Old models with a new paint job

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by dictator, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    I really didn't care if they were overpriced in points or not. I have found that when Warhammer changes it is like a pendulum. For instance: I own quite a bit of Dark Elf Spearelves from young kids who quit too early and the models were cheap 5-3 years ago. Now that the new edition is out everyone LOVES spearelves. The only difference between mine and theirs is I paid pennies on the dollar for mine!

    I'm glad you do like the models and I am looking forward to finishing the 18 or so I have planned. Cheap models and already owning them make sense in me finishing them. Thanks for the replies and I'll post a few more pics when I get more done.
  2. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    ofc, i did not mean that "they suck and you shouldnt paint them". i have plenty of models that i do not use atm. i actually did you cold ones not long ago at all, but i got tired of them and exchanged them for sauri instead. and as you say, things change. a better example than DE warriors is our sauri. "to spear or not to spear" has had a lot of different answers since i started in 1992 lol :D
  3. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    That is a great point Tsunami! You'd think that GW would have at least the game system down a bit better by now. I think it's a huge conspiracy to get all of the older gamers with old models to buy new ones. :D :rolleyes:
  4. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    I had the back four started and completed recently. While I was making them, I realized I needed to skip a few bases since I don't have 18 total cavalry models! Needless to say the back looks a little more spaced out.

    Is anyone else having troubles starting their character models? Gents and ladies it's like pulling teeth with me right now. I'll have to get on the ball and get something in the works. Enjoy!

  5. andrew_uk
    Jungle Swarm

    andrew_uk New Member

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    You think? [sarcasm]

    Of course it's a huge drive to get people to buy more models... GW change the main rules and the army books on a regular basis and as a gamer one would hope that their aims in doing so would be to

    a) Improve the gameplay
    b) Improve the realism
    c) Sort out any balance issues
    d) Use it as an opportunity to release new and better quality models

    Yet doing these goes directly against GW actual philosophy 'Sell more models by any means necessary'. So whenever a new book gets released it is often made to be more powerful than other armies (think Skaven for example? O+G hasn't had enough time to settle yet so who knows) Even when they don't dramatically improve the whole army they very often make an old rubbish unit into the best unit in the new book (think White Lions for example)

    As a result of all these things a) b) and c) are usually not achieved as a direct result of GW trying to get people to open their wallets. d) Usually is achieved but at what price? The newest GW models are very good but less flexible for bits swapping and the price is crazy. Greatswords were the first of the plastic sets to be released with only 10 models but at £25 which frankly can have only been to reflect the fact that they were special and that they have a higher points cost than the rest of the army, since however look at Bestigor herds, Stormvermin and the new High Elf elites... how is that value?

    Games workshop is a company and needs to make money to survive but they seem to be pushing the prices up and getting on the nerves of alot of people in the hobby
  6. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    I agree. GW is still owned by a few folks that don't quite understand management of the logistical side of the business. I personally use Bartertown to buy my models from those folks that want to get rid of their old models for super cheap. I don't usually buy new ones except when I splurged when I came back from overseas and started my skaven army.

    We all have to play the game because we are addicted. Thankfully my addiction to GW is still a lot cheaper than if I were addicted to drugs!!! It's a win-win for myself and my wife! :D :pompus:
  7. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    These three beauties were done just recently. I will base them in a pool or spawning setting. I look forward to posting those pictures.
    The top most picture is the Temple Guard Standard after being inked. I will take a picture of him after he's had a few highlights. He was to be my entry into the competition but there isn't a base on it!
    The picture below is after being initially painted and after being gloss varnished. I've seen this technique done to increase the flow of any wash. It definitely helped and will continue doing this to the rest of the Temple Guard.
    Below is the base colors before being varnished. I really like the vallejo gloss varnish. I applied it with my airbrush, waited for 25 minutes, then washed the entire model. Super easy! The reason why I decided to gloss the model and then wash it was simple. I've had quite a few R&F models have the paint pulled off as I was applying the wash. I didn't want that to happen to the fancy guys. Hence, varnish it first.
    C&C is much welcome and appreciated!
  8. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    great stuff man, but why do you insist on keeping your images so tiny? 800 pixels ftw, im an old man and i cant see very well :D

    as always i really like the way you make a simple color combination together with a liberal wash/ink look so well. army painting (as opposed to miniature painting) is a great skill to have :)
  9. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    I'm glad you commented on that. I have a lot bigger pictures on the blog but I usually forget to click on the picture for a bigger size. I do wish I could paint individual models but never seemed to acquire the taste. I do enjoy watching your work because your hand seems to know how to do models so much better. The reason I don't want to paint individually is because this army just needs to be done. Heck, look at how old these models are! I just can't have them sitting around forlorn like they have since the early 2000's.
  10. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    haha! i am actually trying to be more like you (well, not you specifically, but more of an army painter in general). but i have such a hard time getting started on a batch of models, and when i do, i have a hard time putting them away, saying they are finished :D
  11. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    Dang, maybe we just need to switch places!

