I like the colors of my skinks. But my bases are seriously lacking. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Chibi_Mushi/Lizardmen/Colored-Skink.gif This is one of my first four models i've ever painted (i only have a total of 10 completely done). I like my colors, but the base looks awful. And it looks even worse in person. I think it really takes away from the model. They would look way more alive on a more complex and real looking base. I need some tips. It seems like everyone's army i look at here has nice bases or no basing done. No one seems to be as bad at basing as me. I'd like a swamp theme for the skinks. But i need base tips for bases for my whole army. So if you don't mind, show me your bases and tell me how you did them. Even if your base is simple. I've never done a base before and I will most likely go with something simple that I can actually do. The bases from n810's Amazingly Epic Lizardman Army thread are everything i want from a base. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/amazingly-epic-lizardman-army.7142/
Here's how I base most my models: first I glue on around 2 patches of sand. When this is dry, I coat them with thinned down pva glue (so it won't crumble off). Then I paint the sand, in whatever way is neccesary or that base (right now I basecoat them with scorched brown and drybrush with snakebite leather). Next I cover the rest of the base with flock: I sprinkle the flock on the glue, and after quite an even coat i just grab some flock and push it on, so I'm sure everything is covered xD. Finally I paint the rim in whatever colour suits me, but usually I repaint it black. Also, little details like a bigger rock or a head etc go a long way in adding more diversity to your bases. Ofcourse, it depends on the size of the base, and the theme for your army. Example, when I have some greenstuff leftovers that I have no use for, I just sculpt it into tiny coins or plaques for my Lizardmen bases. Hope I helped a bit.
Didymus bases are pretty nice and I'm about to start using his method. I've finished about 16 skinksn now. I'd really like to put them on some kind of a swamp or heavy jungle looking base. But I kinda want to do some basing on these 16 asap. So I'll wait a few more days, and if i don't get any bites, I'll use Didymus method. Though it's not quite what i had in mind for my skinks. Thanks Didymus.
If you want to go more jungle-themed you can just glue pieces of plastic aquariumplants on your bases. I don't have any experience with swamp bases though.
If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out this link. It's an entire Lizarmen army in albino. The first half of picture has his bases in just gravel. But the second half has lots of jungle themed bases. Enjoy! http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173548
Yes! That is what I'm looking for. Where did you get those plants? Are they just fake plants from walmart all cut up or are they like fish bowl stuff. How about the rocks and the little frog creatures and lizrads? I need the "how to" as well as ther result.
Sorry - I just provided a link. Those are not my work. I'd suggest, though, since you have some quesitons, place a post on Warseer in that thread. Im sure the owner of the pics/army can shed some light on the subject matter. Good luck!
The last post in that thread was in '09. My hopes are lost. But his bases are so cool! Best I've seen for sure.
I reconise those plants they are cut up pieces of aquarium plants. spend a bit of time in a pet/aquarium store your sure to find somthing you can use. As for basing methods there are a large amount of tutorials out there just keep doing searches. here is one I found just now by googling making swamp bases http://www.necrotales.com/necroTutorials/tut_swamps_and_craters_01.php. Most important of all just keep at it and it all comes together in the end. Stu