8th Ed. Little things I think we need in our 8th army book

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by shahryar, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. mixer86

    mixer86 New Member

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    I think your talking about a Pachycephalosaurus, and yes i would love to see skinks riding them, they aren't really big enough to have saurus ride them.

    Yours Aye

  2. Javster

    Javster New Member

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    I think it would be cool having kits like the Tomb Kings have now, where you can build one of two models. This could be a plastic Razordon/Salamander kit, but would most likely be something new.

    Like someone said, a pachycephalosaurus would be awesome! But instead of having skinks riding them, buff them up in size and have them be part of a Carnosaur/pachycephalosaurus kit, where you could either use them as mounts, or as stand-alone monsters.

    Might be crappy ideas, but as much as I love the Carnosaur model (Gonna get me one, even though there is no conceivable reason to pick it over Slann), I think it would be way better and more customisable if in a plastic kit.
    Obviously, the rules would have to be changed, or the price lowered, for it to be worth taking.

    I'd also like cold ones to drop in point cost, and the same for Kroxigors, OR give the Kroxigors +1 WS or +1 T (although +1T seems unlikely. Maybe exchange great weapons with +1S and +1I?)
  3. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Yeah, them! Probably. I can't be bothered googling them honestly.
    But it could be good, and they could have, like, an impact hit each, because, you know, they bash you with their giant bleeping head when they charge you.
  4. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    To go along with my previous suggestion...

    I've already alluded to the fact that the Saurus Soldiers are survivors of a hunt for the Ankylodon. They're not going to be usable as domesticated beasts like the stegadon, but Oldbloods can take an Ankylodon horn instead of a mount (at no extra cost). It is the sounds produced by the Oldblood blowing this horn that enables him to enthrall the Ankylodon and lead it to the battlefield. The Ankylodon horn is not a unique item, so may be taken by multiple Oldbloods.

    Ankylodon (Rare - 350pts) (Type - monster)
    M4 WS3 BS0 S6 T8 W7 I2 A(special) Ld10

    Controlling the Ankylodon
    -Feral beast - Unlike the stegadon, the Ankylodon can only be led to battle by an oldblood that has won its respect and possesses a specially crafted horn that keeps the beast calm enough to take his command. The ankylodon must be deployed within 6" of the controlling oldblood. So long as the ankylodon begins its turn within 6" of the controlling Oldblood, it will behave like a normal unit. However, if at any time the ankylodon begins its movement phase more than 6 inches away from its master, it will awaken from its reverie slightly confused, but mostly angry. Instead of a normal move, it will make a compulsory 3d6 move towards the nearest unit (friend or foe) in its line of sight. If nothing lies within its line of sight it will spin and move 2d6 towards the nearest unit, friend or foe. If it contacts a unit, it is considered a charge. While out of control, the mighty beast will always pursue broken enemies.

    -Obey my command! - Once the beast has broken free of the calming effects of the horn, it can only be brought back under control by an Oldblood within 6". What's more, the ankylodon will not pay attention to his master's call while engaged in combat! It must begin its movement phase unengaged in combat, with its master within 6” in order to come back under control.

    Special Rules
    -Cold Blooded
    -Impenetrable scales (Scaly skin 1+) - It is hard enough to find chinks in an ankylodon's armor up close, but harder still at long range. The ankylodon counts as being in hard cover, and has a 4+ ward save against ranged attacks that do not roll to hit.
    -Impact Hits - D6* - If the ankylodon has charged at the command of the controlling Oldblood (i.e., the charge began within 6 inches of the Oldblood), then D6 hits. If the ankylodon has made a feral charge, add +1 impact hit per rank in the enemy unit struck.
    -Thunderstomp - As with impact hits, +1 per enemy rank if ankylodon is in a feral state.

    Close combat
    Roll a D6, and consult the chart. If the ankylodon is in a feral state, add +1 to your rolls. Treat a 7 as a 6.
    1-2 - Vertical tail thump - The mighty creature turns with its tail raised and brings its tail crashing down with a mighty slamming motion. Any models in a 4 inch line (hitting like a cannon) must pass an initiative test or suffer D6 wounds with no armor saves allowed. Characters hit that are not in base contact may make a look out sir roll.

    3-5 - Tail sweep - The ankylodon twists its body at a strange angle, then whirls about in a circle, sweeping low with its tail in an attempt to break the legs of its foes. All models in base contact with the ankylodon, as well as all models touching models in base contact, must pass a strength test or take a hit at the ankylodon's base strength (think jump rope).

    6 - Roll forward - The ankylodon burrows into an enemy unit by performing a crude somersault. This causes impact hits as if the ankylodon had charged.

