Blog Something Big this way comes....(***For Sale***)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by strategiccommand, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. lustria

    lustria Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    ohhh....will it be lizardmen themed? :)
    Lizerd likes this.
  2. strategiccommand

    strategiccommand New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    Thanks mates!!! Ok so here is an update... after taking a week and a half off for a vacation at the beach...I am building a crate to ship this sucker in... No sense making all nice and perfect without a way to get it there... THEN all I need to do for the rest of the month is touch up and OH yeah all those trees.....I figure I will use a MATT finish on them and then airbrush a little to vary up the colors and then ink the trunks... should be enough to make them look less fake...

    oh and as for the next big project...yes it will be lizardman....I was thinking a GIANT Terrodon with sky diving skinks... LOL....Much like the Tau Manta! LOL. Or a Lizardmen Navy of Temple ships for crossing the oceans of the Old World.
    Lizerd likes this.
  3. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    Alright! Keep this up and Im gonna have to visit you! It's a WARHAMMER ROAD TRIP.
    Lizerd likes this.
  4. ArmyC

    ArmyC New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    how do you post pics here.

    I have a wip like this to show?

    Do I have to host them?
    Lizerd likes this.
  5. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    I'm sure that any new project you decide to work on will be amazing and grab our full attention. If I may, I'd like to make a humble request/suggestion for the next project. Maybe for the next one you could do Nakai (bottom of p.14) or a coatl (bottom of p.16) or better yet to go right along with the thunder lizard you could do a great sea monster/serpent as described at the bottom of p.19. As I said, whatever you choose I'm sure will prove most magnificent anyway :)
    Lizerd likes this.
  6. LordBlunt
    Jungle Swarm

    LordBlunt New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***)

    I registered so that I too may express my thanks and appreciation for your craft!

    Quite possibly the best conversion/diorama that I have ever come across that is Lizardmen related.

    Well, WELL done!!!
  7. strategiccommand

    strategiccommand New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    Well my friends.... 7 months ago I had a crazy its just down to fixing up the paint on my suarus warriors for the board....then box it up and get on a plane next Friday for Chicago.

    I will be taking pics sometime soon before I leave and during Games day.

    IF ANYONE needs tickets I have them.

    Lizerd likes this.
  8. Zach

    Zach New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    coolest conversion i have seen in a LONG time. is the rules that you can use for this so it is cool in a friendly game. i am a huge fan
    Lizerd likes this.
  9. Tess.Ashpool
    Jungle Swarm

    Tess.Ashpool New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    The (KSS) Kroxigor Steering System really sealed the deal for me and it has only gotten better since then. This is the coolest conversion I've ever seen and I can't wait to see the finished pics.
    Lizerd likes this.
  10. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    There are rules earlier on in the thread.
    Not sure where.
    And i'm not sure if they've been tested or not.
    Lizerd likes this.
  11. strategiccommand

    strategiccommand New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    Yes there are rules and they have been changed a bunch of times. With Storms of Magic out the cost fort he beast has dropped by half 700pts now...BUT you need to buy upgrades which can easily get you back up to 1200-1400 points :) LOL

    I am working on fixing the upgrade list and fine tuning the rules for it and will post them up after Games Day where I present them to GW :) LOL.

    Finally pictures will be coming this week as I finish the last of my touch up on my troops and I will show you the crates my father in law made for me...WOW looks like I am shipping weapons LOL.
    Lizerd likes this.
  12. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    You ARE shipping weapons!! Just that big behemoth alone is a WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction!) not to mention. .oh.. I don't know.. the SLANN or the KROXIGORS... or.. hmm.. let me see.. the SKINK PRIEST AND THE EOG and the FLEET OF TERRADONS?!?!?! lol.. yep.. you ARE shipping weapons! :p
    Lizerd likes this.
  13. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 22th***)

    @ strategiccommand: Hey, I'll be at Games Day as well and I'm gonna try to scope you out and introduce myself. I'll be looking forward to seeing this thing in all it's monstrous glory. Hoping to have something ready for the painting competition but not sure if that's going to happen or not. Either way, I'm excited about being there and seeing all the cool things going on. I'll make sure to find you, looking forward to it.
    Lizerd likes this.
  14. strategiccommand

    strategiccommand New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    Well packed and ready to go... Plane leaves at 11:00am then off to Games day... for those of you waiting for pictures I will be taking them and uploading from Games Day. For those others that wanted to see the rules... here is the most up to date rules for the Thunder Lizard using a lot of information from the Storms of Magic.

    I hope you enjoy them...