    I did want to let you all know that I have started a "rush to the finish" contest. It will see me trying to finish 190ish models for the lizardmen in 3-4 months. I can see my hands getting quite a work out trying to get it all done.

    This month alone I need to finish about 50ish models. I'll try to post the pics when I get them done. Thankfully most of these models are based they just need bases and a good coat.
  12. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    This is the finished product for the Terradons. I have three more terradons that will complete the backside of the pool.
    This unit above is my first unit of hand weapon and shield Sauri. Both units have 20 models each. I still have a few left over that I am not for sure what I will do with. Each unit has a themed base that all fit in their places every time. I am always tired of having to reposition models to make them fit in a unit. This takes care of that immediately.
    I'm really happy with how this unit's base came out. My wife made the bases and it is very 3-D.
    The last model in the rear is a character. His Cold One fits in to the rear and will also replace the standard model if I decide to use him as a character. It all depends on what I will be doing with the unit. I'm really happy with the final product. Enjoy!
    If you'd like to see the model bases of the Sauri before I glued them on I'll post them for you later. Oh yes, this is the amount of models I needed to complete this months goal. Next month will see me trying for 70ish. Wish me luck!
  13. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    good work as usual. but i do think that red "highlights" rather than blue would have made the weapons and shields look even better. the new bases are great though. really like them :)

    the tongues of the sauri could have been painted something like scorched brown too. its very quick and it doesnt pull any attention, but it looks more "finished" than keeping them base-coat-blue. you still have 5 days left of the month :smug:

    btw, do you have a finished armylest that you are painting, or is it just a bunch of models that you have lying around? could we see the armylist? :D
  14. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    Those are some great points. I'm glad you brought them up. I have not touched a wargaming table in about 4 years and running. I doubt I will have time to play anytime soon. The models I have are what I had from my own collectiong and from a friend's. He left the game and gave me all his stuff. I believe I have about 170ish models. I know specifically how many models I want to make for the Sauri, Temple Guard, Slann, Stegadon, and Terradon.

    What I know I want to make is 2x20 HW/S Sauri, 2x20 Spear/Shield Sauri, 1x25 TG, 2x Slann, 1x Steg, 6x Krox, 4x Salamanders, countless Skink with BP and Javelin, convert new skink in to approximately 6-10x chamos.

    The other great thing about this paint job: I can come back after I've finished them and retouch all of them. It's exactly how I wanted these models done. I needed them done because I don't want any mini unpainted; however, I am restricted by the time I have to do it in. If I had all the time in the world I would be completing the tongues, highlights, etc at the time of production.

    Hope that helps. Thanks for the reply.
  15. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    This model was super easy. I tried to tie him in with the Temple Guard I will be doing. I have yet to decide what his shield will look like. I still need to highlight the black armor.
    The Kroxigor are great. I really can't stand the skinny one in the back from a previous version. It really doesn't matter because he was free like the others. It won't take me much time to complete their bases.
    These Terradons finished the total I have. I had to really bend and shape them at the right angle so they could fit. Too bad I don't have more.

    I'm still working to complete the 40 Sauri in two units with spears. I'm going to finish them this week and the next.

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  16. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    cool stuff :)

    i like the kroxigors (i like it all tbh), but i think they could use some more color on the jewelry (like gold or something), but maybe they are still WIP?

    i think the left most terradon in the picture has a really cool pose. yes i know the legs would probably not bend like that, but i like it anyway :D
  17. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    I've been looking at those Krox for a while too. The bands just look too bland. I generally like to keep things simple and subdued; this time it all runs together without any seperation. I might change the color, it may not be gold, but we'll see.
  18. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    New photos. Still would like to update the armbands on the Krox and I'm thinking of painting the tongues a purple. I want the army to pop a bit more but without the flash of a comic book.


    Thoughts and criticisms are welcome.

    Oops, forgot the skinks I have completed....

  19. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    Great times at my house this week with the completion with the final Sauri unit. The bases of this unit are centered around a sacrificial mound the Lizards have been using. The last picture is of the Temple guard I'm starting this week. I have an idea about their bases but it's not final. I wouldn't think to insert my TG in to the fantastic unit challenge as you all have some amazing talent. Enjoy the pics. I wonder if there is another out there with my amount of time who can finish models like I can?

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