I found this http://www.coolminiornot.com/183034 from internet, and begin to think how it is made. Of course it requires huge amount of skill, but from what it is made. It is so well made unlike most of what I have seen made of greenstuff. Is it just well made greenstuff miniature, or have there been used some harder more solid sculpting material or something?
Yea that's one of Rikards sculpts of this older GW sketch of Kroak. http://www.redknuckle.com/images/illustrations/kroak_sml.jpg He used to frequent the Pyramid Vault a lot, http://pyramidvault.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=71&highlight=kroak I have three of his casted sculpts home. He has done several Sculpts of carvets and kroxigor , I believe he is working on a mounted old blood at the moment.
He is a dandy! I'd like to see a few videos from him on Youtube. It would help with my kindergarten gs skills.
I'd like to learn how he use the green stuff like that. I only use it for filling in holes and it's a real pain in the @55. So sticky and My fingerprints always get in it. Do you wait until it's semi hardned or something?
What I've learned from my research is both. You have to work certain things at certain times of the hardening process. Either way, a lot more time than I usually have.
You should check out his published models. http://trollforged.com/shelf_fantasy_Lizardmen.html and http://www.avatars-of-war.com/eng/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=756