I already posted here once, but here is my official hello. I play Wood elves as my main army, and ogres as a secondary army. The ogres are actually my "painting/modeling" pride, since I have a lot of time invested in the models which are old rackham wolfen minis. I've wanted to do Lizardmen for a while now and have finally gotten into them. I have played one game so far and I definitely enjoy them as another play style. Eventually I will bring them to tournament play but for now they are my spare time army. Can't wait to start contributing since I have been lurking around this forum for a couple of months now . Oh yeah, and there are ALOT of emotocons lol!
Welcome aboard. I look forward to your input/questions. I wouldn't mind seeing your Ogre army either. My second army is Ogres (not painted yet). Third army is VC. Fourth army is O &G. Fifth army will be.... (not sure yet, maybe beastmen as I have that book already).
Hi there! Ogres are my bane, maybe you could throw some tips my way? Welcome to the board, I tend to avoid most of the emotes... they scare me!
Hello and welcome to L.O. I just picked up a couple army boxes, regiments, and blisters of Ogres. Played a couple skirmishes and would very well like your advice and tips too.
Your Bane? Really? Wow, I must be playing mine the wrong way then. I have a pretty good record with my Lizardmen (haven't played the VC enough yet), but my Ogres usually lose. I have seen other players play my list of Ogres better than I do. It may be my play style or something. Anyway, I agree about the emotes.
Yea, I can help out with some ogre tips, I am also apart of ogre stronghold (to a degree). And ogres aren't really that big of a deal, you just need to know which units to hit first and which units to avoid. Ogres have a lot of small magic tactics that they use to get you to spend up your dispel dice, and against a magic heavy army like lizardmen they will use up all of those tactics. I really would like to post pictures, I am still converting and painting some stuff, but I REALLY need to invest in a digital camera or a smartphone. Thanks for all of the greetings!