Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kinslayer, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Kinslayer

    Kinslayer New Member

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    The dark elves of Naggaroth have recently discovered the Black Way, a complex network of rivers that run south from Naggaroth and into the steaming jungles of Lustria. At first the Druchii stumble across ancient ruined cities hiding many treasures, and they plunder them and return in greater numbers. Prying further into the jungles, they soon discover that most of these relic cities are in fact not as abandoned as they believed. The Lizardmen appear from the jungle and their spawning pools, Saurus and Skinks fighting back against the elven intruders. The further into Lustria the Druchii delve, the more resistance they meet, until finally they come across a vast temple city known as Quetli.

    Here the dark elves find a powerful arcane treasure, known as the Star Stela of Quetli. This large stone tablet contains the most powerful of magic, but without the knowledge to use it against their foes the Druchii seek to take it to Naggaroth into the hands of their master, the Witch King. Eventually the dark elves succeed in taking the Star Stela, but as they make their way back north up the rivers of the Black Way, a powerful adversary awakens. Lord Tepec-Inzi of Itza, a Slann mage priest of incredible power, is stirred from his contemplation by the turmoil of his fellows thoughts. The ancient Lizardmen mage gathers an army and moves to cut the Druchii off at the head of the Black Way. As the dark elves that have stolen the Star Stela emerge, he sends his albino captain Gor-Rok to retrieve the arcane item.

    Who will retain possession of the Star Stela, a powerful artifact that could change the fate of the warhammer world if it falls into the wrong hands? Dark Elves or Lizardmen, you decide!

    How does the Campaign work?

    The campaign is played out by you, the members of and You can team up with a friend who plays Lizardmen or dark elves respectively, and fight out battles to help bring your army, your race, and your website to victory! Even if you don’t have a friend who plays the opposing army to yourself, you can still take part if you stumble across such a player at a gaming club, games workshop store or even at a tournament! As long as one player knows about the campaign he can explain it to his opponent as the game goes on, hopefully leading that player to sign up to their respective website to take part as well. There isn’t much to it either, all you have to do is ensure both participants sign up to their respective site and submit a battle report, as brief or as detailed as you like.

    Each nation will receive campaign award points for every game won or drawn, with 3 points awarded for a massacre, 2 points awarded for a win and 1 point awarded for a draw. The campaign will run for a fixed length of time, and at the end of the campaign the winner will be decided. The more games you participate in the more chance your side has of claiming victory over the opposition, so the more you play the better! Of course it is not always easy to arrange games and meet up with your opponents, so the campaign will run for long enough to ensure everyone gets a fair chance at getting together for at least a game or two. If the campaign proves popular enough, there might even be a nice prize for the best battle report submitted!

    How do I take part?

    Quite simply, by playing Warhammer! Just take your Lizardmen or Dark Elves to the battlefield against the opposing side, and submit the result of the battle to either or respectively. You don’t even have to play any special game or use any special rules, you can pick any of the scenarios from the warhammer rulebook and play at whatever points limit you desire, be it 500 points or 5000 points! There will be, however, several campaign scenarios that really add to the flavour of the story and help bring the campaign to life! Again, these campaigns can usually be played at any points limit so you should all be able to enjoy them!

    How and where do I submit my battle results?

    There will be another thread beside this one which is used for submitting battle reports, that thread will detail exactly what information is required for you to do so. As a battle report is been submitted, be it on or, you must also state your opponents username. Thus, if you are playing someone you don’t know and have just told him or her about the campaign, give him your website username or ask them to kindly register later that day with the agreed username. If you will be playing against friends from your local gaming club, ensure they register to the appropriate websites as soon as possible, then play and post up as many games as you can manage together! Messages may be sent to the usernames given to confirm the battle really took place.

    For Example, darkelf1 from plays a game against his friend lizardman1 from and decides to submit the result for the campaign. He logs on to and posts a brief battle report in the appropriate thread, quoting lizardman1 from as his opponent. I may then get lizardman1 to confirm the battle took place, as to keep vigilant against cheats who may desire to underhandedly add to their teams’ score (I’m looking at you, Dark Elves!). If they played again, lizardman1 could submit the report of their next game on his own armies’ website. Remember, there could be a prize for the best battle report submitted if the campaign really takes off!

    Please note anyone caught trying to cheat by submitting false battle reports will be disqualified from entering further reports for the campaign and “named and shamed!” on both websites! Play fair, and may the best race win!

    How do I know who is winning the Campaign?

