hey everyone im in the middle of painting my lizardmen army, so far iv completed a stege/EOTG, skink priest, 2 skink chiefs, slann, razordon, 10 temple guard, chakax, 22 skinks, i think 33 saurus with spears and about 20 with hand weapons eventually will be the same as spears aiming to buy more saurus want to have about 60 of each, im halfway through my second stege/giant bow also working on 8 cold ones and Kroq-Gar on carnosaur ill post some pics later today or tomorrow and see what you guys think, any comments/pointers on the paint scheme or changes i could make would be good.
alright here are some of my pics still gotta put up the temple guard and saurus with spears and blowpipe skinks.
Your models have a wonderful paint job. White and red just look great. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of your work in the future! Keep them coming.
i am not an ultra mega fan of your colorscheme, but the execution is just great! and i must say you have some of the best bases around here. i tip my hat to you sir!
The paining looks great, however if you want the pics to turn out better, take the picture on a white sheet of paper with a white background, it will draw the camera's focus to the model not the book.
I have a question, what wash did you use? i use the same sceme for my mark of the old ones spawing, but my wash is less awesome, i use badhab black.
That razordon has me very interested. Did you add spikes to it that weren't there before? It seems to have a much different tail to mine, and longer horns on the head and body. Cool looking army all up though, good work!
yeh the scheme works well, i like the razerdon. Strewert there are a couple of different razerdons now
heres my temple guard only 10 though still gotaa paint 20, then 46 more saurus and 24 more skinks then ill buy some kroxigor and terradons oh and iv got 2 more steges half painted
the skin is really basic wanted to keep my troops simple, easy and quick so its just white undercoat, then babad black wash over all the skin then drybrushed skull white, then scales were painted skull white then chaos black dots on them. really simple but i think its quite effective and looks decent.