I take ages to paint. I take so long my slann will be another hundred years old before I'm done *rimshot. Anywho... I'm currently doing some test models to see how the colors are going to run across my units. I have a few more yet to do, but the 'core' is done. The idea is that my army is lead by an extremely old and aging slann, nestled in his also very old TG. The rest of the army is fairly young and the colors should represent that. Here's what I've got so far. http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/247882-.html The temple guard and regular saurus differ from each other agewise so I tried to make the temple guard look a lot older. They've lost a lot of pigment and I think the test came out okay. http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/247883-.html I'm thinking bright orange/yellows for the skinks? They'll have black scales for sure though. I'm going for a poison arrow frog look for them. I noticed most people paint 'into' the scales. I'm trying to avoid that and I'm leaving really light colors under the scales to show through.The salamander is going to be a surprise, going to try something a bit odd with him.
Re: The Really Old Ones, WIP I really like your color scheme, most notably your TG - aged white with dark red, good connected contrasts. In regards to your saurus; I like the colors and think they would look good blocked and fielded. Would you consider washing the scales or the undersides, to give more of a separation. The colors are good, just imo a more diffinitive separation as both colors are light. (not being picky, just offering suggestions) By the way - TOTALLY understand about taking ages to paint.. Im 7 years behind on some of my armies. Your steg looks great! Gives me ideas for when I get mine converted. Thanks for the pics and hope to see more progress!
Re: The Really Old Ones, WIP Those are some great looking models you have. Really like the colors you have chosen. Don't feel so bad about taking forever to paint, you're not alone.
Re: The Really Old Ones, WIP I love the colors on the Saurus - they are the same colors that I'm using - great minds think alike I guess I'll post some photos on my army blog today, http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/old-schooler-new-to-lizzies.5025/
I finished my Slann. I'm fairly happy with him. The shading doesn't show up quite as well in the pics. http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/253056-.html http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/253057-.html http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/253058-.html I don't really like how clunky his throne is. I kinda prefer his paintcup
Great painting on all the models, some pictures of the slann base would be good. The outcome you get is great, I think you should stay slow at painting rather than spoiling the look of your army.