Hey I found some info on the new storm of magic that is due out next month. Anyway, here's some rumors from BramGaunt on Warseer. Take with salt. Oh, now that everybody posts, I might as well spill my guts.. I intended to wait another week, but ah, swell... Storm of Magic will be a full-colour hardcover book, about half the thikness of the Core Rulebook, and at the price of, well, apoximatly one Leman Russ Battletank. It's due for release the second saturday of July. Previews start the saturday befor. There will be a multitude of kits and gimmicks to acompany them. Plastic Boxed Sets are: Chaos Lord on Manticore Dark Elven Lord on Black Dragon Both Kits are the same price as a similar High Elven Ridden Monster. The saddle, Rider and (in case of the Dragon) the armour are completly optional. There is also a Kit labeled Chimaera and one labeled Cockatrice which are the same price as a 10 man Space Marines Squad. There are also some Clampack releases: Chaos Supreme Sorcerer Supreme Sorcerer of Tzeentch Vampirecounts Necromancer Dark Elven High Sorceress I don't know what these are made of. Since they are clampacked I guessed Finecast, but the price of, ah, well, lets say it in GBP: It's a one-digit-point-something Price lable. Quiet affordable if it was finecast, but since hasitings said plastic sorceres... well... do the math. Of course there is a whole bunch of playthings and gimmics aswell, like Vortex Templates (Like the Dark Eldar Wayportal template, only bigger), Dice, Battle Magic Cards (which apearently come in a cool box of sime Lost Arc style... with skulls of course...) and Focus Points (4 different ones). Which brings us to rules. Storm of Magic is for any Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army. It supports you with a alternative of Deployment, Magic and Army composition rules. Game mechanics While you place terrain, you deploy Magil Focus points. Think of these as landmarks inhibited with strong magics, like towers, magical stairs, Columns of Fire, or what ever. Each army starts with a designated number of Focus points, it depends of the scale of the game. 1 per army per 1000 points is, what I was told, suggested in the book. You may place 1 Wizard including a mount on top of the Focus point, and one guarding unit within a limited space - enough to place about 30 standard base-sized miniatures, I was told. The rest of your army is deployed as usual. The game is all about dominating these points, which grant great boni to your wizard while he stands atop of them. The Magic Phase is strongly buffed with 4D6 Power dice. In addition, you determine the ascending wind of magic at the beginning of each magic phase. (It's done randomly by some sort of tool, don't ask me what it is, I don't know, but apperantly it's not a dice.) Army book Lores are associated with Army book rules, for example if the Lore of Light is the Ascendand Lore this turn, High Magic is Ascended aswell (I don't know if High Lore is really associated with Lore of Light - it's simply a example of my understanding of the mechanics). The Ascended magic gains a +4 bonus on attempts to cast their spells. You cannot change the Ascendend in any way, though it's determined new in every magic phase. There is also a bunch of new spells which appearently give you the possibility not only to summon Monsters loke the Cockatrice, but also whole units from other armies. I personally didn't by this one. It was a long evening with a LOT of beer. Take all of this with salt. And enjoy. Interesting stuff. I can't say I like or dislike the rumored rules just yet. It'll take some pondering.
I also found a pretty nice preview from WD, can someone help me out with posting pics? LOL the preview shows some spells, and although I cant read it, there's a spell that is 35+
Which issue of WD were those photo's in? My next months issue hasn't arrived yet, so how did you get yours? Those models are looking pretty nice, I might have to splash out on a cockatrice or two!
Thanks for posting, and thanks for the pics Gator. I must admit, some of the new stuff does look impressive. However, stronger magic is really the last thing the game needs. I can't see myself spending money on any of it given GW prices lately. Also, those magic dice look the same style as the limited edition bone dice. Which means they will look great, but they are made of cheap, light plastic and don't really feel that nice to roll, unfortunately.
Yea, I won 2 sets of those dice and I cannot use them as the weight of them feels like you are not even holding dice. Plus, they do not roll correctly due to the light weight.
I have no clue, but I'm assuming next months issue. I just came across it another forum, and thought I would share the info. I really like this editions magic, but I have to say that I think they may be going overboard. Like how much more powerful can they make a spell than dwellers? I hope that most of these new spells summon monsters, or are hex's and augments. As for models, I would love a new Slann. However, we are supposed to be getting a re-release of our Slann but in resin. With this in mind, I highly doubt a new Slann.
