7th Ed. Practice Battle for Team Tournament this Saturday(Very long)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Dalkarius, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Ok, it's a bit lengthy. Me and my High Elf ally went to GW and had a practice round against a Wood Elf and Empire player. In the actual tournament the Empire player will be teamed with Daemons of Chaos, while the Wood Elf player hasn't found a team mate yet. All four lists are 1250, and we can't cast friendly spells on our allies, such as the Engine's Ward Save, and have seperate Generals, etc. Also, both armeis in the casting phase recieve one Army power di, and combine Dispel di, which is nice having an ally with +1 to Dispel!

    Ok, let's begin with lists.


    Skink Priest- Level 2, Plaque of Tepok, Engine of the Gods, Amulet of Itzl= 435 (Second Sign, Uranon's Thunder Bolt, Comet)

    Saurus Scar-Veteran- Hide of the Cold Ones, Great Weapon, shield= 144

    Skink Chief- Terradon, Spear, Light Armor, Enchanted Shield, Glyph Necklace= 136

    Saurus Warriors- x11, Champion, spears= 144

    Saurus Warriors- x10, spears= 120

    Terradons- x4= 120

    Razordons- x2= 150

    High Elves

    Noble- Armor of Caledor (2+ armor save), Guardian Pheonix (5+ Ward Save), Great Weapon= 143

    Wizard- Level 2 with Lore of Heavens, Seerstaff (chooses spells), Power Stone= 185 (Second Sign, Uranon's Thunder Bolt)

    Wizard- Level 2 with High Magic, Annulian Crystal (steals one power di from enemy and converts to a Dispel di for us)= 175 (Shield of Saphery and Curse of Arrow Attraction)

    Archers- x10= 110

    Pheonix Guard- x12, Champion, Standard Bearer, Banner of Sorcery= 254

    Swordmasters- x11, Standard Bearer= 177

    Repeater Bolt Thrower= 100

    Repeater Bolt Thrower= 100

    Empire (Not sure exactly what they had but I have a pretty good memory)


    Steam Tank

    Muskets- x10, with x5 attatchment guys

    Muskets- x10, with x5 attachment guys

    Fast Cav Riders with Repeater Pistols

    Level 2 Wizard with Lore of Fire and Dispel Scrolls (Flaming Sword and Fireball)

    Level 2 Wizard with Lore of Light and Dispel Scrolls (Pha's Illumination and Burning Gaze)

    Level 2 Wizard with Lore of Life and Dispel Scrolls (Rain Lord and Mistress of the Marsh)

    Wood Elves (Same thing, not exact, but close)

    Level 1 Branchwraith (Tree Singing)

    Hero with Hail of Doom Arrow and Longbow

    Level 1 Spellsinger with 1 Dispel Scroll (Tree Singing)

    Dryads- x10

    Dryads- x10

    Glade Guard- x10

    Glade Guard- x10

    Wardancers- x10

    Wardancers- x10

    Giant Eagle

    On to the fight!

    For terrain, there were three large forests on the board, right smack between our armies on the left, center (wood elf deployed wood here), and right, so it left two small vents through which to shoot and fight. Both armies had a massive hill on the very back and theirs was a little to our left, ours was dead center of their deployments zones about 20" wide and 14" long.

    Ok, Deployment.

    We alternated one unit per team at a time, team finished first had a +1 on the roll to go first, and we had considerably less units.

    Empire and WE's went first

    They deployed a Cannon first on the center of the hill.

    I deployed my Terradons straight across from the cannon, behind the woods.

    They deployed a musket line behind the cannon, against the table edge.

    We deployed an Archer unit on the right side of the hill, layered so both ranks could see.

    They deployed the Steam Tank on our right angled to charge towards our currently deployed battery through the decently large space in the woods.

    We deployed Razordons behind the Terradons.

    They deployed another Musket line to the right of the cannon, though still on that hill on the left side.

    We deployed both RBT's where they could see his cannon and Steam Tank on the hill.

    They deployed Glade Guard down the hill in front of the cannon.

    We deployed Pheonix Guard to the left of the RBT's

    They deployed Glade Guard against the far left table side

    We deployed Swordmasters on the right, a little ways away from everyone else

    They deployed Dryads next to the Steam Tank

    We deployed Saurus on the edge of the hill, in front of the RBT's across from the tank. (unit without Champion)

    They deployed more Dryads on the other side of the tank

    We deployed a Saurus unit (w/ Champ) behind the first one

    They deployed Wardancers in the center wood, straight across from the Phoenix Guard

    We have finished and recieve the +1 to choose who goes first

    They deployed Wardancers across from the Swordmasters, in the wood on the right

    Giant Eagle deploys behind the Dryads, across from the RBT's

    Fast Cav Pistol guys to the right of and less then 5" away from the cannon.

