he everyone im planning on modelling my terradon riders into ikran riders from avatar i'll replace the skinks with coc riders and i'll give them tg heads for some more helmet like feeling first i need to order some terradons and modelling putty any thoughts everyone? every help is welcome
alright, so first let me apologise for my previous post. it was a joke and it may have been in poor taste. i do hate the avatar movie for sure but this isnt the forum to discuss it on topic though: you may have a problem with models looking top heavy with such a big rider on top. added to that, the CoC are leaning very far forward and it may end up looking plain ridiculous with such a big rider basically leaning over the terradons head. if you modeled them to be on very high... sticks? (what the heck do you call those things between the terradon and the base?) it may look cool if you leaned them almost vertically forward as if diving out of the skies. If i were you i would paint the terradons in bright colors like in the A-movie (lol) cause it is kinda cool, but keep skinks as riders for size purposes.
I use 1/4 inch acrylic tubes (clear) in place of the plastic 'stick' that comes with the terradons. I find that they make for a much more stable base. The best way that I have found to mount the terradons on them is to drill a hole into the center of the acrylic tube. Then attach a brad nail to the hole in the bottom of the terradon. Then the nail slides neatly into the tube. They can be removed with ease as well.
Thnxz for the help so far For now I think ill go with the scheme I did on tik and swoop picture on the left maybe a bit more blueish Im planning on making the terradon itself somewhat larger first ill need to order some and test it out Im also working on a cold one to horned one conversion
Ok so its gonna take a while because of the resin issue I hope I can find some so I can finally start converting already.bussy with the rider hoping on posting a picture this week
if you want a really warlike look oto them you can take bits out of the back of theyre wings like theyve been bitten or torn. or if you are goos with greenstuff, a small thins roll of this sculpted onto the body can be painted to look like a good line of scar tissue
already on it never used green stuff but i'll get used to it on the moment i moddeled my friends gyrocopter after he smashed it to the ground because the wings wouldnt stay on so now its better than ever and it looks cooler to he hasnt painted it yet but ill ask if i can get a foto from him well back to the moddeling board for me better get those riders ready