8th Ed. Army list 2000 Points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Cyber Mummy, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Here is my list. I took fully upcraded Slann to control magic of the game. Then I got two blocks of Skinks with Kroxigors to hold basic battle line. I taught trying Skinks+Kroxigors would be intresting alternative for Saurus, and I want to make armyy fully made from Slann, Skinks and Monsters. Skink Skimrishers are just to fill core choises and propbly give some extra support. Propably they also could flee when getting charged and lead enemy close enough for Stegadons to Charge them. Cameleon Skinks take care of shooters and warmachines which could be harmful for Stegadons and other mosters. Stegadons are pretty good at handling infantry. Those Salamander and Razordon Hunting Packs here to add some extra firepower to army. I also taught I could switch them to one Stegadon.

    Slann uses Life lore to be able to heal my troops and especially monsters. It also helps avoiding miscast and have some nice buffs and in some cases contains even really good detructive power.

    Well please give me some comments and possiple improvements, but please provide me an explanation why you think differently to my current choises.

    1 Slann Mage-Priest , Focus of Mystery, Focused Ruminaton, Higher State of Consciousness, Soul of Stone, Diadem of Power, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones 495pts

    16 Skinks +2 Kroxigors (full command) 212 pts
    16 Skinks +2 Kroxigors (full command) 212 pts
    12 Skink Skimrishers (Including Brave) 90pts

    7 Chameleon Skinks (including Stalker) 90 pts
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 pts
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 pts
    1 Stegadon 235 pts
    1 Stegadon 235 pts

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack (4 Handlers) 80 pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack (4 Handlers) 80pts
    1 Razordon Hunting Pack (4 Handlers) 80pts

    Whole army: 1989 pts
  2. Hiv0r
    Chameleon Skink

    Hiv0r New Member

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    Tell me what lore your taking as the list should always be based around your slann's lore.
  3. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    I were just editing note while you answered. Sorry for obscurity. Wonder how I could have forgotten it since Slann is centerpiece of almost every Lizardmen army, and choise of lore can change ways of game damatically.
  4. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Nobody has any comments for my list? :jawdrop:
  5. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Please give some comments. I m starting Lizardmen and it would be nice to get guidance and reassurance to my list.
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    don't know... It might work.

    It seems to be lacking any saurus, so no real anvils,
    But I guess the Stegas and Kroxigors might make up for it.
  7. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I like taking the slann as my BSB (ours is the only BSB that can have full magic items btw) with the standard of discipline (+1 to ld...more on that later)
    I always take cupped hands of the old ones. I would only take focus of mystery, focused rumination, and becalming cogigation for my disciplines. I may throw in ruby ring of ruin (if I may run into some regen units)

    I like the skrox combos! I really like a fast army. I would not take the skirmishers unless I upgraded to javelin and shield on them (blowpipes are good, but if you have march and shoot with the skirmishers, you may lose poison, you will not lose poison on the javelins and you can stand and shoot always). I could opt for dropping the skirmishers in favor of more cohorts to fill in those units of skrox.

    Add some Temple guard here. At least 20 would be best. You will probably have to drop a steg for that, but it will be worth it. Remember the banner of discipline? Well, in a unit of temple guard, you now have a re-rollable ld 10 cold blooded unit! With lore of life to heal it up!

    Keep the chameleons just as they are. I have 23 and try to run all 23 of them in every list (at least 2k games).
    I would drop the razordon in favor of the salamanders. Razordons do have a place in the army (as flank protection as their stand and shoot is amazing). Salamanders will do much better in most cases. I also prefer the ancient stegadon to the regular version (but I do not usually run one without a character on it). I run my salamanders in 2 units of 2 with extra snack. As with my chameleons, I max out on my salamanders (I only have 4).

    There's some input for you, enjoy. If you have questions, just ask! :D
  8. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Thanks for answers. Here are some more of my thoughts.

    The reason why I did not add Slann BSB is cause his Lord Points are already near 500 which is limit in 2k games. I like protecting my Slann against miscasts as well as I can since in new rulebook they are even greater threat. Probably in 2-5k or 3k games I could manage to take them.

