7th Ed. First 3 GAMES! wensday 5/14/08

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by argus, May 15, 2008.

  1. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    i got to finish my starter army finally and decided to code it up a:

    Jsod scar-vet w/ light armor,great weapon, shield, aura of quetzl, spawning of quetzl (obviously jaguar charm)-158-

    lvl2 skink priest diadam of power -135-

    10 skink scouts w/ blowpipes -70-

    2 troops of 10 skinks w/ shields and javs -120-

    15 saurus w/ full command -210-

    3 krox -174-

    2 sallie squads -130-

    now i dont remember their full lists in these 1k battles so i will be kinda brief over runs but im just happy i got to play lizies finally! first match was a empire battle mage army(victory for the old ones), 2nd dwarfs(defeat for the old ones), and a high elf army that had lots of pointy sticks attacking first@.@ (victory with only jsod and a kroc left T.t)

    against the empire he was sneaky and had loads of magic that all i could do was buffer it lightly untill jsod over ran the singular model (who was a lvl 2 mage in the shadow arts trying to fly around to stay out of range...2 turns of shadow steed dispells killed him in the end) and 2 fire mages that kept shooting fire balls at me one miscasted 1st turn and the other the 3rd i felt i got away with some luck though they did not die they forgot the wall fire off turn one and the other one lo
    st his only spell =D (should that of killed him i dont know i better look in book when i get it back from friend) i targeted his non- parent units so he could not counter charge and it went down from there.

    against the dwarves cannons blew through my skink screen killing 2 of my kroxigors on turn 1 woe is me.... but my skink priest got casandora's comet and almost won the game for me on turn 5 (it built up for 3 turns undispelled by luck) and lightning bolts from the 4th level spell ...though the celestial shield was much much more wanted since his shooting phase killed me off for his ironbreakers.

    finally my last game against the high elves was won by the sallies who proved their worth over anything else i might have gotten as the belched out venom killing a portion of a spearman R&F turn 1, all of a knights R&F in one turn with 20 attacks on turn 2, t and on turn 3 one ate all his crew while the other got no hits from his roll of i think 2 (this caused all the skinks to die because of recent wounds and dmg from a magic missle i let go by since im mor worried of that pheonix fire stuff) then they failed the first test rolling a frenzy and stay wich made me some what happy but i knew cc wasnt their best. my skink rolled 1 and 6 wich was cool but killed himself on turn 1 with casandora miscast alone with a few skinks. i got my jsod and krox on a flank and they just crushed down for a chomping victory (my skinks took care of the bolt throwers and junk then died in combat in a rear attack wich made me cry)

    i still want a carnasaur and stegadon... they would be fun! maybe next time i will play for objectives other than elimination.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Thanks for posting, hopfully you'll continue to do well with the lizardmen! :)
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    It looks like you had a good list and used it really well. It is really hard to beat a dwarf gunline without cheesing out your list, so the fact that you got a close to a draw is a good sign.

    As a piece of advice, when drafting long posts such as a battle report, using more punctuation would be greatly appreciated ;) .

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