7th Ed. Mordheim Campaign Battle Reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Craken, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    We are playing a mordheim campaign though we are doing a few things different notably the terrain will change and any equipment can be bought by any are after the initial build. These reports will be a collection of short stories representing what happened and less of a play by play. Hope you enjoy them - Craken

    Week 1

    Location: Woodlands

    Report 1

    It was morning and a group of Lizardmen walked in to the woods where a small village laid, composed of rock and straw huts, and massive ruins. The group was led by Nyx a copper skinned creature about 5 feet tall, he wore the skull of a long dead beast on his head, and carried an array of weapons, his second in command was a massive lizardman, bearing armor, and a massive chain with a blade on one end and a spiked ball on the other, with them where two slender lizardmen carrying blowpipes and shields made of leather, flanked by two large lizardmen wielding massive clubs. The lizardmen began investigating the abandoned place, suddenly a foul smell emerged the stench filled the forest and all the creatures of the woods fell silent. The lizardmen rushed into the buildings finding refuge for the evil coming their way. They hid and lay silent weapons ready, a buzzing sound became known to them, as they looked out from cracks in the stone and small windows they saw the fearsome carnival, A massive man wielding a equally large club skipped beside a sullen looking man in a robe, they where followed by disturbing demons made or rotting flesh. Flies swarmed their bodies, though they did not seem affected the party skipped down the dirt path seeming not to notice the party of Lizardmen strode away in the huts and ruins. After the parade had left the uneasy skinks searched the ruins, finding a long bow that was taken by Nyx, the priest, and a metal breastplate which was take by Gier Koa the massive lizardman with the chains, they also found a few coins that would aid them in their quest.

    Victory: Lizardmen
    Woodlands Controlled: 1 Lizardmen, 0 Chaos, 0 Undead

    Report 2

    The Carnival continued merrily down the path, their joy surmounted when they felt a ripple of unearthly energy. Quickly the mood of the beasts turned grim and they rushed through the woods towards the source, as they passed through a thick fog raised around the woods. The group of beasts rushed towards what felt like the source, a ruined building, containing a chest and a sarcophagus. The cloaked mage moved quickly to the chest, the missing dust from the top of the chest revealed that it had been opened recently. The wizard pointed Manton the massive simpleton to lift the lid of the tomb, quickly doing as he was told, he pried the lid off, revealing a once again empty container. The wizard eyed the woods, the fog broke momentarily, speaking mostly he said "...the energy was here, where is it now?..." he looked to his pets demons, despicable tiny beasts, pus and rot leaking from their flesh. He sent them and two large one eyed beasts to the flanking building, which had just revealed themselves, "Manton, you go ahead, crush anything you see that moves!" he spat at his large companion. Left only with a small pet, the wizard lurked and began summoning rituals in order to find the lost source of power he had felt.

    Suddenly a quick moving man sized creature, burst out of the fog colliding with one of the larger one eyed beast, rendering him in two with a massive blade. Two massive spiders also came from the woods from the trees landing in front of the other one eyed creature, but this one was more effective, it cracked the skull of one with one mighty swing, the other leaped on the beast and managed to push it away, but the demon gave it a powerful hit, then thew it against a tree, the spider retreated, in the mist Manton could be heard calling. "Come here m' friend, I's only wants to squish ya" into view retreated a necromancer armed with a massive halberd made of bone, followed by Manton. The plagued one eyed demon began to advance on the new comer, when from behind appeared the almost forgotten warrior; his armor gleamed as he struck the plague beast he revealed his fangs, the vampire count awoken from his slumber just in time for this invasion was enraged. He was still lacking all his possessions and though he was in dept to his necromancer, he left him to deal with the brute for time was of the essence if he wanted these beasts gone, so that he could prepare his plans and be informed of the current times, he bust trough the thick fog knowing this property inside and out he needn't see anyhow, he smashed through the nearby building and slaughtered the small creature inside, taking up some of the tools in the building he began to speak words of an ancient tongue.

    Meanwhile Manton had finally cornered his prey, the wizard rushed at him but before he could swing his halberd, Manton had hit him with his massive clubs sending the wizard to his knees, then clubbed him again sending him sprawling onto the floor. He raised his club over his head ready to finish the job he started when suddenly, a small ghoulish creature leapt on his back and began tearing at Manton's flesh, Manton wailed like a baby, as he felt the pain writhing through his body, the screams stopped when the creature clubbed him on the head with a leg bone. In the ruins the pestilence wizard had succeeded his ritual ad had opened a portal allowing more small pestilent beast to burst through a portal, the poured out like an infected wound. When suddenly it closed, the wizards expression turned to rage, "What!" he screeched, but as he started a mist formed around the wizard, the vampires ritual had as well succeeded. The fog formed till all was white and suddenly the Carnival and all it members, dead or living where standing in the dark woods, not knowing where they were.

