Ok so just a vent here...I had 1 negative interaction with HOBs on Ebay a massive bits order never arrived and now he will not except future bids or offers from me.. I can't even send him a message about it... WOW...that sucks...seeing how I need 10 more Stegadon heads... ANYONE have any Stegadon heads (the one with the closed mouth and horns... TY. Sorry for the vent.
Same thing happened to me. I did not even have a really negative comment. I made an observation about the way he combines his shipping (or lack there of). Now, I cannot bid on his items at all. His loss.
Though you will all become competition for my skinks: I bought from Battleroadgamesandhobbies today, I like the way he splits his items up A LOT more than horde_of_bits. Eg: He puts all the arms and shields together for saurus instead of making you buy right arms, left arms, and shields separately. Did the combined shipping for me quickly ($2.50 US for first and $.35 for each after). So yeah I'm fairly happy with them so far, next week I'll see what the items arrive like. Now I just need 24 more skinks and 20 TG lol and a slann. All the best,
I may have two closed mouth heads I could part with, I'll dig through my own bitz box when I'm next hobbying it up and drop you a line with my finds.
I found this auction on ebay. Another head for you. http://cgi.ebay.com/Warhammer-Fanta...985?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27bae59a61