    I taught that skink skimrishers do nothing with 6+ armor save and it costs one more point witch is much in so cheap troops. Also Blowpipes have potential to shoot twice if needed, and after all whole 12 unit does no take much points and could be helpful in some situation when I got to take down some big monster. As they get in to postion they have more shooting potential than ones with javelins. Also Stand and Shoot is more effective which is really important with this short ranged weapons.

    I m not only power gamer and thats why I want to keep kind of theme in my army at least first when my army is not incredibly large. And first when I started to gather lizzies I dreamed of great stegadon horde, but when new book came and demanded so much troops and as I saw how I really need chameleon skinks and how good they really are I had to make list like this with only one stegadon. Later I can buy more troops and try to make variation to my former army. So as said in the first place, even if saurus and temple guards would make good part in my army I want to hold my theme at leas a moment.

    Good point. I were wondering wether I should take one more salamander instead of razordon cause they have more firepower after all. That's probably what will do.

    But how about. Should I unite those skinks and kroxigors to larger unit which would be stronger or is it good as it is? I just taught cause in new edition large inf blocks are so effective. In the other hand army might lose some versatility, but is it worth it?

    Please tell me if you agree or disagree with me in something.
  9. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    The BSB is not really optional. It is probably the single most important/powerful thing in 8th edition, being able to reroll all failed leadership tests is massive. I would say lose the Diadem of Power, since your Slann will probably be wanting to use up the power dice anyway. Also if you are taking the lore of life, it is probably overkill to have soul of stone. That 50 points can be better spent elsewhere.

    Adding the champions to skirmisher units is pretty pointless, and at 2000 you really need to scrape points together. You might also consider combining the skrox units to a larger unit that will have steadfast. Also the razordon is not really worth it, 70 points of skink skirmishers tends to be better.

    With any points you gain from my suggestions I would say get some saurus warriors. You need something that can take a charge.
  10. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Thanks. What you say about BTB is pretty true. Ill be considering all these options.
  11. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Can't take Cupped hands and Diadem of power (did anyone mention that already?) They're both Arcane items and you can only have 1 of each type.

    Most of your main units are Toughness 2, and that's not a good thing imo. I've had little success with mixed Skink/Krox units except for maybe one small unit on the off chance of getting a supporting flank charge in somewhere. I'd suggest filling your core with Saurus and use the chameleons to harass and take down the big guys.

    Also Stegadons work really well supporting a unit of saurus. Keep them slightly back while you engage the enemy with the saurus, and then you guarantee that charge and impact hits from the steg in the next round (same tactic that you use with chariots). I don't think you're likely to hold anything with skinks, adn if you just move the stegs forward you're gambling those much needed impact hits.
  12. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I agree with Caneghem about the BSB, as well as the remarks about the soul of stone. The 50 points you gain by dropping soul of stone would take care of the BSB and the banner of discipline. The diadem is also useless to your slann as cupped hands would be much more important.

    I disagree with you there. The key with javelin and shield is the javelin are quick to fire. This means that you will be able to stand and shoot anything (even within 6 inches). The 6+ save may keep some of them alive for an extra round of combat (I would not count on that though). With blowpipes, you have to stay outside of 6 inches to stand and shoot, so that is a -2 to shooting to start (when double tapping=shooting twice). Add in a move and you are looking at another -1 making you hit on 7s and losing poison. To me, this means that in order to be effective with with skirmishers with blow pipes, you have to either throw them away after double tapping once or single tap the first time and then stand and shoot with a double tap. I like to get up close and personal with my skirmishers, so I will always take the javelin and shield option.
  13. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Probably you are right about javelins. I wonder thought will they improve blowpipes in next lizardmen armybook. In my case since I m so slow to paint cause I concentrate on every single model, and so it will be far future when my army is really ready. Sounds ridiculous, but who knows how long it could take.

    I taught that skinks with krox could hold some lines since skins have chance to stand and shoot. So coming enemy could be slightly less powerful and kroks can finish it.

    Long I have been thinking that I should take saurus and Slann with lore of light to give them WS, I 10 and enemy -1 to hit so they hit them with 6 only. then +1 attack combined with spears+ always strikes first combined with I10 could be devastating. Basically this kind of saurus blocks could take down nearly anything. Problem is that I really don't know am I able to push trough 3 spells with high casting value in one turn, and I don't even have throne of vines to protect me from miscasts.