    Character Deployment

    I deploy my Scar-Veteran in the Saurus warrior unit closest to the Steam Tank and without a champion, My Skink Chief joins the Terradons, and my Engine deploys on the far right next to the Swordmasters, out of the cannon's sight.

    The HE Noble is placed with the Swordmasters, the Wizards are distributed one per Bolt Thrower.

    WE noble is placed in woods next to Wardancers, Branchwraith as well, and the Spellsinger is deployed next to the center wood.

    Empire wizards are the Fire and Light wizard join the Cannon crew while the Life wizard ducks behind the Steam Tank.

    GAME ON!!

    Turn 1: Lizards and HE's first

    Movement- I move my Terradons foward in to the woods, but measuring to ensure I'm 2" away so no LoS. My Razordons follow my Terradons.

    The Scar-Vet pases Stupidity so both Saurus Warrior units march towards the Dyrad and Steam Tank horde, getting closer but not super-close.

    The Pheonix Guard move into LoS of the enemy ranged fire and towards the Wardancers, while the Swordmasters and Engine march towards the Dyrad and Tank grouping.


    My Engine starts, activating his 5+ Ward for himself and all Lizards within 12".

    Nothing goes off, all the WE scrolls vaporize.


    The archers all fire at the long distance Giant Eagle and wound once. The RBT's both fire single bolts at the Steam Tank, but only one wounds and does only 1 wound.

    Turn 1: Empire and WE's

    Movement: The Steam tank generates a few Steam Points and clunks forward 12". The Dryads both swarm by its heavily clad side, protecting in case of flanks. The Branchwraith moves into the left forest with the WE noble and Wardancers, and the Noble sets his malicious eye on the Swordmasters.

    The Giant Eagle flies in between the Saurus blocks and RBT's. The Spellsinger moves into the edge of the center wood, looking out on the Steam Tank.

    Magic: The Fire wizard casts Flaming Sword on himself, and the Light wizard casts Pha's Illumination (We didn't care to stop either)

    Shooting: The Pheonix Guard are shot by the ridiculous firepower of the mounted pistol guys, and kill 4. The Cannon fires and BARELY hits a RBT crewman, so he randomizes and blows up the Bolt Thrower. *Cough* Bull&#$@ *Cough*

    The Noble fires off his Hail of Doom Arrow and kills 6 Swordmasters on the spot, who thankfully pass their Panic check.

    Turn 2: Lizards and HE's

    The Terradons spring from the forest and fly over the cannon, dropping their rocks to land in right in the middle of all of our opponents' artillary... : (

    The Saurus move forward at a sadly slow pace due to the Giant Eagle march blocking them. The Scar-Vet's unit crawling towards the Tank while the Champion's goes to aid the Pheonix Guard.

    The RBT crew and wizard hop onto the other RBT crew, ensuring it won't be going anywhere soon.

    The Razordons move forward to fire at some Glade Guard.

    The remaining Swordmasters and the Engine advance forward to face the enemies charge, the Swordmasters march to get in front of the Engine to be sure the Tank can't make a charge. (Steam Tanks can't pursue or overrun)

    The wounded Pheonix Guard advance towards the Wardancers and beckon them for mortal combat.


    The rocks did great, killing all 3 of the Crewmen and putting a wound on both wizards, and one wound on the now worthless cannon.

    Magic: The Engine makes his dues! I activated Burning Ailment and watched as it stretched out 7", hitting the wardancers, Branchwraith, Noble, and the Dryads on the right.

    The Branchwraith and Noble are both slain instantly! The Dryads loose 5 and 5 Wardancers trip and die!

    A Shield of Saphery slips through on the Swordmasters, and the scrolls are reduced to 2.

    Shooting: The Terradons prove their worth when they kill the Fire wizard by hurling javelins at him.

    The Archers thankfully bring down the Eagle with a very powerful volley. The RBT attempts to wound the Steam Tank, but misses.

    The Razordons whiff and do absolutely no damage.

    The Skink's on the Engine throw javelins and kill 2 more Wardancers!

    Turn 2: Empire and WE's

    Movement: Charges

    The Steam Tank generates enough Steam Points to charge and goes after the Saurus with the Scar Veteran, who since Causes Fear himself allows the unit to safely pass their Fear Test.

