thanks for the feedback.

    I have toned down my ambitions a little. Going to Purchase 1 Battalion, 1 skink regiment and the LM book. Going to buy a basic set of clippers and a file. Some green stuff, some flock and some magnets to make my own bases. (magnetic bases sound very useful). 2-3 brushes and some paints. Been reading through a copy of the How to paint you miniatures book, which has helped a bit. I found it at a lifeline book sale of all places lol.

    Thanks again for all the advice and comments :)


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