sorry I'm used to 40k where it works this way and only have the 6th edition rule books but if I have a blade of realities and maiming shield does that extra attack follow the blade of realities spell rule? also same question with an extra ccw?
oh okay so it's more like the powerfist rule then. okay here is another one when you have kroxigors in a unit of skinks, because the kroxigors have fear does that mean that the unit will not be effected by another fear causing unit?
I like to think of it as my character has his attacks with the Blade of Realities, causing leadership tests where it hits and then a bonus one attack when he bashes them with the Maiming Shield.
Actually, if you look at the rules for the maiming shield it specifically says at the base strength of the user, which assumes at the base stats of the user. So it is not quite like a power fist, but yes basically same principle. And yeah the additional attack for extra HW only applies to a hand weapon as the first weapon not to a magic weapon, as described under the weapons section in the main rulebook. In the case of mixing fear, you will find that while it does make the whole unit immune to fear, it does not make the whole unit cause fear. This is important for working out unit strength at the end of a combat for the purposes of 'beaten and outnumbered by fear', where the enemy will automatically flee barring insane courage. For example, if you have 3 Kroxigors in a unit of 10 skinks, you only count the unit strength of the 3 kroxigors as fear causing, not the unit strength of the skinks. I know most has already been answered, I just think it is more useful to new players to explain why and give a general point at where the rule can be found. Helps with future queries. Good luck with WHFB!
the 8 to 1 requirement is if you are taking the krox as the special option on the core skink unit I believe that you can still join the units but they count as a special unit and you can join it with the core unit, paying the appropriate costs, etc
You are completely right, my example was for the purposes of unit strength not legal units. Though if some skinks fell casualty to shooting that unit size would ber possible.. In any case, in my example you could substitute '10 skinks' for '24 skinks' and it wouldn't make much difference.