8th Ed. Lizardmen vs new Tomb Kings

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Coatl, May 13, 2011.

  1. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    As the title says, has anyone got any games in against the new Tomb King book? Any glaring threats to the jungles (or deserts in my case) of Lustria? Haven't had a chance to pick up the book yet, so I figured I'd ask to see if anyone had some quality information
  2. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    I played them yesterday at 1k in an escalation tourny at my GWS. Their magic is a lot better imo so watch out for that.

    The most threatening thing to us is the Sepulchral Stalkers. They have a shooting attack called gaze of something that is artillery dice Initiative tests. Never came up against them but it sounds nasty as hell.

    Also killing blow, casting that on wimpy archers makes them an actual threat.

    Oh and D6 impact on the chariots hurts a lot

    I am set to be playing TK more so if I find anything else then Ill say :p
  3. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    I'll be collecting them as my 3rd army soon so when I have a few games I'll let you know what our strengths are :)
  4. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    I played a 2400 point game.
    But he was not fielding a traditional TK list.
    16 units of 10 Archers (always hitting on 5s and 6s is pretty nice)
    1 block unit of Tomb Guard
    1 block of Skeletons with spears
    3 or 4 casters (Don’t remember)

    His strategy was to use the extra attack spell on all his archers (That worked out to 320 shots a shooting phase!) It actually worked out to be 310 becasue he had one unit of archers out of range of the spell.

    I placed 1 Ancient Stegs with a chief and a War Spear on it on one flank and another ancient Steg and a unit of 7 Krox on the other.

    I was still able to march my units right up the board and on him in 2 turns, Stegs were all but immune to S3 arrows, Kroxs lost 3 making their way across the board. But once the Stegs and Krox got into CC it was just over run after over run into 10 man skeleton archer blocks that just crumbled.

    On top of that he kept regrowing his spearmen and tomb gaurd after every spell he cast, it was a good list.
  5. MasterSlann
    Cold One

    MasterSlann New Member

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    the sepelcre stalkers are definitely a big issue but if you throw poison at them they should die pretty easily with only the 5+ AS. Same goes with the warsphinx and necrosphinx; They both only have a 5+ AS.
  6. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    yea, i had a similar result in my 4K game this weekend. stalkers can be annoying (rolled 1 misfire and 42 shots from 2 units of 3), but some light magic or the aforementioned poison should do just fine. i think the TG block is the main worry in the army (took down my horde-o-kroxs pretty easily. just too many -3 save wounds) especially if he castles up with a TK and main wizard. best solution to that is plenty of magic and some sallies, as usual. id avoid direct combat if you can, the amount of KB that unit puts out plus regrowth on augment spells PLUS our horrible I against them will only spell heartbreak. good lores against them: 2k id say light or death, 3k id say light death or life, 4k id say life or death. the reason id drop light from the higher level is you could just as easily take enough chameleons and salamanders to do what light does with that extra D6.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I was thinking this might be the one case where you might want to take the lore of fire, (most of the army is flamable)
    and just aim every spell at their lords unit. With fires atribute of geting a bonus if you
    target the same unit again, surely this would wipe out the lord and soon the whole army would crumble.
  8. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    Only the hierophant causes crumble, so I would target him if you wanted to do that tactic (they have to tell you which one is the hierophant as well to make this even easier)
  9. Goat1of4

    Goat1of4 New Member

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    Do not take chameleons. The fact that TK archers get no modifiers to hit means that they are hitting on 5+ wounding on 3+. Watch out for there horse archers as well, vanguard, scouting and good move makes them hard on the flanks.
    I found that a Kroxigor in a Skink unit was even more affective because it A, negated the need to make a fear test and B, did well at taking out those princes that give the unit there ws.
  10. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    hmm I just played a 2400 points game and I think there magic face is alot worse, normally he had an everage of 10 dice for incantations now only 7, his healing spell is much worse, if I am right he can not use his magic anymore to make his catapults shoot 2 times, normally all his spells where always succesfull. I could go own but I think you see my point ;P

    a really strong change is that warriors now just cost 4 points and not 8 and archers 6 points, also what i found to be really strong his a special rule called something like the tomb kings will (if he is in a unit the hole unit gets his WS so 6).

