Just thought I would show a couple projects I just started yesterday. I know these aren't Lizardmen themed, though I will be doing a temple soon. These scenery's are work-in-process for a campaign I am starting in a few weeks. These are based on the 6th edtion Generals Compendium from GW. These are Orc Huts. I am making a total of 5 and have photo'd a "step by step" process. I have a few more Orcish items to add then I will glue sand to the base and spray undercoat. Next is a wooden "hastened" fort. I placed a model to show a scale representation. Again.. it's a work in process. I also have a "step by step" of photo's for this. I have the towers and the sides of the fort to do yet as well as the gates. This is my first attempt at creating either of these and I will be posting updates as I have them. Enjoy the pics!
Re: My Custom Made Scenery Projects & Progress Nice ones. I am really interested in step by step guide for the huts. I believe some sort of these huts cam be used for skink jungle village as well.
Re: My Custom Made Scenery Projects & Progress Sure thing! Also, this is a reminder that these are inspired by the ones GW made in the General's Compendium. 1) First I found some proportionate paper cups. I chose slightly larger ones as I thought as opposed to a single-living occupancy, each orc hut would be able to accomodate 3 orcs. Just a preferance. I cut the tops off (which would be the bottom of the hut - be careful to cut fairly straight) leaving the bottom (hut top) intact. Also, using a miniature for size-guide, cut out a rectangle door. **Please note this is a deviation from GW's Generals Compendium which cut the bottom of the cup out and instead of my method, used a "center pole" for roof - more on this later** 2) Find some thin cloth that you (or your significant other) doesn't mind cutting up. If you have burlap or something equivalent, it should add good texture. 3) I had some old cloth netting laying around that I used for the "door". It doesnt' have to be this, you can use regular cloth or even if you have an extra army banner in your bits box. If you use cloth, cut the bottom of the door so it's jagged and looks torn and well-used/old. 4) For the bases, I cut cardboard circles - these happen to be from boxes that swimming-pool inner tubes were in. I cut it so about 2" of extra base was left around the outside of the orc hut. ***NOTE*** You will want a wet paper-towel or old washcloth for cleaning your hands readied as well. So, here is what we have so far: 5) next up is mixing watered-down pva glue. This is a judgement call, but in a separate paper cup (or something you don't plan on drinking from later) pour in a little water (I had 2-3 inches) and then mix pva glue and stir. The outcome should look like a milky-white mix. 6) Next, using the cloth (if used) doors completely soak in the pva-mixture one at a time, lifting up and letting some of the liquid drop off. The styling is up to you. Some of the "doors", I folded/creased areas to give a billowing effect. Next, attach each "door" just above the huts walkthrough opening. This can be a bit tricky as your hands will be wet from pasty glue. After each door, I cleaned off my hands with the wet washcloth. 7) Next up, cut small cardboard squares. Glue these together and place in the center of the roof. These are to represent the centerpole. Make sure this is higher than the sides of the cup to create a peak. (** this was the deviation from General's Compendium as they used an actual center pole. I find that my method is less tedious and easier to do... but feel free to do either way or create your own!**) 8) Next, glue 4 or 5 roof support beams as shown. Note - I find it better to have one centered on the doorway for a more natural look. When that is completed, glue the hut to its base. 9) Cut random sizes of thin fabric. This will be used to represent leather covering the hut. 10) Like the fabric we did for the doors, dip the cut-out pieces into the glue-mixture. (things will get messy. Placing some old newspapers underneath would help protect tables etc.) Apply pieces to the sides of the hut first. I suggest working from the ground up as to create a nice layered effect. 11) Next work on the roof. In a circular pattern, work from the outside to inside with the final piece centered on the roof. 12) Now, cut out some cardboard to use as wooden support. Frame the outside of the doorway and also on 2 or 3 sides, glue a "support beam" from the ground to the bottom of the roof. Also cut a small "leaning support" for those side poles. Also for some added look, glue some rocks to the base around the hut or whatever "orcish" things you'd like. I will be gluing shields to the walls and weapons leaning against the huts. 13) once you have the look you want it and after it's completely dried, undercoat it and paint as desired.
Here are some pics of the orc huts decorated with different bits. Now all is ready for the undercoat, painting, then basing with gravel and sand. Enjoy the pics!
I think the idea is great. Super cheap, super easy, and good looking. In my opinion that is what scenery should be. You hit them all on the head. Are you going to paint the wall or will you leave it as is? I think painting the wall will help bring it away from the backyard and on to 28mm scale battlefield table.
Thank you for the compliments! And you've got what my idea was - to create cheap (things that most people will have just laying around the home), an easy method and not that time consuming yet looks good and effective on the battlefield. I also wanted to show others how to do this to help their creative sides with making terrain (not necessarily just orc huts). Yes, I will be painting the entire set - including the walls. I just finished spraying undercoat and waiting for it to dry. When I get some paint on them, I'll post more pics. Here are a couple beginning pics of me painting the huts: Here's a closer look at the orc chief's hut: What I'm trying to acheive is a dirty leather look. Please note that these are not finished yet as I am seeing if I like the way they turned out. Any comments or suggestions?
The paint looks good. I would streak a few different browns on to the huts. It will make them look more realistic and less standard. Did you spray it with gloss black? Will you cover up the gloss with all flats or have some gloss showing?
Yes, it is a gloss black. I thought I would try it and see what all I could do with it. Generally I use a matt undercoat. I've got a little more detailed painting done. I may try to post more pics of it tomorrow or Monday. Again, thank you for the compliments and more importantly the suggestions! It's really appreciated. So far, I'm fairly pleased with the way they are turning out. I'll do some different tone streaking on a hut as you suggested to see if I can get a varied yet realistic appeal. Thanks again!
Thank you very much! I have done some detailed painting on a couple of them already. I should be able to post progress pids on these tomorrow evening. As for the fort, we had a couple big storms hit here with lots of "potential fort logs", however Im going to finish the orc huts first and allow the wood to dry out more.
Thank you very much! I've got the other 4 worked on and should have some more finished pics tomorrow or Wednesday.
VERY cool looking hut! It does indeed look far better finished. Nice work. And that looks like a rather oldschool Orc to live in the hut.
Those turned out awesome. Who would have thought stuff laying around would turn in to something cool?
Thanks guys for the compliments. I'm actually enjoying creating scenery more than I am painting my miniatures. lol. Maybe becuase it's something different and I really like creative challenges. One thing I dont' think I've mentioned is that all the paint I've used was cheap Wal-Mart paint from the Apple Barrel paint line. Don't worry Strewart - next pics up, I'll use a more up-to-date orc. hehe. Last night, I actually dreamt of a way to make skink huts! (yeah.. guess I'm crazy like that!). Once these are done, I may focus my energy on making those. Again, thank you all for your comments!