8th Ed. My homebrew Lustria/Southlands Terrain Generator

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Scalenex, May 25, 2011.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Lustria/Southlands Generator

    A long time ago, my primary gaming opponent and myself decided that myserious terrain is too mysterious. According to the BRB book, only one in six forests are ordinary. That means normal is what is extraordinary. No matter what terrain generator we use. Mysterious is only special on a roll a 6, then we roll again to see what's up.

    2 Lake (Impassable to non-aquatic units)

    3 Intact Buildings
    1-3 one story hut or adobe
    4-5 encampment, d3 buildings, d3 obstacles
    6 watchtower

    4 Dense Jungle (Mysterious)
    Dense jungles are identical to forests save they provide hard cover and require a dangerous terrain test to all units save skirmishers and lone infantry models.

    1-Howling Monkeys: “Shut the hell up!” All units within 12” get -1 to shooting unless they are immune to psychology.
    2-Abyssal Wood: Unit Causes Fear
    3-Blood Forest: Spell use triggers d6 S4 hits plus random 2d6” move
    4-Fungus Forest: Unit subject to Stupidity, Goblins gain Stubborn
    5-Venom Thicket: Unit gains Poisonous Attacks, dangerous terrain to everyone
    6-Wildwood: d6 S4 hits during movement phase on roll of 4+.

    5 Undergrowth (Soft cover, dangerous terrain to cavalry and monstrous cavalry)

    6 Swamp (Mysterious)
    1-Blessed by the Old Ones: Any unit wholly or partially in the feature gain +1 Toughness
    2-Small Predators: Every model in the feature must pass an Initiative test or takes a S3 hit
    3-Earthblood Mere: Gain Regeneration 6+
    4-Swamp Gas: Gas is disorientating, any unit wholly or partially in the swamp is subject to Stupidity while in the feature.
    5-6: Stinging Insects: -1 to hit for shooting and close combat while partially or wholly in the feature unless unit is immune to psychology

    7 Jungle (Mysterious)
    1-Howling Monkeys: “Shut the hell up!” All units within 12” get -1 to shooting unless they are immune to psychology.
    2-Abyssal Wood: Unit Causes Fear
    3-Blood Forest: Spell use triggers d6 S4 hits plus random 2d6” move
    4-Fungus Forest: Unit subject to Stupidity, Goblins gain Stubborn
    5-Venom Thicket: Unit gains Poisonous Attacks, dangerous terrain to everyone
    6-Wildwood: d6 S4 hits during movement phase on roll of 4+.

    8 Hill
    1-Ordinary Hill
    2-Ordinary Hill
    3-Ordinary Hill
    4-Undergrowth Covered Hill
    5-Forested Hill (not mysterious)
    6-Hill is impassable on one side, roll again

    9 River

    1-Extremely muddy, Aquatic and Water Strider do not apply to this feature.
    2-Raging Torrent, dangerous terrain to all units, units gain +3 Intiative
    3- Raging Torrent, dangerous terrain to all units, units gain +3 Intiative
    4-Small Predators: Every model passes an Initiative test or takes a S3 hit
    5-River of Light: Unit targeted by random Light spell
    6-Add a bridge, roll again

    10 Ruins, Ordinary
    1-Obstacle (wall or makeshift barricade)
    2-Obstacle (wall or makeshift barricade)
    3-Ruined building (framework of two to four eroded walls), hard cover, counts as obstacles
    4- Ruined building (framework of two to four eroded walls), hard cover, counts as obstacles
    5-Standing Stones, Statue, Idol, or Obelisk
    6-Standing Stones, Statue, Idol, or Obelisk

    11 Ruins, Blessed (Idols and Alters affect units within 6 inches)
    1-Ruined Chotec temple, walls count as Blessed Bulwarks
    2-Idol of Tepoc, +1 Channeling to Channeling attempts for wizards within 6”
    3-Alter of Sotek, Lizardmen gain Stubborn, Non-Lizardmen gain Hatred versus Lizardmen
    4-Idol of Itzl, Non-Lizardmen gain Cold-Blooded, non-infantry Lizardmen units re-test psychology tests.
    5-Idol of Caxautn, units gain Frenzy
    6-Idol of Xapati, units gain Hatred

    12 Ruins Cursed
    1-Skaven blight: Swamp or Forest, -1 Toughness to all units wholly or partially in the blight save skaven, demons, and undead
    2-Well of Dark Visions: units within 6” take a Ld test, on a double 1 they gain Unbreakable for the rest of the game, on a failure they lose 1 from their Ld trait for the whole game. Units immune to psychology do not take this test.
    3-Baleful Statue/Glyph, Units within 6” take d6 S4 hits on a roll of 3 or less.
    4-Haunted Ruins: units within 6” take panic test at beginning of every enemy magic phase
    5-Bane Stone, BRB page 130
    6-Demonic Idol, units within 6” re-roll successful Ward saves

    My main concern besides can I make the terrain, is "Is this fair to Lizardmen and non-Lizardmen players?"
  2. thesheepnoob66

    thesheepnoob66 New Member

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    It is balanced as it dosen't matter whos in the terrain to who get the bonus its just based in the soutthlands and Lustria so I think its balance
  3. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    seems pretty fair.

    but i dont really know what you mean when you say on a 6 its mysterios does that mean you roll ex. lake then a d6 and on a 6 its mysterios?
  4. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    LOL! I love howling MuNKeYs!! :D
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    ahh very cool chart. :smug:
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well techincally it remains mysterious until you know what's in it. When a unit enters for the first time on a roll of 6 you then roll on the chart. My friend and I decided that it was ridiculous that only 1 in 6 forests were "normal".

    Note after play testing my friend and I decided to move mysterious terrain from being special on 1/6 of the time to being special 1/3 of the time (special on a roll of 5 or 6). 5/6 weirdness is too much but 1/6 is not enough.

    Also upon my friend's request (and deciding I like the inpentrable jungle in the Lustria campaign book) Lake has been replace with inpentrable jungle/rock/pirahanna pool and no longer is passable for aquatic units or any other non flyers.

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