hey everyone, i cant decide on which colour scheme to paint my lizardmen. I was going to make them orange, red and yellow, but it sounded a bit too similar to my tyranid (red, yellow and brown). I decided to base my colour scheme around the exotic and colourful amphibians of the world. my first idea was this five lined skink. I think it fits well because of the bright blue tail and the pale orange lines running up and down its back. The second colour scheme is based off of one of the teeny tiny poison dart frogs that i found on google. it was called "the harlequin poison dart frog". I liked this one too, because it was bright aswell and the yellow appearance of lizardmen always seemed to catch my eye. Which color scheme do you think would fit my army better? Harlequin Poison Dart Frog http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-35228344/stock-photo-harlequin-poison-dart-frog-or-dendrobates-histrionicus.html Five-Lined Skink http://www.virginiaherpetologicalsociety.com/reptiles/lizards/southeastern-five-lined-skink/Southeastern%20Five-lined%20Skink%20%28Eumeces%20inexpectatus%29.JPG
Not to harsh your thread or anything, but the skink is a reptile. Amphibians are frogs, toads, salamanders, and the like with the smoothy skin. Reptiles are the snakes, lizards , geckos and such with the scaley skin. Aside from that, the skink would be pretty neat, you'd have to make the lines a little thicker on the models so they're noticable. Here are some more ideas if it'll help you pick. Not sure if you are set on one of those two or are open to more suggestions though. Poster of a bunch of different ones http://www.feenixx.com/reptiles/posters/Exotic_Lizards_Poster.jpg Red Headed Agama - http://www.royanddarla.com/Gorillas/images/786-red%20headed%20agama.jpg As for the frog, almost all the poison dart frogs are eye-catching, that one looks like it'd go particularly well though with Lizardmen because of the slight space between the scales on their backs.
Likin' the frog there! He would make an awesome Slann! (or Saurus, or Skink, or anything else you care to name!) I've never seen a poison dart frog with scale like patterns before, that's really funky. Cheers, Bez EDIT: I painted my Slann based on a dart frog and he looks very cool and very original.
yes, i think its safe to say ill go with the Harlequi poison dart frog. i already have shining gold any sunburst yellow, so the rest of the paint shouldnt be a problem. thanks everyone. btw i didnt catch the username, but the picture of the exotic lizards is pretty cool. they all looked like a cool colour scheme, but i want my army to be bright and gold/yellow will do just that Maybe ill post some pictures of my stegadon so you can all see how it looks in the future.
Np, I plan on painting some of my models after specific reptiles/amphibians, but not my whole army. Can't wait to see the pics, should turn out pretty rad. Keep us updated!