does anyone know models that can be used as explorers. preferably swords over spears, some archers and if possible some flaming torches.(i can make these if need be). as they will be in a golden demon diorama based on a swamp i dont really want them to look like empire or bretonnian infantry
I was looking at them but they are more spear than sword, I did see the empire freecompany which I could maybe convert to have flaming torches and a bow as well
Yea you would have to do a weapon swap, But I figured you'd probaly have to do one anyway... Not too many minis have torches.
The fifth edition Lizardmen book has a great Spanish Conquistador diorama with it. I think originality would be an issue if you were to use mainly Spanish type troops. Have you thought about using marauders and converting them into slaves for a druchii expedition? How about using the marauder infantry as Cathayan type swashbucklers? Those jokers are always looking for an easy find of gold. these two may help you with the torches, and will also give you some models to use as well.