    Thunder Lizard = 700pts

    Little is known about the solitary Thunder Lizards. They roam the jungles of Lustria peacefully grazing on large swathes of rainforest trees and foliage. There is little chance of seeing one of these rare beasts in a lifetime of exploration, but those that do tremble at its size and sheer strength. Now with the Storms of Magick once again rippling across the World of Warhammer, these creatures have heard their calling within the Great Plan of the Old Ones. And they have made their way to temple cities where they now carry the Lizardman armies to battle.

    M WS BS S T W I A LD
    8 6 0 10 10 12 2 6 5/*9
    (*Thunder Lizard uses the Slann’s LD while he is alive, if purchased)

    Monstrous Creature

    Special Rules:

    * Slann Driver
    * 10D6 + 1 Impact Hits
    * 2+ Scaly Skin Save
    * Terror
    * Devastating Charge
    * Large Target
    * Multiple Wounds (D6)
    * Cold Blooded
    * Unbreakable
    * Thunder Stomp
    * Uncontrollable
    * Trample Terrain
    * Massive
    * “I think you made it mad!”
    * Thick Hide
    * Trample, Stomp...
    * Thunder Roar
    * Siege Tower

    Slann Driver: If equipped with platforms, the Thunder Lizard must have a Slann driver; This Slann can only cast one spell per turn and cannot cast any offensive spells since he must concentrate completely on keeping the Thunder Lizard under control.

    Uncontrollable: If the driver is killed, at the beginning of every Lizardmen turn, the Thunder Lizard must take a leadership test. If it is passed you control the beast as normal. If it is failed, the beast breaks free of its control and charges the nearest visible unit (friend or foe!). Next turn you roll a D6 to attempt to regain control. For each spell caster you have you can reduce the target number by 1 (if you do so they cannot cast magic this round). Now roll a D6, on a 4+ you have successfully regained control. If you failed then it must once again charge the nearest visible unit and next turn you must attempt to regain control only this time on 5+ and it decreases every turn it stays out of control until it reaches 7+. It has gone beyond all reach and it remains out of control for the rest of the game.

    Massive: The thought of killing something this gargantuan with a single blow is laughable. The Thunder Lizard is immune to Killing Blow and Heroic Killing Blow. Also subtract 3 from the amount of wounds an attack would cause if it causes multiple wounds, to a minimum of 1. Poisons are also less effective against the Thunder Lizard due to the amount of time it takes to travel through its bloodstream and take effect. If a poisoned attack rolls a 6 to hit it merely gains +2 to its roll to wound instead. While its size makes it harder to kill it makes it easier to see. Any shooting attacks gain +2 to hit against the Thunder Lizard.

    Trample Terrain: A Thunder Lizard is capable of trampling terrain under foot as it advances across the battlefield. Terrain does not affect the Thunder Lizard. Before the game begins, decide which terrain the Thunder Lizard can crush and how easily it can. A simple forest may only be a 2+ while a fortress wall could be a 5+. If it is passed remove the piece of terrain from the board. Troops garrisoning a trampled building immediately take D6 Strength 6 hits per level of the building.

    “I think you made it mad!…”: If an uncontrolled Thunder Lizard suffers any unsaved wounds from a shooting attack it immediately moves D6 inches towards the unit that caused it.

    Thick Hide: Even if you pierce the Thunder Lizard’s scales, there is still a chance that you won’t cut deep enough to do damage. A Thunder Lizard has a 5+ Ward save.

    Damage: Damage against the Thunder Lizard is rolled as on the Stegadon hit table (crew or beast). If you roll and it hits a platform, randomize the hit with a D6. There are 6 platforms so assign a number to each for the game. Specific platforms can be targeted for -2 to hit and then roll against the Stegadon D6 table to see if you hit the beast or the targeted platform. Troops riding a Thunder Lizard are immune to psychology and do not take panic tests.

    Trample, Stomp...: The Thunder Lizard cannot be stopped by units who engage it in Hand to Hand Combat. A unit that attacks or is attacked by a Thunder Lizard sustains 1D6+* Strength 10 hits (* = the ranks of the unit being attacked.) Work out damage and saves as normal. Each turn the Thunder Lizard moves will cause stomp attacks. Those models that engage the Thunder Lizard in Melee Combat will be allowed to wheel and attack the Sides of the beast for as long as it remains touching their bases. Because of the height of the Thunder Lizard all units that are in Melee with the Thunder Lizard as still able to be targeted from ranged weapons from the javelins and blow guns from the Skinks aboard.