    The near-extinct Dryads charge the Swordmasters, who also pass their Fear Test, while the remaining 3 Wardancers charge the Engine's flank in hopes of killing the Priest.

    The Phoenix Guard brace for impact as the full strength Wardancers crash into their smaller numbers.

    Regular Movement: The Dyrads on the left of the Tank advance towards the Swordmasters, hoping to aid their brethren. The Light Wizard quickly runs from the Terradons. The WE Spellsinger jumps deep into the Center wood. Both Glade Guard units move towards the Razordons and hope for good dice.

    Magic: Me and my opponent felt the pure sting of annoyance when our opponent miscasted, then rolled the result that dispels all spells on the field, including the Shield of Saphery protecting the Swordmasters! Not to mention the wizard escaped without being wounded.

    Also the Light Wizard wounded the Razordons twice with Burning Gaze.

    Shooting: The Muskets obliterate my Terradons and Chief, enough said. The Razordons are sadly brought down, leaving two poor Handlers alive.


    Steam Tank vs. Saurus Warriors with Scar-Vet:

    The Steam Tanks impact hits were perfect enough to wipe out the Saurus utterly, leaving the Scar-Veteran alone. Well, this Scar-Vet kicked back HARD, cranking 3 wounds on the Steam Tank! Sadly, my Scar-Vet lost combat miserably, but imagine my opponent's look when I rolled Insane Courage!! The big Double 1's! So he held his ground against that monstrousity.

    Phoenix Guard vs. Wardancers:

    Sadly, like the Razordons, the Pheonix guard performed miserably and whiffed on their 4+ Ward Save, only killing two Wardancers and fleeing under 25%, so they never rallied. But the Wardancers moved a few inches closer to my Champion-led Saurus unit.

    Swordmasters vs. Dyrads:

    The Swordmasters lost about 3 men, leaving a noble and and Champion and Standard bearer, whom struck back hard enough to tie up combat.

    Wardancers vs. Engine of the Gods:

    The Wardancers decided to try their luck at the Killing Blow dance to negate my Priests 2+ armor save, but failed to kill him, although one wound slipped through a 3+ armor save and 2+ Ward save! Luckily the crew got angry and killed all of the opposing forces without the Priest or Stegadon needing to raise a claw.

    Turn 3: Lizards and HE's

    Movement: Charges:

    The Engine charges the remaining Dyrads heckling the poor Swordmasters.

    Regular movement:

    The Handlers (whom passed their Panic check) dove for voer deep in the woods, while the remaining Saurus unit roared in unison and ran at the insane dancers of the forest, beckoning them to battle.

    The Archers move a little so they could spy a little, fat green dwarf-looking wizard hiding behind the Tank.


    The Engine once again fires off Burning Ailment, killing 6 of the once-full Dyrads coming towards the Swordmasters and killing the Dyrads it was fighting.

    The Priest is an idiot and Miscast and rolls a DOUBLE 1! So the Preist is devoured by some stupid Daemon and all of the crew die, along with the Stegadon taking a wound and the HE noble suffering a wound for being too close.

    Nothing else goes off, but the rest of the Dispel scrolls are no more.

    Shooting: The RBT decides it doesn't like the Light Wizard and fires its Repeater Bolts, effectively impaling him to the nearest structure.

    The archers pray to Isha and fire away, celebrating as the green dwarf-like wizard falls underneath their hail of arrows.

    Combat: Steam Tank vs. Scar-Vet

    The Steam Tank manages to get one impact hit off, wounding the Scar-vet, who returns the favour with 3 more wounds. (Stupid 10 Wounds...)

    Turn 3: Empire and WE's:

    Movement: Charges:

    The remaining Dyrads scream their horrific melodies as they launch themselves at the Swordmasters, who stand firm and show no fear.

    The Wardancers, dancing furiously as the freshly spilt blood of High Elves drips from their mostly naked bodies, cry out their greatest cheer as they charge towards the Saurus, whom raise their shields and spears in preperation.

    The Glade Guard run after the Handlers, seeking to finish their miserable little lives. The Musket line advances, while the Fast Cav Repeater guys run towards the Stegadon, so none of them may shoot.

    Magic: Nothing (only thing left is a Level 1 Spellsinger...)

    Shooting: Nothing


    Steam Tank vs. Scar-Vet (Finale!)

