So i was going to put together a unit of the current plastic temple guard and as i started standing them up i started noticing if i glued them all together body/wep/head/shield arm/trinkets then it would block my ability to really paing a good bit of the model as i dont know that i can get a paint brush to parts but you would still be able to see the unpainted details if you picked up the models and looked at them. I suppose i could paint the parts and then glue it together but i generally prefer to the other way around so if it takes a while to finish i can still be using the models (i dont paint often). Anyone else have similar problems or an alternate solution?
I built them out of the battalion as the first thing I bought, Painting not on my mind. I managed to paint 2 now, testing schemes, I'll see if I cba posting pictures. But in short, yes. Those shields look great but cover so much. Try building it up, but leaving the shield off, then paint them both separately? Ill have to do the same with my 2nd box of them when I get around to them
Well I got 2 batallions and I paint them without the shield arms that way you can paint it fully and later the shieldarms hope this helps?
I didn't really have any problems i put mine together before painting them. i only had a really basic paint scheme though. i just had to be carefull when i was painting that my hand didn't slip and get paint where i didn't want it.
I am keeping the shield arm off for painting. With my first 10 (maybe others, we'll see) I actually magnetized the shield arm so I coul take it off to paint but still have it on for battles. This was mostly because I was practicing magnetizing models, and figured it would also be useful, I might glue them as well after painting.
How long does it take you to magnetize the models? I figured the time it takes to magnetize them you could have already painted half the regiment, lol. Though I dont have any experience magnetizing (simply because it seems like a lot more effort than I can be bothered with )
Yeah as I said, I probably wouldn't recommend it for TG arms when you could just leave them loose then glue after painting. I'm considering it for shields though, shields have a habit of not sticking very well since there isn't much material touching, mine always tend to break off. With a magnet in there, that would be no problem. Of course, since there isn't much material there isn't really a lot of room to put magnets so it might not be easy.. To directly answer your question though, magnets on the TG arms took no time at all. 5 minutes or so to drill all the holes, a few minutes to check to make sure they were the right depth, a couple of minutes to make sure the magnets were the right alignment (nobody is happy if their arm repels their torso), then superglue each one in place. Probably a bit less than half an hour all up for 10 TG.