Subtle signs your wife/girlfriend disapproves of your hobby

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by sevensevensare49, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    I use Photobucket. Flickr doesn't seem to work as you need the true URL of the picture (at least I can't get Flickr to work). Just upload to your Photobucket account, click on the picture's true URL to copy it. Then open LO's forums to the desired post reply (or make your own). Click the "pic" tab up above the reply area and paste the true URL link inbetween the brackets: So it would look something like:


    Hope this helps.
  2. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    My ex used to call the figures "puppets"...
    I took her to our gaming club once, she just laughed because she tought it was ridiculous and went for a walk. When I texted her to ask when she was coming back she replied that she wasn't... I can understand not liking this hobby, but that was just plain disrespectful...
  3. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    That really does seem pretty inconsiderate. Although I think most people have had their run ins with people who judge you for playing this game, I usually just combat that with at least im not on drugs XD
  4. CarpetRacer

    CarpetRacer New Member

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    Well, to get an Ogre and LM army both to around 2500 pts, it costs maybe $1000 (US). Typical smoker spends 3500$ on cigs, not including all the associated medical costs, etc. So........ Also, unlike the vices, you can actually turn a profit on the models if you're good with a brush. :)
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I'm actually not sure you can ever get a profit on a painted model really. Sure if you are an amazing painter you might be able to sell a model for more than you bought it, but for the time it takes to get a model up to that standard, it takes so long that your hourly rate works out very very small and it turns out you are better off doing some other kind of job for your time instead. They do it because they enjoy it though, so nothing wrong there.
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Strewart is right. When I look at my armies, I see a lot of painting that is needed. I currently own 4 different armies. Lizardmen (about 5k worth, about 50% painted), Ogre Kingdoms (3k ish, not painted), VC (2.5k ish, about 20% painted), and O&G (about 3k, in major need of repainting).

    I do not see at this point selling any of them. If I do, I would not expect to get more than I paid for them. However, I do have some duplicates that could get me a little way toward what I have into some of the models. I bought the majority of my armies from ebay or craigslist. I have purchased maybe $100 in models directly from GW.

    The time that I put into trolling ebay, craigslist, and actually converting and painting amount to quite alot of my time in the hobby.

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