I just got my July white dwarf it has a lot of info on Storm of Magic. Some of the big things are 1. in a storm of magic game you get 25% ABOVE the agreed point total to spend on a new category called “Magic and Monsters” (or possibly monsters and magic, I don’t have the magazine in front of me.) for example a 2000 point storm of magic game would have an additional 500 points to spend on magic and monsters. 2. Using the points from the Magic and monsters allowance you can buy up to two (three at 3000 point + games) monsters from the list of 49. They show in sample army lists Manticore, Chimera, Cockatrice, Hydra, Great Eagles, Lammasu (yes the old Chaos dwarf model), Sabertusks, giants and river trolls (in a wood elf army no less). They mention but do not show in an army list Great Taurus (they are re-releasing the model), Arachnarok Spider, Cold ones (a new model as well), stegadons and several others I can’t remember. Almost all of the monsters will have optional upgrades like poison, tail attacks, breath weapons, all depending on the monster of course. 3. Using the points from the Magic and monsters allowance you can buy units from the Daemons, Vampire count and Tomb Kings armies. They didn’t go into much detail but a Skaven army bought a Nurgel daemon in the battle report. 4. Using the points from the Magic and monsters allowance you can buy massively powered artifacts that get more powerful the more Arcane Fulcrums (magic power points) your army holds.
Yea it heard the cold one will be like the dark elf cold ones but without the saddle and reins. Ps. http://szaman2.tripod.com/Bestiary.htm#1.0 flashback from the past....
I've managed to get my hands on a new white dwarf and I can sat there are the new dark elf cold ones, which you can field as units in the magic and monsters department. There are new terrain pieces called arcane fulcrums which give 3+ ward save to wizards, immune to psychology and only one model can attack them at a time. Also, the downside is thatr you have to roll on a special miscast table if you miscast. The new monsters are ; Chimera Lord of Chaos on Manticore Dark elf dreadlord on black dragon Cockatrice (monster with sniper and heroic killing blow shooting) New chaos sorcerors and VC and Dark elf sorcerors Lammasu ( a magic weapon negating monster) Great Taurus, a flying bull A dark enmissary (absolutely random thingo) A truth sayer (another random tribal dude) Fenbeast (a swamp monster Cold Ones! (the good looking dark elf ones without riders or saddles or reins) New Catalcysm spells come with the book but I can say Slann get a awesome exclusive one, which is called The Great Levelling Basically, the slann sacrifices himself (!) to cast a spell which gets rid of as many models as needed from the opponents side so that they no longer outnumber your side. It doesn't mention what order to get rid of the models though. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.
More points I forgot There is a wheel of magic which you spin to see which lore of magic gets bonuses of 5+ to cast. Stuff like High elf lores and Dark elf lores always get 3+ to cast. Arcane fulcrums also render the wizard on top immune to stomps and thunderstomps Dwarves get things called Ancestor runes, which are like super-runes There are 64 cataclysm spells and 45 scrolls of binding, which are things used to get beasts in the monsters and magic section The cataclysm spell cards I can see in the pic have casting values of 10+, 35+, 20+, 25+ and 25+.
I wonder if the new coldones come on their own or in a pack. As they have no saddles should be easy to just stick a saurus coldone rider on top and there you go a nice cold one rider wiyhout heavy converting
Heck, I have 16 cold ones with riders and another 3 or 4 without riders. My lizardmen are almost done. If I use the cold ones, I am sure that I will be proxying those from my cold ones. Currently, I am not sure if the players in my club will go for this expansion. I am looking forward to the new terrain. Alot of the players in my club complain about the magic already, I am not sure if increasing magic is a good thing for 8th edition. Don't get me wrong, new monsters is a good thing.
I am really looking forward to the dark emissary and truth sayer. I enjoyed the Albion campaign and I loved the models. In particular it will be nice to have access to a lower cost caster in the storms of magic scenarios.