    Thunder Roar: (ONCE PER GAME) The Thunder Lizard's roar will break all enemies and non lizardman on the board. So deafening, loud and terrifying that all enemies or armies other them Lizardmen must make an immediate leadership check at a -4 modifier. If enemy units break and runs they run in a random direction per the scatter die arrow 2d6 inches. If enemy or ally units were in close combat and flee but their opponent passed their LD check they may attempt to pursue and cut down the terrified enemies. The following round all units fleeing can regroup and roll to reform.

    Siege Tower: The Thunder Lizard is so tall that troops on the platforms can use it as a siege tower and can exit them onto castle battlements and towers as if it was a siege tower.

    Optional Equipment:
    Slann Driver (1): 100pts If any additional upgrades are purchased you MUST purchase the Slann Driver.
    Poison Spitter Howdahs (2): 100pts see page 55 in the Warhammer Armies Book for stats
    Terradon Roost and Rock Bin (3): 30pts each
    Skink Priests: (up to four extra): 65pts+ extras see Page 93 in Warhammer Armies Book.
    Skink Braves: (up to four extra): 8pts
    Tail Skull Spike Weapon: 25pts
    The Supreme Engine of the Gods (1): 75pts Much like the regular engine of the gods but stronger.
    • The Supreme Arcane Configuration: Choose any two (2) Lores of Magic from the Warhammer rulebook. All casting values for the spells from those lores are reduced by four (4). These effects last until the beginning of the player’s next Magic phase.
    • The Supreme Burning Alignment: All enemy units within 4D6” even if engaged in close combat take 2D6 Strength 8 hits with no armour save allowed. Undead, Daemons, and Forest Spirits units take 2D6 Strength 9 hits with no armour save allowed.
    • The Portent of Warding: All friendly units within 12” receive a 3+ ward save from any ranged attacks that originate from more than 12” away.
    • Power of the Supreme Engine of the Gods: All Skink priests that are on the SEotG are counted as a wizard two levels higher for the purpose of generation power dice and dispel dice. And for determining the maximum number of dice he may use to cast a spell.
    • The Supreme Solar Apex: Three per game (starting in the second turn and skipping a turn to recharge) the SEotG can harness the direct force of the sun, and focus it thought the crystal power source. The resulting super heated beam of blinding light will hit all units, structures, and terrain directly ahead, there is no max distance for this. The beam is 6” wide and can be fired at a slight angle if needed. Use the front arc of the weapons gat to determine the max angle. All units that are struck suffers 4D6 Strength 5 hits and will have their BS score halved from blindness for the next shooting phase. All structures are destroyed and any units inside take 5D6 Strength 5 hits from the crumbling masonry as it collapses on them. Wooden terrain is burned to ash this includes forests, houses, huts etc. Stone is blasted apart and a path of scorched earth is all that remains.
    Lizerd and Warden like this.
  15. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    Did I miss what the tail skull spike does?
    Or doesn't it do anything?
    Lizerd likes this.
  16. Overhamsteren

    Overhamsteren Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    Haha some pretty awesome ideas there, think it should cost around 3000pts though. :pompus:

    Also some protection from instant death(pit of shadows etc.) then.
    Lizerd likes this.
  17. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    Good luck at Games Day! I think it will win. Very nice stuff.
    Lizerd likes this.
  18. Infyra

    Infyra New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    Yes, although the rules are very cool and the model is by far one of the best made conversions I have EVER seen, you can beef out a lone slann for around 600 pts that cannot do anywhere near the mayhem that this beast could. I could see this walking through an entire army on its own. 3000 pts may be excessive too but definitely more than 700.

    Awesome work thought
    Lizerd likes this.
  19. Morikun

    Morikun New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    :jawdrop: What a fantastic miniature !!

    When I saw it I lost my english (my french too !!) and all my words !!

    Félicitations mon cher Maître Strategiccommand !!

    Lizerd likes this.
  20. strategiccommand

    strategiccommand New Member

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    Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***)

    OK so final update... I am back home in Boston and the results are that I won the last chance qualifying round securing my spot in the finals. I came in second place to one of our own forum mates here on Lustria online with his OUTSTANDING lizardman army.

    Congrats to...him I do not remember his name but to lose to him and be next in line is an honor in itself.

    His armies pictures on in my slide show of pics.... 2011/?albumview=slideshow

    As for the rules they are being revised again after talking with a lot of GW staffers and other gamers.... Though I can say the inital 700 pts is just for the beast itself then when you upgrade and add equipment it will be 1500pts easy.
    Lizerd likes this.

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