Hi I have two questions regarding this topic: 1.- I`ve been thinking of painting my new lizardmen army in red with black , what do you think about this color combination for a newbie, will it be too difficult? 2.- I`m new to warhammer and modeling, and was thinking, do you first assemble the figure and then paint it, `cause if you paint the parts prior to assemble them the painting of details could be better...mmm what do you recommend for a newbie?
I supose it depends on how complicated a paint job you are going to do. if it's just going to be a black body with red scales, go ahead and assemble everything first, at least you will be able to use them while you are in the process of painting your army. Ps. Red and Black Usualy looks quite good, rember to paint white under the reds for a brighter shade of red.
I am all about quick paint jobs. I personally would base the model in the color you plan to use as the skin. It makes sense and it will save you time, IMHO.
I've done two armies both ways my first was space marines and i found it easier to paint them and then put them together mostly because they have guns covering half of their details. and the second is my lizardmen which i put together and then painted the only difficulty i had with them was details under the shield but there aren't many so it wasn't that much of a problem in the end.
It is much more efficient to put them together first and then paint. If there are parts like shields that can be left off 'till the end and painted seperately, then do it. I personally put all my saurus together first, leaving shields off, and then attached the shields after the saurus itself was done. In the end, like N180 said, it comes down to how complicated and how much time you want to spend on each model.