8th Ed. My first 8th ed victory, 2000 points Lizardmen versus Dwarfs

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Scalenex, May 25, 2011.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My opponent hinted that he would try something unusual but he surpassed my expectations on this.

    He went with 100% shooters and made me come to him.

    I fielded something quasi-expermental myself. I chose a theme. All Saurus.

    Saurus List
    Saurus Old Blood (145), Blade of Tzunki (65), Armor of Fortune (35), Cold One (30), Shield (6)
    281 points
    Saurus Scar Veteran (85), Charm of the Jaguar Warrior (25), Berserker Sword (20), Charmed Shield (5), Light Armor (5) 140 points
    Saurus Scar Veteran (85), Cold One (20), Gambler’s Armor (20), Dawnstone (25), Potion of Foolhardiness (5), Great Weapon (6) 164 points
    Saurus Scar Veteran (85), BSB (25), Armor of Destiny (50), Shield (3) 163 points
    Core 29 Saurus Warriors (319), Spear Upgrades (29), Champion (12), Musician (6), Standard Bearer (12) 378 points
    29 Saurus Warriors (319), Spear Upgrades (29), Champion (12), Musician (6), Standard Bearer (12) 378 points
    Special6 Cold One Cavalry (210), Standard Bearer (20), Standard of Swiftness (15) Musician (10) 255 points
    6 Cold One Cavalry (210), Standard Bearer (20), Musician (10) 240 points

    I won, but I made a lot of mistakes. First off I forgot to have my opponent make fear checks fairly often. I made no stupidity tests this game. I forgot to use my Potion of Foolhardiness in this game. I forgot again that overruns can’t be redirected and ran off the board in turn five, missing a chance to kill another war machine in the last round. My opponent forgot to make a reform that might have helped him avoid losing a combat to the point where he had to break. Anyway I haven’t done an overview yet. I was still in the sixth edition mode where having a negative armor save was good to give you a cushion against armor piercing attacks. In 8th you can’t go lower than 8th so I had some redundant protection on my mounted characters. Also my old blood, would have done just as well with a Sword of Might instead of the Blade of Tzunki since the fact that his blade ignored armor saves never came up.

    My opponent fielded ninety quarrelers, two bolt throwers, and two grudge throwers, one was boosted with runes to strength 5 hits. He had a master engineer and a rune smith (no BSB!). It was a Dawn Attack scenario and his units rolled to be pretty evenly distributed so he pretty much set up a line of fire across the whole table edge. The only piece of terrain that mattered at all was a feature that made nearby units stubborn that My opponent ended up deploying a lot of units around (but most of them would have been stubborn anyway). Having lots of move or fire weapons, he rarely moved units.

    I lost a lot of troops due to assorted missile fire and even considered conceding. My general’s cold one unit with the magic standard was reduced the old blood and said magic standard bearer. My general left that “unit” and joined the slightly less casualty beaten other Cold One unit. That last cold one was killed. The two Saurus blocks were whittled down quite a bit. My opponent’s regular shooting was quite effective, but his stand and shoots were unimpressive and rarely killed a unit.

    My surviving Cold One riders eventually caught up with the largest quarreler unit and steadily began grinding it down. Then they reformed and began sweeping across the flank attacking right to left. In the process of doing this, the two Saurus characters kicked ass but lost the last remnants of their regular Cold One buddies due to attrition. A poor choice of an overrun cost me the chance of killing another bolt thrower as I alluded to before. It also gave my opponent a small chance of killing a character. All the quarrelers had great weapons. They did fairly okay damage to the regular Saurus (as none survived) but not that well against the Cold Ones or characters (in that case the “always strike last” of the great weapons actually became a liability of sorts).

    A few Saurus reached some quarrelers and began wearing them down. The Saurus did less impressive then the Cold One Riders and were all killed. But the two Saurus characters on foot were able to break a unit by themselves and score me points without dying, the Jaguar Saurus came close to dying. Though far from dying, he managed to kill the rune smith general in a challenge. I never got an opportunity to cast the spell in a useful situation and if I did, the rune smith’s power die stealing rune meant I’d only have about a fifty-fifty chance of getting the bound spell off. It was against my two Saurus on foot that My opponent forgot to roll for reforming in combat. If he did he might have held the two Saurus up a turn and delayed a follow up charge.

    I lost all of my non-character models. A lot of that was due to shooting so my opponent didn’t get a lot of points for my standards. I got all his quarrelers, a war machine, four standards, and his general. The score was 1747 to 1301. My first victory in 8th edition.
  2. Skink Skirmisher

    Skink Skirmisher New Member

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    well even though i dont like SAURUS-heavy lists as they almost always go to attack last i have to admit that yours was pretty good..in my opinion SKINKS are the biggest pain in the dwarven a**s...f you use them right you will win easily! trust me! ;)
  3. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    That was a bum rush then on your part! I'm surprised you made it across the board even with a few models left. I agree with skink; if you had taken a few skirmishers he would have had a lot tougher time.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Normally I would agree, but I think against this army that was just one big gunline, quarrelers would have been able to rip through skinks a lot easier than Saurus.
  5. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Fun stuff :) I've often thought of starting a pure 'missile fire' dwarf army.. And I also like going Saurus heavy :D Good job on the victory! Be sure to learn from your mistakes :)

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