    What do you think?
  14. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I like using the lore of light as well. I actually like it more than the lore of Life. That said, I only ever take cupped hands of the old ones. Usually, there will be only one miscast (I try not to throw 6 dice at every spell). What you concentrate on is getting the smaller spells through first using less than 6 dice. For example:

    You roll 6 dice for the winds of magic:

    You want to cast Birona's time warp. The casting value for that is (12 or 24). With only 6 dice in the power pool, you should go for the lower casting because you want to get something else off this phase. Let's say you also want to get Speed of Light (needing an 8 or 16). I would cast Speed of Light first on 3 plus my focused rumination die (so 4d6). Then I would follow that up with the Birona's on the remaining dice. I could opt to cast the lower value of Light of battle on the same unit that I will cast Birona's on, then I would only need an 8, so I could use 2 dice plus my rumination die. That would leave 4 dice plus the extra die for Birona's. Further, you could opt to cast Pha's protection on 1 (plus the power die) and the Birona's on the remaining 3d6 (plus your power die).

    On that note, I almost always take a skink priest with the forbidden rod( adds d6 to power pool taking d3 wounds) and the opal amulet (4+on the first wound). I have been using that combo for the last 3 months in almost every game. My priest has only died 2 or 3 times (out of about 10 games).

    If you get 12 dice for the power pool, it still does not change too much.
  15. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Hmm. Yeah I have also been calculating possible dices and as casting difficulty 16(mass The Speed of Light) you require 4 dice (one of them is free) (average 3+3+4+4+4(casting lvl)) So 3 used. Then 12(mass Phâ's Protection) requires 3(one of them is free) (3+3+4+4(casting lvl)) And then As average last spell has just one(two) dice left I may try to cast Timewarps easier version but cant count on it to succeed. Mass version(24 Briona's Timewarp) in the other hand requires 4 dice to be able to cast it, and if you want it to be likely, you should spend 5 dice+extra.(3+3+3+4+4+4+4(caster lvl)) So if casting all of these I would need atleas 9 power dice as basic which means 12 as all of them and with 9 or more it is same situaton.

    If it is bad turn for dice, I have to decide which regiments I'll buff if I have no chance to use mass spells which i would like to use in most of cases. I think it is good to have one solid army, even if it would be easier to just buff one deathstar unit to run over everything.

    So now I have to decide which one(s) of those spell(s) is(are) important. First turn mass Timewarp could help melee based army to get to the enemy, so probably at first turn ill be using it. Protection is also good since it protects your army from harm and is easier to cast. Also if enemy is very likely to cast The Purple Sun of Xereus I should use mass The Speed of Light. Timewarp on just one unit would probably be waste cause if one unit charges before army does it is really vulnerable.

    How ever this would be case that I use saurus army. First I woud like to make Skink army with monsters, and in that situation I would use life to be able to heal my monsters.

    So how would this look like.


    Slann Mage Priest, Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, The Becalming Cogitation, BSB 480 pts


    16 Skinks+2 Kroxigors, Full Command 212 pts
    16 Skinks+2 Kroxigors, Full Command 212 pts
    Formation of those units:

    Skink Skimrishers (Including Brave), Javelins 102 pts


    7 Chameleon Skinks (including Stalker) 90 pts
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 pts
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 pts
    1 Stegadon 235 pts
    1 Stegadon 235 pts


    2 Salamanders 8 Handlers 160 pts
    1 Salamander 4 Handlers 80 pts

    Full army: 1986 pts

    What do you think about this one? I can also consider Saurus based army, but I think this is more individual.

    1: Do I have use for cupped hands since wizard should not get miscasts when I have lore of light? Would it be in vain?

    2: Also don't you think that I should take Diadem in case that I get more power dice than I need? i mean if i get double 6 for example I could save 2 of them and spend 10 with my extra dice which rises it to 12?

    3: How about taking Sandard of Dicipline which gives Slann LD 10 and it does not matter that he can not use Generals Inspiring Presence since he is General. Then take Crown of Command to get stubborn so enemy cant break my ethereal Slann. So all my troops are LD 10 Cold Blooded near Slann and Slann is Stubborn LD 10 Ethereal Cold Blooded. Which mean nearly impossible to destroy. Of course Purple Sun and Dwellers are fatal, but I can try to dispel them. So only danger left are magic weapons. So coming to this I probably should consider Temple Guard to help Slann...