    Victory: Undead
    Woodlands Controlled: 1 Lizardmen, 0 Chaos, 1 Undead

    Report 3

    Nyx and his group had began to search the new woods, the day had gone, and they had spent the previous day fortifying the small village. Searching the wilderness Krix and Krill the smallest lizardmen had unearthed a strange crystal, they brought it to Nyx, who examined it. "This seems to be of some value, see if you can find more", the two nimble lizards moved quickly searching the woods, they where near ponds, the water reminded them of their swamp home and gave them a feeling of ease as they plunged into the liquid. Nyx looked to Geir Koa, who seemed to be uneasy, his guards Pharlax and Slaxar where busying themselves at the edge of the pond, searching for any relics they could find. Yet Geir Koa stared at the sky, Nyx moved over to him, and spoke, "What bothers you brother?" the massive Lizardman didn't look at him, he simply responded starring to the sky, "There is a foul breeze . . . a cold foul breeze". Just as the words had left his mouth at cold wind, blew through chilling the group to the bone, and the skies opened up pouring a cold thick rain down upon them, the waters began to raise Krix and Krill emerged, and ran to Nyx. "The water is unstable, but look I found another", he reached out to hand the crystal to Nyx when voiced broke through the sound of the rain.

    A thick retched smell poured through them in a wave, following it was a disturbing black and green liquid filled with insects and other indescribable horrors, it filled the lungs of the large lizards, whose senses where stronger sending them gasping for breath. The nimbler quicker lizards covered themselves, avoiding the effects of the blast, the rushed to aid their fallen friends who where still gasping, when out of the rain burst a swarm of angry rotting beasts, they swarmed the priest and the larger warriors. The nimble Krix and Krill pushed the beasts off of Pharlax and Slaxar who where still reeling from the effects of the mage. The mage revealed himself flanged by the mighty Manton, the stood and watched as the swarm attacked.

    Seemingly out of no where, two one eyed creatures burst out of the rain and clubbed at Krix and Krill almost in unison, however the quick lizardmen managed to raise their spears thrusting it into the flesh of their individual opponents. The attack seemed to have no effect, Krix's weapon was rendered in half, and the beast began to slash at his skin, Krill was equally unlucky taking a few powerful hits to the face. Nyx was swarmed by small beasts as was his larger companions who had yet to recover, Geir Koa finally managed to get to his feet, but flies surrounded him and rain poured over him making it hard for him to control his trusted weapon. He swung at the creatures to at the creatures but missed his mark every time. A bulbous creature pounced at Nyx, and clawed at his face, through past his bone helmet, Nyx tried to push it off but with no success, the demon managed to get one of its filth encrusted claw into Nyx's eye it dug in deep tearing the eye from its socket. Nyx screamed in pain and fell trembling, Geir Koa moved over swinging his chain , clubbing the diminutive beast flying backwards off Nyx. Just then another scream was heard, Krill's stomach had been torn out and the one eyed beast had begun playing with his innards like a necklace. Geir Koa turned to see Krix sprawled on the floor the other beast ripping at his scales. The two larger ones, Slaxar and Pharlax where fighting swarms of beasts, and had suffered some heavy blows.

    "Flee!" shouted Geir Koa, he grabbed Nyx who was within range then shot out his chain it latched around the leg of Krill, he dragged his eviscerated corpse into his large hand, and slung him over his shoulder. He tossed Nyx on the other then, ran forward pushing the beast that hung over Krix back, then quickly grabbed his corpse and ran off. Close behind him where Pharlax and Slaxar, they moved quickly despite the wounds, the swarm of demons did not follow the will of their master did not allow it. The wizard smiled, looking to his feet where one of the crystals laid, he handed it to Manton who who already had three similar crystals in his massive hand. Geir Koa looked back and saw the woods which had now begun to wither the ground was blackened and the water had become a green putrid color.

    Retreating to their sheltered village, Geir Koa began to bandage the wounds of his men, starting with Nyx the venerated priest. The two lighter lizards where beyond repair and as soon as Slaxar and Pharlax where able to stand graves where dug, and the honored warriors who gave their lived for them were buried with their gear to show them their thanks. Nyx stood slowly and spoke, "Their lives are not to be in vain, we will be more prepared in the future. We will find what we can to protect ourselves, then we move out. I fear these damned woods are safe for no creature any longer." With that he set them to work building suits of armor for all of them, and they gathered any food or herbs they could find. The tasks we preformed quickly and as they left the now one eyed Nyx and his party of brave warriors looked at the slab covered graves, and thought of the bravery of their fallen brothers.
    "Farewell, let the Old Ones guide you to a place of peace." The priest spoke, then prayed for a second, then the party moved off leaving the place, hoping not to need to return.

    Victory: Chaos
    Woodlands Controlled: 1 Lizardmen, 1 Chaos, 1 Undead
  2. natpat

    natpat New Member

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    awesome stories, although it is uncharacteristic for lizardmen to flee from a foe.
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya failed a rout test when my guy was the last one standing in that game :)
  4. Revien
    Cold One

    Revien New Member

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    Where did you get lizardmen rules for mordheim? Cannot find them anywhere.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Here is the Warband as of Feb 20th

    Here's the warband as of week Feb 20th. Nyx the skink Priest, Kryx the Skink Brave, Slaxar (with the mouth open) and Pharlax (with mouth closed) are Saurus Braves, Finally Geir Koa the big guy in the back, is a Saurus Totem Warrior.

  7. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Sweet! your skink chief looks like an agressive veteran ;)
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, wait till you see the next one ;)

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