Challenge: Painting a Tournament Lizardmen Army in a Day.

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Paul Brown, May 22, 2011.

  1. Paul Brown
    Jungle Swarm

    Paul Brown New Member

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    Hi All,

    I just want to let you know about an event that is happening this Thursday (26th May). Myself and The Two Gamer Radio Crew (Rob and Gill) are going to be painting a tournament army from undercoated to finished in a single day. More interestingly from your perspective we will be tweeting about it throughout the day with pictures. If you are interested in following this event on Twitter then please follow all or some of us at:


    More info:

    There has been a lot of talk recently about the declining standards of painted armies on the UK WFB Tournament scene. At Two Gamer Radio we have already ranted about this but for once in our lives have decided to try and do something positive about the situation. We are going to paint up a 2400pts ETC Lizardmen army that has been assembled and undercoated in a single day. Just so you know we haven’t chosen a silly elite force which would be ultra quick here is the list to be painted:

    2 Mounted Scar Vets

    20 Saurus
    20 Saurus
    24 Skinks w/3 Krox
    10 Skink sKirmishers

    3 Terradons
    3 Terradons
    6 Chamo Skinks
    6 Chamo Skinks
    2 Salamander Packs

    As a basis for our standards we are going to try and get full points from the Call to War painting scoring system (a recent UK tournament) and will actually be having the painting judge from the event to come over and mark the army. The five points we get marked on are: Tidiness, 3 colours, shading, basing and cohesiveness. We want to show how with a few tricks and a lot of sugary drinks how easily these standards can be met and how it can leave you with a nicely painted army.

    One the army is finished I will post up pictures here as well as talk about what was learned over the day and post some tips for effectively and quickly painting an army that looks decent. Also I imagine there will be coverage on Two Gamer Radio Podcast*(search for a tale of two gamers on Google or itunes).

    Cheers for reading this far,

    Paul Brown

    *Warning it contains strong language, adult themes and often leaves the realm of good taste, oh and production values are sometimes shall we say amateur (particularly when we record in the pub). But at times there is some really good Warhammer chat.
    ** Unseen Lurker’s latest magazine features an article on painting a Lizardmen army in 10 hours we may have been to a lesser or greater extent influenced by that not really sure. Anyway why not check out their magazine you can view a quarter of it online for free before you decide to buy so why have a look?
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow that sounds like a very ambitious task. Good luck with it! I'd be very interested to see how your army turns out looking, and what techniques and tricks you employ.
  3. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    This sounds very doable. The question I have for you, is what type of painting style will you use? Looking forward to the outcome. Let the games begin!
  4. Paul Brown
    Jungle Swarm

    Paul Brown New Member

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    Not Quite sure what you mean by painting style to be honest but it will be basecoat, wash, highlight/drybrushing.
  5. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    You're crazy :p. I'm curious though as to the quality of the paintjob these figures will end up with :).
  6. Paul Brown
    Jungle Swarm

    Paul Brown New Member

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    I've done a test model which I think looks quite nice tbh. The army never looks quite like a test model but if I can get close I will be happy. I can't post pictures on Forum's right now but I will post a picture on Twitter (wfbpaulbrown) now if you want to see my test skink.
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    This it? If so, it looks really good for just basic techniques! I will be amazed if you can get a whole army to this standard in one afternoon.
  8. Paul Brown
    Jungle Swarm

    Paul Brown New Member

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    Yeah that is the one. Well hopefully I we can get it done. The point is to show what can be done with the right colour choices and painting techniques, it's all about effective techniques/tricks.

    There is nothing more than basecoat, ink and a combination of drybrushing and highlighting (one colour, technique dependning on the area). That models was actually half way painted in another scheme and I just painted over the top of it as I couldn't be bothered paint stripping it.
  9. Paul Brown
    Jungle Swarm

    Paul Brown New Member

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    Sadly we struggled on the day (a combination of things but over complicated colour scheme being a big one).

    Also I have strained my hand a little so won't be able to finish the army over this weekend as I would have hoped. I will keep tweeting and put of pictures of what I get done when I can.

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