Finished models

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Infyra, May 13, 2011.

  1. Infyra

    Infyra New Member

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    just a question to all you painters out there. When finished painting a mini what do you use to seal the model to avoid damage? I've used dull coat in the past when GW produced it and also tried their purity seal but I'm currently looking for other options.

    Thanks for the help.
  2. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    It depends and there are several answers to your question. The cheapest answer is to go to a place like walmart and buy the 1.08 can of clear coat. This answer is one of the worst. You really have zero tolerance for bad weather. The chance that you will get a milky outcome is very likely too.

    If you go to Lowes or Home Depot you can find a wide variety of home use varnishes. I used Valspar for quite some time. Their quick drying, clear, flat/gloss varnishes were great. I personally like that they dried in 20mins.

    Right now, I've started using Vallejo varnishes. I use them because I can airbrush them quickly on to a model. The dry quite quickly and I haven't had a problem with them yet.

    I have not touched a singel brush on varnish simply because of the volume I need to varnish at a time. I like to complete whole units and so painting on varnish just doesn't suit my needs.

    Good luck finding the right source of varnish. For me, it was Valspar spray cans. I like Vallejo now because I can spray it through my airbrush.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Krylon make some very nice clear finishes,
    but depending where you live these might not be available.
  4. Infyra

    Infyra New Member

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    Thanks for the prompt replies.

    I've heard good things about the Vallejo ones but as I don't want to paint it on every model I own I'll wait until I get myself an airbrush. I will give the Valspar flat a try and see how it works out.

    Thanks again :)

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