Guys, I don't know if you read the Daily Blog, but you should head over to the gw site right now. They had a slideshow up once you entered the site and it was Storm of Magic in a nutshell. I don't remember everything, but Slann are basically superpowers now, because all of the lores (and i mean all the lores, not just the BRB ones) now have super-spells. There are 3 levels of superspells that you can use, and they revolve around how many arcane fulcrums that you control. If you have less than your opponent, then you can only use the level 1 spell. If you control equal amounts of fulcrums, then you can use the level 2 spell and if you have more than your opponent then you can use the level 3 spell. There are something like 45 monsters that any army can summon, it sounds stupidly overpowered, and completely veering away from fluff. For example, a DoC army can now include a Stegadon, or a Giant, or a Hydra. Also, you have an additional 25% of your army points to spend on these monsters, or some of the new magic items. E.g. if you are playing 2000 points, then you have 500 extra to spend on monsters. There is going to be a campaign for the expansion too, but I didn't look much into that.
There are 3 kinds of spells, listed in this order for each lore below: Presence Equilibrium Dominance From what has been rumoured, Presence can be cast whenever on top of a Fulcrum, Equilibrium, when you an opponent has the same amount of Fulcrums, and Dominance when you control all of them. LORE OF LIGHT: Enlightenment: 20+: Hex on forces of Destruction, Augment on forces of Order. All units within 12 of the caster, including the caster. Order units unbreakable until the start of the casters next magic turn. Destruction units takes LD-test on 4d6(!), for each point over their LD the unit takes a wound. Non-aligned units are unaffected. Time Amok: 20+: This turn there is either an extra shooting or close combat phase immediately after the first. Assault of Stone: 25+: Drop a Citadel Gaming hill anywhere within 24" not on other terrain other than obstacles. Unit under takes a initiative test. If passed strength 5 hit, if failed strength 10 hit on every model. LORE OF METAL: Meteoric Ironclad: 10+: Augment spell with range of 24", target unit 2+ ward save until start of casters next magic phase. Quicksilver Swords: 15+: Augment spell, range 24", until casters next magic phase the units attack wounds automatically and no armour saves can be taken. (Powerful)! Gehenna's Golden Globe: 25+: Vortex, large template, Artillery dice of inch in chosen direction, if misfire, on mage and d6 in random direction. Characters or Monsters removed on 5+, other units 3+, removed, so I guess that means no saves. In subsequent turns the vortex moves random artillery dice, if misfire it is removed. LORE OF LIFE: the Gardener's Warcry: 10+: Summoning spell, 48" place a Blood forest. Any models under are placed within it. Takes 2D6 S4 hits, but the wood does not move away. Storm of Renewal: 15+: Vortex, large template, The mage chose direction, artillery dice x2, if misfire, place over mage, scatter d6, random direction. Replaces 2d6+1 wounds on unit it passes over, like regrowth spell. Keeps moving randomly artillerydice of inch next turns, if misfire then is rolled it is removed. Verdant Apotheosis: 30+: Well...Augment spell, target a unit on the battlefield or a unit detroyed! If on the battlefield, all models are healed to full wounds, and all common units, not characters which have been killed are returned to life with full wounds. If the unit in question is destroyed, it is returned from death and placed anywhere within 24" from the caster, facing any direction, 1" from other units or impassable terrain. NO characters are returned from death. LORE OF HEAVENS: Let the Four Winds Blow: 15+: Magic missile, range 48", target 4 units or vortexes, any combination. Each target is pushed 2D6 from caster, resolve in any order of your choosing. If unit in contact with impassable terrain, stops and 2D6 S3 hits. if contact with other unit, stop 1" and both units suffer 2D6 S3 hits. If a unit comes in contact with a vortex or the other way around, the vortex moves through the unit and the unit suffers the effects. Fantastic Foresight: 10+: Remains in play. Augment spell, targets all friendly wizards. Reroll all: casting, dispel, channeling. Thorsen's Thunderstorm: 20+: Vortex, artillery dice x2 in chosen direction, otherwise just like the vortex described above with misfire and next turns. If unit is hit by vortex, suffer S6 hits, also moved 2D6 in random direction and otherwise as Let the Four Winds Blow above. Please let me know if anything is unclear. Algovil is offline Reply With Quote
After seeing some of this stuff, I will wait a while before I buy any of it. If it was around $39 bucks, I could see it. But for $50, it can wait. I just do not see players in my club going for this expansion.