    Please give me your opinions.
  16. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    You cannot have a skink formation with only 4 skinks in the rank. you have to have at least 5. With 2 krox, you would be better off using 6 like so:


    As to the brave, the are not worth the points as they only offer you an additional BS point (no extra attack).
    You have the choice. I always take cupped hands. It is your choice to use cupped hands or to use the Throne of Vines 2+ save, it is not automatic. In one of the recent FAQs (BRB I think), it was addressed.
    No, you will never have TOO many power dice. Granted with the extra die (to each spell, not 2 to make it 12 as in your example) that focused rumination gives you cannot go over 12 dice. Now, that means if you happen to roll a 12, you cannot use the extra die for the first casting attempt (let a priest cast a spell then). You should have no trouble dispelling most magic you face. If you are worried about that, take becalming cogigation to remove 6s from a caster within 24 inches.
    The standard of discipline was also recently faq'd to make it so that the slann can use it and give his LD to the TG and everyone within the inspiring presence range (12 inches). If you do not have TG, it may be a good idea to take the crown of command. If there are TG to protect the slann, you do not need it.
  17. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    Ah. I took brave just cause i got points left, but probably I should take some Skinks instead. Hmm. Do you guys have any gaming experience about Skinks and Krox. I mean is it completely ignorant idea to make army so free of saurus? At least they would have The Mobility and chanse to Stand and Shoot. Also Kroxies got higher S so they have better chance to Wound and take armor saves away. Propably I should take TG anyway.... Replacing Sallys? What do you think?
  18. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    I modified m list a little bit. Here it is what do you think of this?

    Slann, Crown of Command, Standard of Dicipline, Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Conciousness, The Becalming Cogitation, Lore of Light, BSB 500 points

    24 Skinks +3 Kroxigors, Musican, Standard Bearer 299 points
    24 Skinks +3 Kroxigors, Musican, Standard Bearer 299 points

    8 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 102 points
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 points
    7 Chameleon Skinks (Including Stalker) 90 points
    Stegadon 235 points
    Stegadon 235 points

    Salamander +3 Handlers 75 points
    Salamander +3 Handlers 75 points

    Full Army:
    2000 points

    I also consider replacing The Becalmed Cogitation with Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, and then I would get one more handler to Sally. :D Well I made this list this time this way anyway. What do you think? Also some minor changes like putting Skinks and Krox in to same unit and probably adding Handlers and modifying Chameleon regiments.
  19. Mitch311

    Mitch311 New Member

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    I was at Auscon today and watched 2 games of the only LM army there. He ran 1 slann 1 block saurus 2 skink cohort 2 skink priest, 3 skirmished units 2 full units of Chams 2 units of 4 terradon and 1 unit of 2 sallies.

    Slann was fire. Ethereal BSB cube of darkness etc

    Saurus unit never entered combat lol.
    Very little combat anyway.
    He basically just magic and shot the s*** out of dwarves and skaven I saw him play. Donno how he would go else where but yeah it worked really well. If anything got charged he would flee, cohort stood and shot a few times but never really got hit much. (few failed charges).

    Overall a very different and strategically used list (compared to common recommendation). 6's where the theme of the matches. Will be interesting to hear how he goes against the Brits, daemons of C and dark elves that were there. (I dont remember all the armies present.)

    Anyway something for you to think about.
  20. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I just massacred a Skaven player with this list:

    Slann BSB (+1 ldr banner of discipline) cupped hands of the old ones, Focus of mystery, becalming cogitation, focused rumination. Lore of Light

    Skink Priest (lvl1) with forbidden rod (to get d6 dice added to power pool-causes d3 wounds) this game it added 4 power dice and killed the priest (giving me an excellent first turn magic phase)


    2 Skrox units with 24 cohorts and 2 Krox per unit with full command

    Temple guard x 20 with flaming attacks banner (not needed in this game though)

    2 units of 10 chameleons

    2 units of 2 salamanders with extra snacks ( misfired one time all game and ate 3 skinks) These guys always make their poinst back and my opponents will usually go out of their way to try and kill them.

    To answer your question, a skrox army is possible and I absolutely love to play them.

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