    ofcaurse his monsters did get better.

    it might look to me like TK did not benefit that much from the new book because my opponent still has to get used to the new book but I will get back on that in a few weeks ;P
  11. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    Well I think the healing lore attribute is brilliant. Yes, It is less wounds per spell back. But alongside getting guys back, they could gain an extra attack or killing blow or killing blow on a 5!

    Also, upping casting values for AoE buffs brings a steady balance of power and also healed units. As for your friend, unlucky rolls? Did he have a casket for the extra D3?

    Granted, I played a much smaller game, but the dice gods might have not smiled upon him XD
  12. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    idk my slann did cost 495 points and had a skink priest of 150 points and my power dice rolls where 3-2-3-3 and we stopped after his turn 4, but he had 8-11-7-12. so looking to power dice i was very unlucky XD

    ohh and yes he had the guy that gives +3D casting really anoing.

    btw my slann had the plaque of dominion and the TK player said he did not have to make the stupidity test because he is immume to psygology just wanted to ask if this is true because I found he exedently cheated some times before ;P
  13. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    the LRB states that immune to psychology units automatically pass panic, fear and terror tests however they have to take all other leadership tests (par break tests for UD's case) so from them rules it would seem that he has to take the stupidity test unless they have another special rule which I doubt they have.
  14. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    Exactly as I was reading it ling. I have a mate who plays VC and never does stupidity either. Silly silly people XD
  15. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    indeed, just show them the passage (page 71 LRB) I need to show one of my friends who plays VC too
  16. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Played an 3000 pnt Ard Boyz practice game last night against TK.

    TK Achilles heel is poison, Chameleons took out Casket turn 1, Giant Blow pipes took Necro-Sphinx down to 2 wounds turn 1, finished him off turn 2.

    Once I got into CC was a little more difficult,
    A. Stegs vs. 3 regular Sphinx and a Colossus, each one was a pretty even match up and we just kept pushing each round. He did manage to Killing Blow my Old Blood with one of the guys on top of the sphinx, that part sucked.
  17. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    The saturation of killing blow in TK compared to any other army is just stupid!

    My friend just recently bought the codex and a Sphinx, looks like Ill need to find a way to deal with it XD
  18. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    poison is your saviour v the sphinx, I believe it only has like a 5+armour save so it should work quite well :)
  19. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    So 30 Skink skirmishers should do the job quite nicely then? XD
  20. KillerK

    KillerK Member

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    I played a 2400 against TK last night.

    What I have noticed, Magis is essential for the army to work.

    Archers are not a problem, because they can't hurt saurus, but till decimate skink's. never the less skink's only are good in the first two turn's to take out their light troops (cavalry, and the catapult).

    casket is mean to unit's out side of the LD bubble, and the d3 PD is irritating.

    Chariot's are nasty and very resilient, don't let them get the charge.

    I faced knight's and their irritating. same as the chariot's they care a pain, because they will loose combat and the next faze they will be healed any way's. If charging make shure to take down in one round.

    Sphinx is scary but only on paper, if you get a drop on it it will crumble. I charged it with the TG and it poped do to static CR (+4 T helped, but i won CR by 7 anyways).

    Tomb guard not buffed is not a problem to defeat, especially if 1-2 sally templates land on them earlier.

    Scorpions are still a pain. Not much changed here.

    Go for their casters once they are down the army is looses it's effectiveness.
    They TK are slow, have low strength attack's,
    so without movement spell's and spell that increases thier no. of attacks and resurrecting the fallen, has nothing that can stand up to our unit's.

    If the magic is not stopped the army suddenly is very mobile with tone's of s3/4 attack's. and unit's that are not completely destroyed have a tendency to come back to life. Making life very difficult.

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