I recently posted a link to a frog known as a harlequin poison dart frog. I am going to base my colour scheme around the colours of this frog, but I don't know what paints to use. Hopefully the people who saw my previous post about choosing colour chemes will be viewing this post. Otheise, I'll post the link when I get onto my laptop (I'm on my iPod) {edit] someone else put in the picture, so no need for a link Which paint should I use? I was thinking shades of yellow such as: Golden yellow, desert yellow, sunburst yellow, shining god, chaos black. Any suggestions about how to reach the best look? (I'm not the best painter ever, so nothing too complicated, please!)
Looks like you are going to need some redish/brown and orange shades for the legs... and maybe some dark blue mixed in with the black... You might want to prime white, then paint the belly and the leggs first, then give the scales a wash of black and purple, then paint the scales white, and then yellow with a light wash of sepia and maybe another drybrush of your lightest yellow.
Wow! I really like the colors. I can't wait to see some progress and finished models as well. Please keep us updated!
my models are primed grey, so ill have to work with that for the specific colours, what would you say to: Skin: desert yellow basecoat scab red drybrush (or something equivvalent) for the hands and legs scales: chaos black basecoat for the scales heavily drybrushed sunburst yellow all i see in the rings on the back is the black, i dont see why i would need purple or dark blue. after its all put on, ill probably give a wash of devlan mud. there is a noticeable hint of white on the scales, so i might drybrush the scales again after the yellow with skull white
I agree with n810, good chance to use gryphon sepia wash! Not much more to add besides what has already been suggested, but I do recommend you go very easy on the metallic paints. I know the frog looks quite shiny, but metallic on skin can often look a bit weird. If you do a 50/50 mix of gold with either a yellow or brown (probably yellow) it should reduce the amount of metal while still leaving some, might look more natural. Good luck with it, and I look forward to seeing it finished!
The hint of white is there because the frog's skin is slightly moist, and it reflects surronding light alot better. One option besides hilighting with white to make it look brighter is by using either a clear gloss varnish, or a type of fake water, and lightly coating the scales to make them gleam, as if they were moist. And like strewart said, use caution with metallics on the skin. If you go overboard it might give it a weird and unnatural look.
I've gotta say, I can pretty much exactly imagine that colour scheme on a Lizardman and I think it has the potential to be reeeally cool. Just my general two cents here: Try not to go too bright with the reds and oranges on the main part of the body, or it will compete too much visually with the bright yellow scales. For example, Scab Red instead of Blood Red, and Macharius Solar Orange instead of Blazing Orange. That should keep the body fairly muted so the Sunburst Yellow scales can really stand out. I would say to use watered down Chaos Black for the wash instead of Badab Black, since it should give you a much darker black. Also, maybe using a very fine brush to outline the edges of the scales where they meet the skin would help to match the frog's pattern as well. That was maybe more like 25 cents instead of two, but I hope it helps.
So for the skin, it would be desert yellow with mecharius solar orange highlight/drybrush. And btw how does desert yellow sound? I think it's too dreary. Maybe something a bit differnt?