This is what I have painted so far. Slann: Black and Silver Carnosaur: Red and Black Carnosaur: Skink Chiefs: Oldblood Stand in: Scar Vet Stand in: Saurus Warriors: So, that's what I've got, thus far.
Nice colour scheme on the Slann, and I really like the red and black striped carnosaur! Great work. I think the metal one you should mute the metallic effect a little bit, keep it but make it less metallic with a little grey and some wash. Actually you should get some wash or ink for all your models. They have a nice base at the moment, but adding a bit of wash is very fast and easy, it will quickly and simply add some shading and depth to your painting and make those models look a lot better for very little investment. Definitely worth it.
I have to agree with Strewart....(lol). Anyway, he is right. Great colors. I love bright colors in Fantasy armies. The washes will add detail to the models as well.
What is that Oldblood! Oh My goodness. That thing is a monster. Could you get a few close ups of that model?
When I get a chance, I'll get some close ups. The model itself is from Reaper's Reptus army from their Warlord line. Pretty sweet figure, I think.
Good looking models so far. I have to also agree with Strewart and Arli though, washing will definitely enhance the models.
Have to agree, very nice looking krox! I see evidence of ink/wash and the skin and scales look great. I'd probably get a bit of brown wash onto the gold areas and the wood of the weapons as well though.
Well, couldn't decide how I wanted to paint the temple guard, so I tried a couple different schemes here: #1: #2 And the two side by side: Also have a TG WIP that's the same scheme as my saurus warriors; light blue bottom, dark blue scales, gold trim and red shields. Thinking that the rank and file TG will be the standard color, with unit champions being a one off. Dunno yet.