7th Ed. 1k Lizzies vs. High Elves (PICS ADDED)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by jormi_boced, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Last night a friend came over to paint and play.

    My Army:
    Scar Vet General - Sword of Might and Glyph Necklace
    Skink Priest Lvl 2 with Diadem of Power - He rolled the first two spells
    10 Saurus Warriors - Standard - General goes in here
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes
    3 Kroxigor
    3 Terradon
    3 Salamanders

    His Army Aprox.:
    Noble General - Gauntlets of Tamakador and Great Weapon
    Noble BSB - Sacred Incense
    10 White Lions
    20 Swordmasters
    10 Spearmen
    2 Bolt Throwers

    We picked a pond and a stand of trees and scattered them 3d6 from the middle. The scatter sent a pond to one deployment zone and the trees to the other deployment zone. We rolled to pick sides and I grabbed the one with the trees and he chose to have me deploy first. On the wider side of the trees I deployed both of my skink units all the way from the edge to the trees to screen my krox, terries, and saurus. I deployed my priest inside the trees and the sallies on the other side of the trees. His deployement went spears, bolt thrower, swords with BSB, bolt thrower, White Lions with general. His last unit just hung into the pond just a bit.

    His first turn he just moved his infantry up an inch or two and then took a couple of repeating shots at my salamanders and I lost a skink and two wounds on a salamander.

    I marched full forward with everything on my first turn except for the terries which I moved just in front of my line. Also, the salamanders moved at an angle directly towards the white lions.

    His second turn he turned his spears sideways in preparation for my terradons to charge his bolt thrower. He then advanced his White Lions and his swordmasters. One bolt thrower took another repeating shot at my Salamanders killing a Skink while the other struck the terradons and took one out. The terries passed there panic test and it was my turn again.

    This turn I only declared a charge with my terradons to his bolt thrower that was furthest from his spear trap. I didn't move any of my other troops. The salamanders took aim at his White Lions and two of them rolled 14 hits while the other salamander ate two skinks. This salvo removed about half of the white lions from the board. All of my skinks concentrated fire on the Swordmasters and were able to kill a couple for their trouble. Then something huge happened; his White Lions with noble failed there leadership roll and away just narrowly missing running through the combat between the terries and bolt thrower crew.

    Then close combat resolved with his crew wounding one of my terradons and I wounded both of his crew. I chose to overrun which took me right through his fleeing general and White Lions unit and off of the board.

    On his third turn he charged my skinks with his swordmasters. The skinks valiantly stood and fired, and I decided to repeat for the fun of throwing 20 dice, but I didn't roll a single 6 on any of them. He advanced towards my salamanders with his spears and his bolt thrower repeated on my salamanders again taking out one my salamanders and killing another skink.

    His swordmasters then defiled my skinks killing all but one and leaving them no chance to attack back. I didn't roll my double ones for insane courage, but I got double 2s. He pursued and my skink ran through my saurus and the swordmaster pursued into block of hissing spitting green beasts.

    On my third turn I charged my krox into the flank of the swordmasters. I then only moved my terradons and some skinks to fire upon the war machine and the spears. The Slamanders got 14 shots on the spears and reduced them to 3. I then shot with my skinks and killed one more while my terradons shot one of the crew of the bolt throwers. I haven't really talked about the magic phase much, as there wasn't really much happening in it. I got a few rerolls here and there, but this turn I miscast and had to take a hit on my priest and dispel my rerolls. We then got into combat where his BSB challenged my Scar Vet and was unable to wound him, unfortunately my Scar-Vet only got one wound back. His swordmaster then went to town killing 3 of my saurus and wounding a krox. My only saurus that could still hit back attacked and did no wounds, my krox took out enough to tie up our combat res.

    His fourth turn saw his last two spears make a valiant charge on my salamanders that held there ground and the bolt thrower put a wound on the terradons.

    The salamanders killed the spears while suffering no wounds. The challenge ended with no wounds this round and the swords took out another 3 sarus and gave the sarus one more wound. This time the lizzards won the combat by one but the swords held their ground.

    My fourth turn saw fire, javelins and darts all thrown a the war machine and not a single one felled the remaining crew member. The scar vet finally felled the BSB while the swords took decided to shift two of their attacks to the kroxigors this time and ended up not getting a single wound on the saurus and only wounded one krox. The lizards struck back with a fury killing a few more swords and the lizards won the combat and overran the swords.

    The only elf left on the field submitted to the old ones will and the lizards shared a mighty victory!

    Attached Files:

  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Re: 1k Lizzies vs. High Elves

    Nice report! Never played HE before, but thouse salamanders seems to do the trick. Lucky he didnt take out your terries before you reached his bolt throwers though. And I find it strange he didn't field more missile fire or magic. I understand they has got seriously upgraded in CC, but to me elves is best suited with bow and arrow and the winds of magic...

    Anyway, congratulation with a great game!
  3. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Re: 1k Lizzies vs. High Elves

    I think I am currently 2 and 2 vs High Elves with my Lizardmen in the current edition. I have lost both times I have faced dragons.

    I think in the last game he had a tough decision between shooting at my Sallies or my Terries. Leaving my Sallies left them free to fry his blocks of infantry, but leaving the terries left his bolt throwers vulnerable.
  4. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    if i remember correctly you need a US of 5 to charge and destroy a fleeing unit

    so i don't think it was possible for your US 2 of terries to kill off the noble's unit

    otherwise nice report
  5. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    If you charge and catch a fleeing unit they are destroyed regardless of how many models or unit strength your unit/model has.

    I think the rule you are referring to is the following:

    WRB pg 41

    Close Combat > Flee and Pursue > Move Surviving Fleeing Troops > 3rd paragraph

    "Fleeing troops that have to move through non-fleeing enemy unis with a unit strength of 5 or more are immediately destroyed as soon as they move into contact with such enemies."
  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Really nice pics man! What program did you use?
  7. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Adobe Illustrator. I am working on adding arrows to indicate shooting, charging, panicking and breaking. Do yout think that is a good idea that is worth the effort? If so, I will finish them and post it when it is done.
  8. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    That sounds great! That will be almoust like the battle reports we see in White Dwarf! Keep up the good work :)
  9. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    The new pics are up, let me know what you think.
  10. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    What an amazing display! Adobe Illustrator, huh? You'll have to put a tutorial somewhere on the site so people that are bad with computers like me can do that.
  11. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    I agree! Amazing report. You just made a new standard here ;)
  12. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Thank you very much, I hope to get another game in soon so look forward to another report.
  13. lord marcus

    lord marcus New Member

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    his list has major problems.

    guantlets should have been switched for helm of fortune and his BSB should have been dropped altogether for a mage.

    his spearmen are too low on numbers, minimum efficiency is 15 spears.

    swordsmasters suck in large units. two units of 7 and one unit of 6 would have given him much better results.

    lions should have been dropped for a couple charipots. more efffective and flexible.

    pass this advice to him, will you?
  14. natpat

    natpat New Member

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    Nice battle, and great pictures too!
  15. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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  16. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    Hm.. Nice report, but what I don't understand (quite new to warhammer.. soz) is how your 2 terradons could come back after running out of the table?
  17. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    The Terries didn't run away from the battle by fleeing, they destroyed the war machine crew and ovveran them. If you overrun off the board they come back on the board on your next turn, but they can not charge that turn. They can move and shoot and such though.

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