Army Fluff The Coatal Brethren

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Tepoksthirdeye, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Tepoksthirdeye

    Tepoksthirdeye New Member

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    (Saurian names will come soon, once I actually buy a copy of the new book...)

    The Hated of the Ancients:

    An ancient saurus warrior of a very early spawning that had the audacity to stand up to one of Tepok's commands. As punishment, he was exiled and was to be killed on sight if spotted anywhere near the temple cities again.
    In a rage, he stalked the landscape until he stumbled upon a hatching coatal egg. Coatals were the favoured beasts of Tepok. As an act of revenge, he slew the infant as it took its first breath.
    Tepok felt this murder, hunted the saurus himself and locked him within the space between warp gates for centuries, the perfect prison that even kept the release of death at bay.
    As Chaos spilled through the gates and the Old Ones left the world, the saurus was released. Desperate to taste enemy blood once more, he killed countless chaotic creatures, saving many of his race. He was rewarded with semi-freedom by the Slann who could never trust him. His prison between worlds made him susceptible to the corruptions of chaos but also brought him the closest any lizardman has ever come to the home of the gods. As a mark of his treachery the severed wing of the infant Coatal he murdered is permanently fused to his flesh and he remains chained in the underground tombs of a secluded temple until he is called upon to fight.

    The Dragon Star of Tepok:

    This oldblood gained fame for his befriending of one of the mightiest Coatals in the jungle. The Saurus himself is rarely seen and is said to spend every waking hour studying and meditating at the secret and secluded home of the coatals in the deepest section of Lusrtia. Though the Coatal, Tepozi, can never be truly tamed, he will come to his friends side whenever he is needed
    The saurus is seen to always be carrying his long spear based mace and has only one eye, a mark of his entry into the coatals' lair. He is the youngest, but is the leader of the brethren.

    (more to come, with photos as I have made these models. If you want to add your own characters to this brethren, go ahead. I need more ideas.)
  2. Slanny*are*tranny
    Cold One

    Slanny*are*tranny New Member

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    here is my guy im making fluff for my and i thought i could share my leaders with you


    varjutus was born in a odd circumstance he was spawned with a group of mages in the middle of lustria hunted by Coatals under guidance of tepok only he survived. when he arrived at the temple tepok himself came upon him as a giant winged snake giving him many gifts most importantly the great staff of tepok purpura with that he could blast beams of pure power with that he began assembling a great sacred host to protect the temple during the war against chaos most were killed but the temple stood and to this day the remaining guards with varjutus protect the temple for if tepok returns he will want his temple as his home
  3. theodmino

    theodmino New Member

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    I don't wanna be rude, but can this be sort of a "thing" were we all post different fluffs about our charachters? I just really love to read these things and I have a few of them myself that someone might be crazy enough to find interesting.

    By the way, it was a really well crafted story, mate. I really enjoyed it.

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