I Finished most of these units quite some time ago, and my skill in painting has only increased since then, and I'd like to know what the people here say.
I had to copy the actual link into another tab but they look great. I especially like the Tehenhuin ?Spelling? he has a great paint job on him. I wanted to know if you are a fan of acrylic style or enamel? I personally find it tough to try to do layers. I see that Tehen. has just that on his crest. Have you watered down the metallics you own? They look very watery. I like the overall look and can't wait to see some more!
well. the crest of Tehenhauin (seriously, can anyone spell that character right without the armybook beside him) was done with a very large, but all citadel paints without mixing. I started off Sunburst Yellow, then Fiery Orange, then Blazing Orange, Blood Red, Red Gore, then Vermin brown and after that some Scorched Brown ^^ I just do what feels right to my Lizardmen and High elves, I don't know that style that would be. but I do know I usually stick to Citadel colours... except when scenery is involved, for some reason.. o.o But the metalic isn't watered down, but rather it was very gooish when I applied it. Soon after I did buy a new paint for the gold ^^;; also, since the pics were deleted last time, I uploaded them on another place, and am reposting them now here ^^ http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh480/Dernaile/P1012585.jpg http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh480/Dernaile/P1012600.jpg http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh480/Dernaile/P1012655.jpg http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh480/Dernaile/P1012602.jpg http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh480/Dernaile/P1012644.jpg I'm sorry if the links don't work directly if you click them, so you'll have to copy and paste o.o
I looked at the Carnosaur again and I like the beginnings. Will you be doing anymore work on the base? Even adding just a touch of rocks and static grass will do wonders. I'm looking forward to seeing new models. By the way, are you doing the character challenge?
oWo thank you soo much ^^ I was having so much trouble with that ^_^ I kept getting this bug where it was only allowed to be one pixel wide o.o @ dictator no, sorry ^^;; but I am working on the Carnosaur right base right now ^^ I also gave him some armoured plates, and reworked the weapon :3 I might think about entering the character-challenge later or next year or something, or when it comes around. I've won some regional painting competitions with my Prophet of Sotek and my Prince Althran on Gryphon, but I consider it bad sport, if you will. I might occasionally join in, just for the sake of it, for fun, but in my eyes, a good model is one that fits it's niche in the army. (that is not to deprive good painters or sculptors of their value, what they do is truly amazing; but it's not what I want to pay 35 euro's for in a Stegadon)