    The Steam Tank hisses and sputters as its damaged frame rattles with the Steam as the foolish mortals of the Empire attempt to run down their foe, but so great was the damage that the Steam burst, lowering the Tank to two final wounds. The Scar-Vet, tired and wounded, heard the yelps inside the great steel monster and roared as load as he could as he leapt up, smashing his massive blade into the great tank. Only a second passed before the massive machine rattled greatly as screams and steam bursted from every crack in the tank, which lasted only seconds before all that was heard was the triumphant roar of the Lizardman.


    Wardancers vs. Saurus Warriors:

    With their Extra Attack dance, the Wardancers brought down 2 Saurus, then the mighty Servants of the Olds Ones attacked as one, using their shields and spears to demolish their enemy, sending them running as the Saurus caught and cut them down screaming to an elf.

    (Pursued and caught, ended up right in front of the gun line...)

    Dryads vs. Swordmasters:

    The Dryads fought much like their kin, whom had nearly laid low the Swordmasters before, but they made the mistake of targetting the Elf who clearly led the trio, and the Noble would not suffer their antics and led the remaining Swordmasters to cut the Dyrads down.

    Turn 4: Lizards and HE's

    Movement: Charges: Stegadon charges the Fast Cav, but they flee and barely don't do off the board.

    Movement: Regular

    The Handlers run out of room to hide, so decide to lure the Glade guard into the open.

    The Archers reaim towards the barely visible Glade Guard. The Scar-Vet and Noble nod as they run after the remaining Wizard hiding in the woods. The Swordmasters decide to retire from the battle and head into the far right woods.

    Magic: Uranon's Thunder Bolt falls and does nothing

    Shooting: Bolt Throwers kill a few exposed Glade Guard. The Archers manage to strike down 4 Glade guard, even though they were hiding in trees.

    Turn 4: Empire and WE's

    The Glade Guard in the wood corner the poor Handlers while the gun line and other Glade Guard aim at the Saurus.

    The Fast Cav Rally thanks to a Musician.

    Magic: None (Will skip this for rest of game on both sides, nothing happens)

    Shooting: The Handlers meet their end, while the Saurus are fired upon with amazing firepower, but withstand and come out alive with 4 remaining. Whom pass their Panic.

    The Fast Cav shoot the Stegadon to no avail.

    Turn 5: Lizards and HE's:


    The Saurus charge the Glade Guard, dodging their incoming arrows.

    Remaining moves: The Stegadon advances towards the gun line.

    Shooting: RBT's and Archers nearly wipe out the non-engaged Glade Guard.


    Saurus Warriors vs. Glade Guard:

    The Saurus smash the Glade Guard down to 5 and loose one man, but the Glade Guard fight on.

    Turn 5: Empire and WE's

    Movement: Gun line advances, Glade Guard in woods prepare to fire.

    Wizard moves to edge of wood to escape Scar-Vet and Noble

    Shooting: Fast Cav shoot Stegadon, again to no avail

    One RBT crewman is dropped.

    Combat: The Glade Guard are finished.

    Turn 6: Lizards and HE's (Last Turn)

    The Scar-Vet and Noble stay hidden, the Stegadon advance towards the Gunline, getting in range for Terror.

    Saurus hold their ground.

    Shooting: RBT and Archers kill the last Wizard.

    Turn 6: Empire and WE's:


    One unit of Muskets cries and runs away from the Stegadon, earning some last minute Victory points.

    The Glade Guard (about 2 left) advance towards RBT.

    Shooting: Saurus are reduced to 2 soldiers, but hold their ground grimly.

    Glade Guard miss, Stegadon takes one wound, still has over half wounds.

    GAME OVER!!!!

    Hope y'all enjoyed! The Lizardmen and High Elves celebrated with a Massacre over our enemies!

    We look forward to our fights this Saturday. Empire and Daemons, High Elves and Warriors of Chaos are two of the already signed up 6 teams we know of.


  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Great game! Nice use of terradons who probably saved you a ot of trouble. Just suprised you didn't get to do more damage with your razordons.. What do you think of the them so far?
  3. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    great game it sounds like you would have done even better if you had a little better luck what with the miscast canceling your spells and your miscast killing your own priest you guys sound like you will dominate the magic in every game you play especially with the EoG going off all the time good luck on your next games
  4. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    With the exception of this game, the Razordons are amazing. A few weeks back they wiped a unit of Chaos Warriors off the face of the planet.
  5. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Sweet! Always nice to blow up warriors! Can't wait to get my preordered ones :)
  6. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    i can see them doing wonders against armies with frenzy units....

    send them out there to be charged and then counter charge the flanks on your turn of what is left after the target practice
  7. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    great thought that is a great way to wreck frenzy

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