    I will keep the first post of the battle reports thread updated with the current campaign score, which I will add to every time a new battle report is submitted and confirmed. Thus the result you see should always be relatively up to date.
  2. Kinslayer

    Kinslayer New Member

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    Each month I will add a new 'Campaign Scenario' which can be played instead of one of the normal scenarios from the Warhammer rulebook. These will show the progress of the campaign, starting with the Dark Elves reaching Lustria, then following them as they steal the Star Stela and try to return to Naggaroth, only to be ambushed by an angry Lizardman hero! This should also help to keep peoples interest up, as if you really want to get into the campaign you will play at least 1 game a month using each of the campaign scenarios as they are released. The first will only be for two weeks, but then there will be one through July, one through August, and one through September. The campaign ends on the 1st October 2011.

    In this, the first of the campaign scenarios, the Dark Elves have discovered what they call The Black Way. This network of rivers runs south into the hostile lands of Lustria, but it is not just the deadly plants and waterways that pose a threat to the Druchii. All along the way the Lizardmen rise up to stall their raiding advances and punish the Dark Elves for their trespass.

    In this scenario the Dark Elves are the defenders and the Lizardmen are the attackers with the first turn.

    In this scenario the battle is fought down the length of the table as in the Battle for the Pass scenario from the Warhammer rulebook. In addition to this, a roughly straight river of around 6’’ wide must run down the length of the board, entering and leaving each short table edge at the exact centre of the board. The immediate space around the river should be left void of terrain, but place some jungle trees around the edges of the board.

    The dark elf player must deploy first but can choose which side of the battlefield he starts at, placing all his units within 12’’ of his short board edge. The lizardmen player can then deploy, placing all his units within 12’’ of his short board edge with the exception of those with the aquatic or scout special rules. Units with aquatic can begin anywhere in the river as long as they are more than 8’’ away from an enemy model. Units with scout can likewise deploy anywhere within a set of jungle trees as long as they are more than 8’’ away from an enemy.

    In this scenario despite the Dark Elves raiding Lustria it is the Lizardmen who are striking back. As a result of this they get the first turn.

    The battle will last for six game turns, or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, whichever comes first.

    The Dark Elf player is trying to get past the Lizardmen counter attack and continue his raid on Lustria. The Lizardmen player is trying to thwart the raiding attempt by killing enough of the Druchii that they turn back. The Dark Elf player must try to get as many of his units off the opposite board edge as possible, whilst killing as many Lizardmen units as he can. The Lizardmen player must stop the Dark Elves getting past this ambush by killing them, whilst taking as few casualties as possible.

    The Dark Elf player scores a massacre if at least 50% of the core, special and rare of his army, by points value, AND his general, escape across the far board edge without being killed, and also kills the Lizardmen general.

    The Dark Elf player scores a win if at least 50% of the core, special and rare of his army, by points value, escapes across the far board edge without being killed.

    The Lizardmen player scores a massacre if he destroys at least 50% of the raiding dark elf army, by points value, AND the Dark Elf general, and his own general survives the battle.

    The Lizardmen player scores a win if he destroys at least 50% of the raiding dark elf army, by points value.

    The game is a draw in any other result, including if exactly 50% of the Dark Elves die and exactly 50% escape!
  3. Kinslayer

    Kinslayer New Member

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    In this, the second of the campaign scenarios, the Dark Elves have reached the temple city of Quetli, the location of the Star Stela. Lord Tepec-Inzi of Itza still slumbers in meditation, unaware of the Dark Elf raiders drawing closer to the City. However, another Lizardman general has been alerted of the threat as it approaches, and he gathers an army from the spawning pools to fend off the Druchii attack. His intention is to slay the raider-lord leading the Dark Elves in the hope of sending their force into disarray, but as his army lines up to defend his City the Druchii general decides much the same thing.

    In this scenario the Dark Elves are the attackers with the first turn and the Lizardmen are the defenders.

    This game is set up the same was as the Battleline scenario from the Warhammer Rulebook.

    Roll off to see which player picks the half of the table they will deploy in. The opponent will deploy in the other half. Players must then deploy their army generals, inside a unit if applicable, starting with the Lizardman defender. Players then take it turns to deploy further units anywhere in their deployment zone until both armies are fully deployed.

    The Dark Elves have the first turn.

    The battle will last for six game turns, or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, whichever comes first.

    Both armies are out to assassinate the opponents general in the hope of breaking their army.

    The Dark Elf player scores a massacre if he achieves the following; he slays the Lizardman general, his own general survives, and he also would otherwise win the game using the victory points system.

    The Dark Elf player scores a win if he slays the enemy general and enough of the enemy army that he would otherwise win the game using the victory points system.

    The Lizardmen player scores a massacre if he achieves the following; he slays the Dark Elf general, his own general survives, and he would also otherwise win the game using the victory points system.

    The Lizardmen player scores a win if he slays the enemy general and enough of the enemy army that he would otherwise win the game using the victory points system.

    The game is a draw in any other result; such as victory points deeming the battle a draw, or one player having scored enough victory points to win but having failed to slay his opponents general.

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