Greetings and Salutations. Looking to be starting Lizardmen for Fantasy in the near future (once I finish my Chaos Marines). I'm looking to create a Gila Monster-themed army to represent my home state of Arizona.
Welcome to the forums! Liziards are a great choice for your next army (although I am rather biased) and a Gila monster themed army sound pretty cool. You definitely get pretty different lizards over where you are to the ones we get 'ere (I'm rather disappointed that when I went to Arizona a couple of years back, I didn't see any Lizards!) Hope you enjoy your stay here, Bez P.S. What kind of theme were you doing for Chaos? I'm thinking of starting a Noise Marine army myself.
My Chaos Army is a Cursed Chapter who has become painfully allergic to the Warp and seeks to change it by either using disease-borne gene therapy on general populations, using a localized Rubric to "convert" captured Space Marines, and killing everything else. So a little Undivided, a little Tzeentch.