G'day, welcome to Lustria Online! It looks very interesting, but with a black undercoat it is quite hard to make out any details. Is that a wyvern head I spot? I would probably try to paint it like some kind of snake. I look forward to seeing a bit of paint on it. What do you plan to use it as in battles?
yeah its that head , im just currently re doing the crest at mo , ive green stuffed the whole crest and didi lines up and down all the way along it, looks quite good at moment , as to what to use it as im going to wait till i get my storm of magic book and have a good look throught it to see if theres a set of rules to suit it, and then use it as a bound monster .
I have always loved Blood Pythons and this look could go well for you I think. i would probably do something different with the head but the body colors would look great.
Looks awesome! You could probably use whatever rule set you wanted for it. Can't wait to see it painted.
Looks like an electric eel to me, so this may be appropriate. However, i think it is more important that it looks nice with the rest of your army. if you could post some pics of that, maybe we could have some more input for you
Looks pretty good. Will look better painted. I second with Strewart that any snake colors would work well on it. Sweet blood python picture goat. I myself have a few corn snakes.
In my local Games Workshop I took a look at some of the scrolls of binding and not a snaky thing in sight. However, I love converting stuff mentioned in the army book, like the guardian in the map of one of the cities and the Thunder Lizard (nearly finished, will show it soon). However one that captured my attention was the Coatl- a beast with the body and head of a snake but the feathered wings of an eagle. Blessed of Tepok, I loved the description given and set out to make my own. Sadly, I succumbed to temptation when saw a small one on Ebay for £6.00. However, stick some wings on your monster and it will look just like what I had in mind. (you can get wings in the Warhammer Bitz section of the website.)