Just a quick question; I've been reading on other sites and have seen many people say that the attacks generated by the EotG are NOT magical. say it aint so!?!?!? Another semi-related question; In the lore of metal, the spell which allows you to cause a S 1-7 attack based on the targets armor save, the actual name escapes me at the moment. My question; does this attack/spell count as flaming if wounds are done to the opponent? Any and all help would be awesome! P.S. this is my first post, grettings fellow Lustria dwellers
Can't help you with your first question since I havn't got my book yet.. About the "Rule of Burning Iron" spell, it spesificaly says, this is a flaming attack spell. This also works for the "Spirit of The Forge" spell.
No where in the rulebook does it say the attacks from the EotGs are or are not magical. It does however say the following; "Note that none of these effects may be dispelled, such as by Dispel Scrolls etc." and "The Engine of the Gods can create one of the following effects (choose at the beginning of each friendly Magic Phase)" It sounds magical to me but can't be dispelled.
I had the same path of thinking as yourself. I would be amazed if those attacks were not counted as magical...but I figured better to find out now rather then when my opponent calls me out on them being non-magical at a crucial point in a battle. ex: say....when he charges a unit of spirit host to bog down my steg while keeping his other units a safe distance from its effects.
Bah! Finally the crappy wording in the book works against us rather than for us. Logically, it should be magical, and possibly flaming but they have been reasonably good with adding the 'flaming' line where needed lately, so I guess not. The big issue is whether the ability counts as a spell or not. It happens in the magic phase, and just says it cannot be dispelled, I think it is undispellable spells, so should be magical. However, since it doesn't explicitely state that...... Another thing that will have to be FAQed.
I think it's aboslutely ridiculous to assume otherwise! Anything during the magic pahse is magical! Period. Which is WHY they specify that it cannot be Dispelled. That's like saying damaging spells that aren't called magic missles aren't magical because it doesn't say so in their profile. As for the flaming part, personally I don't think it's supposed to be literally flaming. I think it calls itself Burning, fluff wise, because it's a blinding flash of the Old Ones' power.
I would have thought that if something cannot be dispelled then by way of definition it must be a spell, ergo something magical.
I would have to agree. I can't think of a reason why they would spesificaly put down "...in the magical phase.." if they didn't mean it to be magical.. Apart from that, I guess we just has to wait for another errata to be published...
it is in the MAGIC PHASE, the entire phase is magical, hence MAGIC PHASE nothing else happens in the magic phase but magic, whether it's magical movement, magical shooting, or anything else there is nothing in that phase that isn't magical, IMHO
By definition all spells are magical though. This thing isn't explicitely a spell even though it is in the magic phase, it is described as an ability and cannot be dispelled. What is that Dwarf thing that goes off in the magic phase? Something to do with a hammer I think? Do its abilities count as magical? Good points made though, I guess it is clutching at straws a bit for it to not be called magical.
Anvil of Doom goes off in the Shooting phase, BUT the description of "Wrath and Ruin" specifically states the attack is magical. I guess the only way I could see an argument for them being non-magical would be if GW has decided that these relics of the Old Ones are technological in nature rather than magical. Of course that's a pretty thin defense, I think definitely magical attacks at this point. After all it takes a skink priest to operate the thing!