i dont have the army book yet but i know there is something with this 12" range with the wardsave power of the eotg. all friendly units gain a 5+ wardsave within 12" of the active EOTG. but this wardsave stops if...: A: targeted by enemy unit within 12" of the active EOTG B: targeted by enemy unit within 12" of the targeted friendly unit. so which one is it?
It specifically says in the rulebook 'more than 12" from the engine', so there is your answer. Remember Star Wars Episode 1, the battle between Gungans and Droids? Think of it like the giant shield generators on the back of the Fambaas. If the enemy gets within the range of the shield, it no longer works.
pls to be never trying to pollute my brain with comparisons between my dear dear lizardmen and that terrible creation of jar jar ever again....
Jar jar = stupid, Gungans = ok. I was quite considering trying to do some kind of Engine conversion to make it look like the Fambaa. I don't think I will though, the Engine looks cooler.
this makes me wonder... for personal clarity... its a ward save against all ranged attacks magical and non-magical that are outside of 12" of the engine right?
Yep. Doesn't even need to be a magic missile. Everything that starts more than 12" from the engine allows the unit the ward save. Escuse typose, I've had a bit to drink and I am on a very very weird German keyboar.... Long story that I don't feel like explaining. :S
ok great so it is allowe to hold back the engine 13" away from the combat line and transfer a wardsave to my own unit yay for me!!!