    After impact hits have been resolved and casualties removed, perform the following sequence of actions. 1) Move all command models and characters to the second rank of the enemy unit, without changing their configuration. The second rank now counts as the front rank for all purposes, with subsequent ranks counting backward from there. 2) Remove enough models from the front rank so that the ankylodon can be incorporated into that rank. 3) Replace these front rank models at the back of the unit evenly.

    Once the ankylodon has burrowed into a unit, the unit may not make a reform maneuver until the combat has ended.

    Should the ankylodon perform this maneuver on a unit with a single rank remaining (after all impact hits, NO models remain in the second rank) OR if the enemy is wiped out by the impact hits, then the ankylodon is placed 1 inch behind the enemy unit facing away, and is out of combat. Against large targets only the impact hits apply.
  5. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    3-5 - Tail sweep - The ankylodon twists its body at a strange angle, then whirls about in a circle, sweeping low with its tail in an attempt to break the legs of its foes. All models in base contact with the ankylodon, as well as all models touching models in base contact, must pass a strength test or take a hit at the ankylodon's base strength (think jump rope).

    it all sounds good to me, but I would of thought an initiative test would be more suitable as they have to react to jump over it's tail.
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I was thinking on that one that the unit would pretty much see it coming, so the question would be if they had enough strength to jump over the thing.
  7. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    Plus, who needs another initiative test attack?

    Not the Lizardmen, that's who. >.>
  8. Stelios

    Stelios New Member

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    what i would like to see is a more powerful slann who can choose 5 or 6 spells from any lore. (almost like tha 6th edition slann). definately have 3+ ward (he has no other saves) plus generations (gain T or W). maybe the spells he knows can be determined by his generation, think of it as knowledge.

    5th generation -> 4 spells from one lore
    4+ WS
    T4 W5

    4th generation -> loremaster
    4+ WS
    T4 W6

    3th generation -> 4 spells from different lores
    3+ WS
    T4 W6

    2th generation -> 5 spells from different lores
    3+ WS
    T5 W7

    ps. lore of heavens is great for the skink priest. the 4th and the 5th spells are really great. plus don't forget the signature spell, which is really useful
  9. Bonak

    Bonak Member

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    (Hi I'm new here) I think we should have a unit of saurus that are hunters. I thought of some stuff:

    Korooken Hunters: 17 pts (special)

    M4 WS5 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 LD8

    Weapons and Armor:
    Great weapons
    Cold One hide (heavy armor, gives fear, subject to stupidity)

    Special Rules:
    Cold Blooded
    5+ scaly skin
    killing blow
    Forest Strider

    Champion +15 pts
    Musician +8 pts
    SB +15 pts

    I would also like to see:
    Lord and hero choice for TG and my Korooken hunter (like O&G savage orc, black orc, and orc warboss')
    skink preist lord
    our own lore
    higher I for saurus
    A catapult (like the Arcanodon EG from the Lustria book)
    new models (saurus with their mouths open! and new monsters and a new plastic carnosaur)
    sacred spawning's back!

    but these r just my thoughts...
  10. Cyber Mummy

    Cyber Mummy New Member

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    I think we dont really require normal lvl 4 caster Slann since even weakest of all Slann are more capable casters than mightiest wizards of other races. So there shoud be option for Albino Skink High Priest witch would count as normal fourth lvl wizard and Slann are just for larger games and have more special role.

    I think there should be no more options for higher lvl Slann than 5 genereation, cause they are most active of all Slann so they are leaders in battle while other elder Slann spend their time in meditating state. It also could explain (even if they would be ultimate casters which rules allow) why they still wont just let ground devour whole enemy army for example.

    With Slann of early generation there is still the same ridculousness as there is with Thunder Lizards. In fluff they are just too strong to be used in normal battles. I know that idea of fluff is that in every army book they are boasting how good their race is and so on. So it is pretty much races own point of view, but still...

    You may ask why those much stronger Slann wont take place in battles if they are capable of ruining whole enemy army in one turn... Well thats cause they have much more important things to do. Fighting chaos to keep warp not to overrun whole world, solving The Great Plan and propably thinking such deep truths that younger Slann knows not and mortal races can not even understand.

    How ever I think Slann should possess magical and other abilities that others dont. It would be cool if Slann would get much really strong and complex rules which would make playing them really intresting. For example they could make some spell combinations or even use spells from other races(wich would be in GW:s point of view good reason for Lizzie players to buy army books of other races) Ofcourse there have to bee some limits so they cant use rise dead abilities on saurus. Atm our army book is well written and I for example like the descriptions in Diciplines of the Ancients.

