Ok, started collecting my tomb kings 2 months ago, getting a good base to add the new minis to. I'm gonna post the models here as i get them painted, here's what i have: 6 Chariots 38 spearman Queen Khalida 10 archers 8 light horseman liche priest on foot liche preist mounted Heres my first unit finished, 3 of the queens finest Chariots! The Champion The Musician The Standard Bearer And finally the unit as one Anyone tell me how to get the pictures on the post from photobucket, tried IMG but its moaning it can only be 1 pixel wide, how do i resize so they will show on here? Next up will be the 8 light horseman and the Queen Herself. Comments and opinions please guys! Yours Aye Mixer
Nice job. I almost got into the new TK, but I think their cobra-surfers and necro-sphynx thing look too ridiculous. --DF2K