From what I have seen, salamanders are a popular choice in most lizardmen player's armies. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but from all the battle reports I have read in which salamanders fight they get turned to mincemeat before they can cause any real damage. Which brings me to my question are salamanders worth having in an army and if so, why? Your friendly neighbourhood lizardmen noob Redcoat
Yeah, Salamanders in combat, Not really outstanding. But they really bring the heat in shooting They fire a flame template at Artillery dice distance away of strength 3 -3 modifier and cause a panic check! Against armies that are T3 or have low leadership, they are absolutely golden, and High armored foes arent even that safe You tend to want to keep them out of combat, with 12" march and being able to fire and march they have to trouble doing that at all. Hope this helped!
Your salamanders should almost never be in combat! They should move around enemy units roasting them at every turn. In all the games that I play, I make sure to take at least 2 units of 1. In games of 2k+ I will take 2 units of 2 sallies (always with the extra snack too). Even in games that they do not earn their points back, they usually perform well enough to be taken. My opponents will try to take them out before anything else. They are a huge threat to most armies you face.
yeah salamanders are win i do have a question as to why people run them in packs of two or three when on their own they have greater flexibility :/
Because the large units can also hold there own in close combat as welt as, actually wiping out large units with the flame template, things like elves are very vulnerable to st3 attacks but are also unlikely to run.
(Sorry for drunken posting) Running them in twos also lets them share handlers. So buying extra handlers is good but not nessicary but sill awsome. I played O&G tonight, salamnders killed over double their points back in 2 turns XD Just run hem around and you should get awsome angles on your foe to get the maximum models in the flame template XD I normally find the panic test on the salamanders wins more than their killing power, which is f**king awsome XD
hi, I always play with salamanders, but now I read the RB and it states that models with breath weapon can use it to make a special attack once per game and I got dissapointed by it. But I see that ppl play it and use the attack every turn, how is that working?
Its not a breath weapon. Its a flaming fireball shooting attack. Its just a flame template thats used to determine where the fireball lands and on who. To fire a salamander you place the flame template with the small end at the front of the salamanders base. Then roll an artillery dice and move the template that many inches forward. Roasting anyone it lands on! XD
It is not a breath weapon, but a flaming attack. It works every turn. In combat they are pretty tough. multiple attacks high str, high t. monster handler so the skinks are ignored. not able to fight large RnF units but will eat most light cav or skirmishers. march move AND shoot. i always run 3 sally per unit with max skinks. whats not to love?
Lets just say that salamanders in your army is a "MUST". I have been playing a lot of skaven armies as of late. I usually bring either 2 single units and put them on the flanking sides. Or I run 2 units of 2 with the Xtra handlers and place them on the monster side. I tell you what, Skeven players will keep their Hell pit far away from your sallies. I have never had a sallie not ever get back the points I spent bringing them.
Try holding them back in deployment as much as you can. Unless you setup a whole army each like the dawn attack scenario. You should be setting up alternate units at a time, that way once he has a nice juicy target like a hellpit or even just a unit of clan rats (you'll own them / flee them) you can setup as best you can to attack them Or try setting them up in the middle of your lines, With a 12" march and maximum 18" range, you should be able to find an ideal target. Just watch you dont block in your lines. Heres how I do it sometimes: s- skink skirmishers S- Saurus SHP- Salamander hunting party. TG= Temple guard / slann Steg - guess sssss SSSSS SHP TG SHP SSSSS Steg sssss Gives you some movement options to get the pick of the rat litter. Again, watch those march blocks!