    Well I dont have yet anything more accurate, but this should give some directions what I think of Slann in battlefield end elswhere. Ofcourse there are other facts concenring other Lizardmen units which could be chanced, but atm I m to thired to write any more to this post. :D

    Please Give me some comments if you agree or disagree with me about something. I also hope that some good ideas will carry on and maby GW workers hear them and propably follow them.
  11. Stelios

    Stelios New Member

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    5th generation slanns are the generals of the armies but somr times older slanns lead the hosts.
    every army is lead by a slann, except for the very small forces.
    playing according to fluff isn't achieved by other factors and not by fielding a 2nd or 3rd generation slann.
    for istance, in the army book says that lizardmen don't know how to constract engine of the gods anymore, so they take them only in very ipmortant battles. on the other hand, there is always an EotG in my roster.
  12. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    but as it's our monster how often are we going to need to do this initiative test?
  13. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    I agree with this whole heartedly, and anyways, if they did do a Tunder Lizard, it'd be far more disappointing then our special characters.

    I would also like to see Nakai the Wanderer.
  14. LoneStarr
    Jungle Swarm

    LoneStarr New Member

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    For the most part I think Lizards are very well off in 8th edition. However they are not perfect. Here are a few things I think that should change in the new book.

    1. I think we should have our own Magic Lore (maybe useable by Slann only)

    2. Saurus should have higher I. Even increasing it by 1 would help tons. My brother once hit a unit with the rolling death ball from the lore of death (I think that's what it's from) and it killed 18 of my 25 Saurus in 1 cast)

    3. Do something to make Skrox units a tad bit more combat viable. No Volley makes it so they dont get a whole lot of shots (outside of hording) and adding a Krox makes it way to much of a point liability for how squishy the unit is. The skinks themselves dont do many wounds (unless ur lucky or against much weaker units, which there arent to many of) and generally with the low WS of the Krox themselves most of the time (for me at least) doesnt cause enough hits/wounds to even out the combat even against weaker units.

    4. Krox...I dont know if it's just me but I have yet to find a real use for this unit. S4, T4, WS3, and always attacking last with only a 4+ scaly skin for 55 points? No thank you. I've found Troll units to be way more effective (4+ regen is way better than the crap 4+ scaly Krox get) and they are only 35 points! Sure they are stupid but if you keep them anywhere near a general they will mostly never fail a stupidity test.

    5. I like Razordons but I think they could use a slight buff. Rolling the art dice just to see how many shots it gets...THEN having to roll to hit is weakens them a bit imo. for a slight bit less I can get another unit of skink skirmishers with not only poison attacks but they dont eat themselves!

    6. Special Characters are def a little bit to expensive as well. The Skink lord (i forget his name, Tenehuan?) on the palanquin, his special rules make him useless in 8th edition with the change to the magic rules. Unless it doesnt work the way I think it does...any doubles counts as irresistable force which also counts as a miscast. With the much meaner miscast table he will more than likely just blow himself (or the unit he is with) to bits with miscasts.

    7. I also think they should bring back the sacred spawnings. Im beginning the believe they are starting to kinda "dumb down" the armies to make them more accessible to newer players. It doesnt sound bad but I think it also takes away from the uniqueness that a lot of armies have. Take VC for example. They got rid of the bloodlines from them. Now it it pretty much just a 2nd magic item selection now. Before you had to choose whether or not your army was based around a certain bloodline of vampires which I thought made the army so much more bad ass!

    I know, that' more than a few changes I'd like and I cant think of anything else atm! lol
  15. Javster

    Javster New Member

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    Krox need to see an improvement or a point drop. They just don't compare with other monstrous infantry.

    Same goes for the Stegadons, of all types. They are fine, but way too expensive compared to the monsters for the new armies, such as the HPA, necrosphinx, warsphinx etc. All of which will kick the Stegadon's ass in a major way, and outperform it in combat vs infantry and other stuff.

    Cold ones statwise are fine as well imo, but need to be cheaper pointswise.

    Razordons need an improvement compared to sallies, or they have to be cheaper pointswise.

    Also, like the poster above me said, the whole army needs an initiative overhaul. increase the Init of everything by 1 (except maybe skinks). Goddamn Tomb Guard have Intiative 3, and they're dead!

    Other than that our stuff is fine. No need for change in the lord/hero department (Except for special characters, ours are too expensive). Saurus are fine, temple guard are fine, skinks are fine, chamos are fine and sallies are far more than fine.
  16. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    I would be nice for Saurus of all types to get +1 WS in addition to Initiative too.

    But it's hardly something they absolutely need.
  17. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Stegs prices are OK. Stop complaining about it.

    Yours, Beastmen player with 275pts costing T5 W5 no saves monster :D
  18. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    steg price is defenetly not ok, compare tham to hpa, sphinxes...
    Beastmen is totaly bad book, point costs are just really bad cauculated.
  19. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    HPA and hydra are undercosted. Dunno about TKs new monsters since I havent read the book yet
  20. MasterSlann
    Cold One

    MasterSlann New Member

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    i think they are making all the point costs of the big monsters less to allow people to use them more frequently to increase sales :rolleyes: IMO... I totally agree with a slight initaitive and WS boost as well, even if they were to increase the point cost of the saurus.

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